
This world is fleeting,

إنما الدنيا فناء

1. This world is fleeting,
Eternity has departed from it.

١. إِنّما الدّنيا فَناءٌ
قَد نَأى عَنها البقاءُ

2. There is no comfort in it,
Only sorrow remains.

٢. لَم يَكُن فيها اِرتِياحٌ
إِنّما فيها العَناءُ

3. It did not keep its promises,
Kinship was of no use.

٣. لَم تَكُن تَحفَظُ ودّاً
لم يُفِد منها الإخاءُ

4. Its nature is to break covenants,
It is never faithful.

٤. طبعُها نقضُ عُهودٍ
ما لها يوماً وفاءُ

5. Its betrayal is an incurable disease,
There is no cure for it.

٥. غدرُها داءٌ عُضالٌ
ما له فيها دَواءُ

6. Its actions are deceit and guile
Hypocrisy and pretense.

٦. فِعلُها مَكرٌ وخدْعٌ
ونفاقٌ ورِياءُ

7. Its essence is always murky,
Where is clarity found?

٧. صَفْوُها الأكدار دوماً
أينَ لي فيها الصّفاءُ

8. Its life is anxiety and sorrow,
Distress and tribulation.

٨. عَيشُها همٌّ وغمٌّ
وكُروبٌ وبَلاءُ

9. A sweetness that turns life bitter,
Affliction is its flavor.

٩. حُلوةٌ تخضرُّ عَيشاً
طعمُه فيه الأذاءُ

10. Whenever we laugh in it,
Sorrow follows the laughter.

١٠. كُلَّما فيها ضَحِكنا
أَعقَبَ الضحكَ البُكاءُ

11. No joy endures within it,
No bliss remains.

١١. لم يدُمْ فيها سُرورٌ
لم يدُم فيها هناءُ

12. Neither poverty nor riches last,
Neither song nor wail.

١٢. لَم يَدُم فيها اِفتِقارٌ
لم يدم فيها غناءُ

13. No company remains stable,
No union endures.

١٣. لَم يَدُم فيها اِجتِماعٌ
لَم يَدُم فيها اِلتِقاءُ

14. Without doubt it is separation
And distance and disdain.

١٤. فهيَ لا شكَّ فِراقٌ
وبِعادٌ وجَفاءُ

15. It is unquestionably a mirage,
We have no equality in it.

١٥. وهي لا شكَّ مَجازٌ
ما لنا فيه اِستِواءُ

16. Our lives in it are short,
We find no shelter.

١٦. عُمرُنا فيها قصيرٌ
ما له فيه ثَواءُ

17. If we live long in it,
It is but morn or eve.

١٧. إِنّهُ لو طالَ فيها
لَصَباحٌ أو مساءُ

18. Its troops are always death,
Its business with us is to raid.

١٨. جَيشُها كانَ المَنايا
شَأنُهُ فينا الغَزاءُ

19. No calamity equals it,
Though it boasts of providing refuge.

١٩. لا تُضاهيها أسودٌ
لو بَدا منها اِجتِراءُ

20. It is the lion feared,
For its hunting ground is right here.

٢٠. فَلَها الآسادُ تخشى
إذ لها فيها السّطاءُ

21. No great man survives it,
Where do the exalted escape?

٢١. ما نجا منها عَظيمٌ
أينَ ينجو العظماءُ

22. How many kings has it laid low?
Who can afford its ransom?

٢٢. كم مليكٍ صرَعتهُ
ما له فيها فِداءُ

23. How many nobles has it seized,
As generosity weeps over them?

٢٣. كم كريمٍ أخذتهُ
ظلَّ يبكيه السّخاءُ

24. It saddened us with the loss of the generous,
The very best of people.

٢٤. فَجعَتنا بِكَريمٍ
فيه تسمو الكُرَماءُ

