
Love has penetrated my soul and then pervaded it

قد خالط الود روحي ثم مازجها

1. Love has penetrated my soul and then pervaded it
As though it were water mixed with water

١. قَد خالَطَ الودُّ روحي ثُمَّ مازَجَها
كَأَنَّها الماءُ فيهِ الماءُ مُمتزجُ

2. Can it now be separated from it or distinguished when
It has become impossible to differentiate what in the soul is intermingled

٢. أَكانَ يُفصَلُ عَنها أَو يُمازُ وَقَد
أُحيلَ تَمييزُ ما بِالرّوحِ يَمتَزِجُ