1. Peace that surpasses the garden, wherein flowers blossom,
And is adorned with strings of pearls and gems a-glitter.
١. سَلامٌ يَفوقُ الرّوضَ فيه الأزاهرُ
ويُزري بعِقد الدّرِّ فيه الجواهرُ
2. Peace that emulates the fragrance and breath of musk-
The universe exudes it, and the world is redolent.
٢. سَلامٌ يُحاكي المِسكَ عَرفاً وَنَفحَةً
بِه الكَونُ مَنفوحٌ بِهِ الكونُ عاطِرُ
3. Strange peace in greetings, eloquent and profound,
Its ultimate apex glorious, magnificent, and bright.
٣. سَلامٌ غَريبٌ في التّحايا وَبالِغٌ
نِهايَتَها القُصوى وَباهٍ وباهرُ
4. Peace with which reverence has become a bastion-
Peace with which esteem is ample and abundant.
٤. سَلامٌ بِهِ التوقيرُ أَصبَحَ حائِطاً
سَلامٌ بِهِ التعظيمُ وافٍ ووافرُ
5. Peace encompassing all kinds of beauty-
Peace whose splendor radiates, glows, and shines.
٥. سَلامٌ لِأَنواعِ المَحاسِنِ جامِعٌ
سَلامٌ بديعُ الحسنِ زاهٍ وزاهرُ
6. Alluring peace for the lovers overwhelmed with passion-
The birds chirp as the stars keep vigil through the night.
٦. سَلام مَشوق لِلأَحبَّةِ في الهَوى
يَهيمُ الدّياجي وَالنجومَ يُساهرُ
7. Alluring peace - lost in the predicament of fervent love-
Companion to the beasts roaming the barren site.
٧. سَلامُ مَشوقٍ تاهَ في مَهمَهِ الهَوى
وَصاحَبَ وَحشَ القَفرِ وَهو المسامرُ
8. Peace of a sincere lover, true in his affection-
Who remembers his beloved at every moment and plight.
٨. سَلامُ محبٍّ صادقٍ في وِدادِهِ
وَفي كلِّ وَقتٍ للأحبّة ذاكرُ
9. Peace of an enamored lover, smitten with his beloved-
With it, emotions are evoked and feelings take flight.
٩. سَلام محبٍّ مُغرمٍ بِحَبيبهِ
تَفوهُ بِه عندَ الحَواس المَشاعرُ
10. Peace with which greetings appear as stars-
For it, the full moon, no doubt, illuminates the night.
١٠. سَلامٌ بِهِ تَبدو التحيّاتُ أَنجُماً
وَذاكَ لَها بَدرٌ ولا غَروَ ظاهِرُ
11. Peace with which greetings rise high and climb-
With it, glory is complete and pride is at its height.
١١. سَلامٌ بِهِ تَغلو التحايا وَتَعتَلي
وفيه له عزّاً تتمُّ المفاخرُ
12. Peace with which hearts and minds find delight-
As sights, through it, are gratified and requite.
١٢. سَلامٌ بِهِ أَضحَت تُسَرُّ خواطرٌ
كَما أَصبَحَت فيه تقرُّ النواظرُ
13. Peace upon the loyal bosom friend, pillar of fidelity-
For time, its discerning eye and beholder of our plight.
١٣. سَلامٌ عَلى الخلِّ الوفيّ أَبي الوفا
ومَن هو للأزمان عينٌ وناظرُ
14. Hussein Khalil, of astute intellect, wisdom, and merit-
A bosom friend, above the common and trite.
١٤. حُسين خَليلُ الحِذقِ وَالفهمِ والحِجى
خَليٌّ عَنِ الأَشباهِ أنّى النّظائرُ
15. Eloquent - verses submit to him as handmaidens-
They obey his command, and whatever he recites.
١٥. بَليغٌ لَهُ تَبدو القَوافي خَوادِماً
تُطيعُ لِما يَنهى وَما هوَ آمِرُ
16. Articulate - with him, clouds have been considered barren-
Though, when he speaks, his words illuminate and ignite.
١٦. فَصيحٌ بِهِ سَحبانُ قَد عُدَّ باقِلاً
وَإِن قالَ أمّا بعدُ حين يناظرُ
17. With David's melody and his own sonorous voice-
Sights and insights through him become cheerful and bright.
١٧. بِنَغمَةِ داود بِصَوتِ رَخيمِهِ
بِهِ تبهجُ الأَبصارُ ثمَّ البَصائِرُ
18. When he chants, he revives our bodies and spirits-
Making visible and known what is veiled from our sight.
١٨. إِذا ما شَدانا أَنعَشَ الجِسمَ وَالحَشا
فَيَرقص ما يَخفى وَما هوَ ظاهِرُ
19. So you, O noble lyricist, man of intellect-
Have strung together precious pearls, magnificent and bright.
١٩. فَيا أَيّها النّدبُ النبيلُ أَخو الذّكا
نَظَمت ثَمينَ الدُرِّ والدرّ فاخرُ
20. And gifted me a unique bride of matchless verse-
For the best gifts are poems gifted by a poet of might.
٢٠. وَأَهديتَني مِنهُ عَروساً فَريدةً
وَخَيرُ الهَدايا النظمُ يُهديهِ شاعِرُ
21. Your thoughts forever flow pure in imagination-
Producing therefrom gems and treasures bedight.
٢١. فَلا زالَ مِنكَ الفكرُ يَصفو تَخيُّلاً
فَيبرزُ مِنهُ الدرُّ ثمَّ الجَواهِرُ
22. Live in God's safety, as long as the morning breeze blows,
As the moon sheds its light, and the birds recite.
٢٢. وَدُمْ بِأَمانِ اللَّهِ ما هَبَّتِ الصَّبا
وما ناحَ قُمريٌّ وَغَرَّدَ طائرُ
23. And concluding the words of one affectionate and true:
"Peace that surpasses the garden, wherein flowers blossom."
٢٣. وَما كانَ مِن ذي الودّ خَتمُ كَلامِهِ
سَلامٌ يَفوقُ الرّوضَ فيهِ الأزاهُِ