
This is his greeting as reproach circulated about him

هذا محياه إذ دار العذار به

1. This is his greeting as reproach circulated about him
A full moon, its halo in the vision of sight

١. هَذا محيّاهُ إِذ دارَ العِذارُ به
بَدرٌ وَهالتُه في رُؤيَةِ البصرِ

2. So the essence of light in it, O historian,
Rises while musk has become the moon's aura

٢. فَجَوهَرُ النورِ فيه يا مُؤرّخه
يَقومُ وَالمِسكُ أَمسى هالةَ القمَرِ