
O beauty with soft flowing hair

يا حسن ذا سلسبيل زها

1. O beauty with soft flowing hair
Whose water is sweeter than sugar

١. يا حُسنَ ذا سَلسَبيلٌ زَها
وَماؤُهُ أَحلى مِنَ السّكَّرِ

2. Where the brave minister, master of generosity
Built it with great expense of marble

٢. حَيثُ الوَزيرُ الشّهم رَبّ النّدى
بَناهُ بِالغالي مِنَ المَرمَرِ

3. And God will reward him with good reward
For that good, on the day of gathering

٣. وَاللَّهُ يَجزيهِ بِحُسنِ الجزا
بِذلكَ الخَيرِ لَدى المَحشَرِ

4. So it is for us a sheltering pillar
And God will give him drink from the Abundance

٤. فَهوَ لَنا أَرّخته واصلٌ
وَاللّه يَسقيهِ مِنَ الكَوثَرِ