
I am the one who met them where the valleys lie

أنا الذي للواحي حيث قابلهم

1. I am the one who met them where the valleys lie
And now avoids and fears their fickleness

١. أَنا الّذي لِلواحي حَيثُ قابَلَهم
أَضحى يُداريهِم وَيَخشى تقوُّلَهم

2. And where about his love he asked of them
They said your lover is sick, and so I told them

٢. وَحَيث عَن حِبِّه قَد كانَ سائلَهم
قَالوا حَبيبُكَ مَحمومٌ فَقُلت لَهُم

3. I am the one whose love was cause of his fever
Be not surprised that the blaze was part of me

٣. أَنا الّذي كُنت في حِمّائِهِ سبَبا
لا تَعجَبوا فَلظىً كَالجزءِ مِن خَلَدي

4. And worldly fire is like my body's limb
Since he visited when love all my skin did sear

٤. وَإِنَّ نارَ الدُّنى كَالبعضِ مِن جَسدي
مُذ زَارَني بَعدَ أَن أَفنى الهَوى جلَدي

5. I embraced him though fire raged in my liver
So that fire did mark him, and he caught aflame

٥. عانَقتُهُ وَلَهيبُ النَّارِ في كَبِدي
فَأَثَّرت فيهِ تِلكَ النّارُ فَاِلتَهَبا