
This book of yours is like musk in the pages,

هذا كتابك مثل المسك في الورق

1. This book of yours is like musk in the pages,
Or as if I see scattered blue gems on the pages.

١. هَذا كِتابكَ مثل المِسكِ في الوَرَقِ
أم لازَوردٍ أَراهُ رَشَّ في الوَرِقِ

2. And those are its letters, in the order of its lines,
Above its paper the human in the pupil.

٢. وَذاكَ أَحرُفُه في نَظمِ أَسطُرِهِ
مِن فَوقِ كاغدهِ الإنسان في الحَدَقِ

3. Or are the rubies with the perfumed musk when dyed,
They dropped from the white silver in the plate.

٣. أَم اللآلي بِأَسنى المسكِ إِذ صُبِغَت
حَطّت مِنَ الفِضّةِ البيضاءِ في طَبَقِ

4. Or the pearls that blossomed at night flowering,
Flowing in order in beautiful harmony.

٤. أَمِ الدراري طَلَعنَ اللّيلَ مُزهِرة
تَجري عَلى نَسَق في حُسن متّسقِ

5. But they took the color of the sky for it,
And compensated it with it from its bluish color.

٥. لَكِنّها أَخَذت لَونَ السّماءِ لَها
وَعَوَّضتها بِهِ مِن لَونِها اليققِ

6. And this is your speech like organized pearls,
From the utmost beauty in the highest order.

٦. وَذا كَلامكَ مثلَ الدّرِّ مُنتَظِماً
مِن غايَةِ الحُسنِ بِالأَسمى مِنَ النّسَقِ

7. It contains a paragraph of speech, within it a wisdom,
With eloquence, not complexity and anxiety.

٧. يَحوزُ فَصلَ خِطابٍ ضِمنه حكمٌ
مَعَ السّلاسَةِ لا التعقيدِ والقلقِ

8. And it contained the magic of eloquence from its rhetoric,
The minds of people were fascinated at first glance.

٨. وَحازَ سحرَ بَيانٍ مِن بَلاغَتِهِ
سالَت عُقولُ الوَرى خَطفاً عَلى أَلَقِ

9. And from it the quintessence of eloquence flowed,
From the finest of its styles in the best ways.

٩. وَمِنهُ سالَت أَفانينُ البَلاغَةِ من
أَسنى أَساليبِهِ في أَحسَنِ الطرقِ

10. And this is your eloquence or wine revolving around which
A full moon of beauty, splendid morals and manners.

١٠. وَذا بَيانكَ أَم خَمرٌ يَدورُ بِها
بَدرٌ مِنَ الحُسنِ باهي الخَلق وَالخُلقِ

11. It eliminates the prominence of the people of beauty, its prominence,
Like the prominence of the sun eliminates the darkness of night.

١١. تُزيلُ طَلعَةَ أَهلِ الحُسنِ طَلعَتُهُ
كَطَلعَةِ الشّمسِ تَمحو دَولَة الغَسَقِ

12. The sights are reflected from its beauty doubly,
And have been entrusted with the Lord of mankind and daybreak.

١٢. تَرتَدُّ مِن حُسنِهِ الأَبصارُ مضعَفَة
وَقَد أُعيذَ بِربِّ النَّاسِ وَالفلقِ

13. Acting like intoxication in the minds,
And the soul in the body and joy in the eyelids.

١٣. مِثل السُّلافَةِ في الأَلبابِ فاعِلَة
وَالرّوح في الجسمِ وَالأَفراح في الحدقِ

