1. O goodness, this basin in its exhalations
Has certainly narrated musk through its sprinkling
١. يا طيبَ هَذا الحَوضِ في نَفَحاتِهِ
فَلَقَد حَكى بِالنّشرِ مِسْكاً أَذفرا
2. So it is as if in its structure of prose
It recounts the finest pearls in the best order
٢. فَكَأَنّهُ بِبِنائِهِ مِن نَظمِهِ
في أَحسنِ الترتيبِ يَحكي الجَوهَرا
3. And for it Solomon of time has built
Flowing for it water sweeter than sugar
٣. وَلَهُ سُلَيمانُ الزّمان قَدِ اِبتَنى
أَجرى لَهُ ماءً يَفوقُ السكَّرا
4. Pleasant is its drinking where its limpidity has flowed
And it has presented to me a splendid view
٤. قَد طابَ شُرباً حيثُ راقَ زُلالُه
وَلَقَد حَلا أرَّخته لي مَنظَرا