25. It saddened us with the loss of the learned,
Whom scholars narrate.

٢٥. فَجعَتنا بأديبٍ
عَنهُ تَروي الأُدَباءُ

26. It saddened us with the loss of the honorable,
The very best of nobles.

٢٦. فَجعتنا بِشَريفٍ
فيهِ تَعلو الشّرفاءُ

27. It saddened us with the loss of the eloquent,
The masters of rhetoric.

٢٧. فَجعتنا ببليغٍ
منه تعيا البُلَغاءُ

28. He was a sun whose brilliance
Illuminated the world.

٢٨. كانَ في الدّنيا كَشَمسٍ
عمَّها منه الضياءُ

29. The son of Nasser was a blessing,
Through him praise became sublime.

٢٩. اِبنُ نصّارٍ وأَنعِمْ
مَنْ بهم طابَ الثّناءُ

30. He lives on in the exalted,
Through him the lofty endure.

٣٠. فَهوَ ذو العَلياءِ يَحيا
مَن به يحيا العلاءُ

31. The pride of Sidon and its glory,
It rises high because of him.

٣١. عَينُ صَيدا وحَلاها
وَلَها فيهِ اِعتِلاءُ

32. A full moon whose light
Made heavens envy the earth.

٣٢. وَهوَ بَدرٌ فيهِ كانَتْ
تغبِطُ الأرضَ السماءُ

33. The possessor of glory and pride,
Garbed in majesty.

٣٣. مَنْ له عِزٌّ وفخرٌ
مَن لَهُ المجدُ رداءُ

34. Perfection, beauty,
Splendor and brilliance were his.

٣٤. وكَمالٌ وجمالٌ
وجلالٌ وبهاءُ

35. Forbearance, wisdom,
Resolution and zeal were his.

٣٥. وله حِلمٌ وحزمٌ
ثُمَّ عَزمٌ ومضاءُ

36. Generosity and giving,
Dignity and modesty were his.

٣٦. وسخاءٌ وعطاءٌ
ووقارٌ وحياءُ

37. When he passed away we knew
The earth narrowed around us.

٣٧. حينَ أَودى وَعَلِمنا
فَبِنا ضاقَ الفضاءُ

38. We shed copious tears,
They were undoubtedly blood.

٣٨. وَبَكَيناه دُموعاً
هيَ لا شكّ دماءُ

39. Crying was of no use,
If only crying could avail!

٣٩. لَم يَكُن يُجدي بكاءٌ
ليتَه يُجدي البكاءُ

40. His death was a grave calamity,
Afflicting us with tribulation.

٤٠. مَوتُهُ خَطْبٌ عظيمٌ
عمّنا فيه البلاءُ

41. Would that he lived on,
And through him bliss endured!

٤١. لَيتَه قَد كانَ يحيا
وبه يحيا الهناءُ

42. Would that he could be ransomed,
The whole world his price!

٤٢. لَيتَه قَد كانَ يُفدى
وَلَهُ الدّنيا فِداءُ

43. Can death be cured?
Death has no remedy.

٤٣. هَل لِمَوتٍ مِن شِفاءٍ
لَيسَ لِلمَوتِ شِفاءُ

44. Lord, grant us patience and acceptance
Of that which You decree.

٤٤. رَبِّ صَبراً وَرِضاءً
بِالّذي يَقضي القضاءُ

45. Lord, grant us reward in this affliction,
We have no consolation.

٤٥. رَبِّ أَجراً في مُصابٍ
ما لَنا عَنهُ عَزاءُ

46. Lord, grant him bliss,
From You it will not diminish.

٤٦. رَبِّ وَاِمْنَحْهُ نَعيماً
ما لَهُ مِنكَ اِنقِضاءُ

47. Lord, grant him favor from You,
Mercy and acceptance.

٤٧. وَعَليهِ مِنكَ فَضلاً
رَحماتٌ ورِضاءُ

48. As each morn arrives,
Eve follows it evermore.

٤٨. كُلّما جاءَ صَباحٌ
ظَلَّ يَتلوهُ المَساءُ