
All the sons of Sawwaf are no doubt perfect,

وكل بني الصواف لا شك كامل

1. All the sons of Sawwaf are no doubt perfect,
And the best of them is Shihm, the most glorious and splendid.

١. وكلّ بَني الصوّافِ لا شكّ كامِل
وَأَحمَدُهم شَهمٌ أجلُّ وأمجدُ

2. I praise them throughout the wilderness,
And all the sons of Sawwaf are no doubt the best.

٢. وَإِنّي لَهُم دونَ البريَّةِ حامِدٌ
وَكُلُّ بَني الصوّافِ لا شكَّ أَحمدُ