14. A garden of virgin ideas for it,
A flower of beauty towering over the star Alfetaq.

١٤. رَوض مِنَ الحُسنِ أَبكار المعانِ لَه
زَهر مِنَ الحُسنِ يَعلو كَوكَب الفتقِ

15. Of every new, precious, harmonious,
Beautiful, gentle, sweet and consistent thing.

١٥. مِن كلِّ مبتكرٍ غالٍ وَمُنسَجمٍ
حالٍ وَمُؤتلف عَذبٍ ومتّفقِ

16. And with nightingales whose words rang out
On the bosom of eloquence from the watering of the fresh supplied.

١٦. وَذي بَلابل لَفظ قَد صَدحنَ عَلى
دَوحِ البَلاغَةِ مِن ماءِ البَديعِ سُقي

17. A poem from the daughters of thought has appeared
In the dress of beauty like the sun on the horizon.

١٧. قَصيد مِن بَناتِ الفِكرِ قَد ظَهَرَت
بِحُلَّةِ الحُسنِ مثل الشّمسِ في الأفقِ

18. Smooth, with a swaying coquetry, smiling,
Fluttering eyelids, bashful, glancing amorously.

١٨. مَمشوقَةُ القدِّ ذات الدلِّ باسِمة
تَفتَرُّ عَن شَنبٍ زاهٍ وَعَن فرقِ

19. Adorned with the jewelry of beauty and clad
So she embarrassed the lady of earrings and necklaces.

١٩. تَزَيَّنت بِحليِّ الحُسنِ وَاِتّشحَت
فَأَخجَلَت ربّة الأَقراطِ وَالحَلقِ

20. The beauties flow openly in her body
Like the light flowing in the body of the full moon and daybreak.

٢٠. تَجري المَحاسِنُ في جُثمانِها عَلَناً
جَريَ الضّياءِ بِجِسمِ البدرِ والفلقِ

21. When a man of understanding pondered its meanings
It invited him to prolonged insomnia and sleeplessness.

٢١. ما إِنْ تَفَكَّرَ ذو فَهمٍ مَعانيها
إِلّا دَعَتهُ لِدومِ السّهدِ وَالأَرَقِ

22. And the mind has become clothed in perplexity because of it,
And the eye has become clothed in lightning because of it.

٢٢. وَأَصبَح العَقلُ مِنهُ لابِساً دَهَشاً
وَأَصبَح الطرفُ مِنهُ لابِسَ البَرَقِ

23. As if it is the fragrant garden smiling
With bright eyes, thick eyelashes, and arched eyebrows.

٢٣. كَأَنّها الرّوضَة الفَيحاءُ ضاحِكَةً
قَريرة العَينِ غبّ العارِضِ الغدقِ

24. Eloquent, she took all eloquence when
She left no life in it for it in time.

٢٤. بَليغةٌ أَخَذَت كلَّ البَلاغَةِ إِذ
لَم تُبقِ مِنها لَها في الدَّهرِ من رَمَقِ

25. As if the standards standing by it
Are nothing but the thinness of myrtle and woodbine.

٢٥. كَأَنّما الأَلِفاتُ القائِماتُ بِها
ما دَقّ مِن قَدِّ غُصنِ الآسِ والحبقِ

26. As if the dots lined with it
Are musk beads on a paper sheet.

٢٦. كَأَنّما النّقطُ اللّاتي خططنَ بِها
حَبّات مِسكٍ عَلى لَوحٍ مِنَ الورقِ

27. O beauty of its lines above its paper
With spaces in between of white thinness.

٢٧. يا حُسنَ أَسطُرِها مِن فَوقِ كاغِدها
وَبَينها فُرَجٌ مِن أَبيضٍ يَققِ

28. It reminded me of a sea for Moses when
The staff was struck and it split from it into parts.

٢٨. قَد ذَكَّرَتني بَحراً لِلكليمِ لَدى
ضَربِ العَصا إِذ غَدا مِنها بِمنفلقِ

29. O you of generosity, these are its verses
For victory came from the Criterion like the daybreak.

٢٩. يا ذا الكَرامَةِ إِذ هاتيكَ آيَتُهُ
لِلفَتحِ جاءَت مِنَ الفُرقانِ كَالفَلقِ

30. You sent it from the wonderful prose as a miracle
For every intelligent, perceptive, and Skillful understanding.

٣٠. بَعثتها مِن بَديعِ النّظمِ مُعجزةً
لِكلِّ فَهمٍ ذَكيٍّ مدركٍ حَذِقِ

31. So whoever claims to parallel it
He has not been able and did not have the capacity.

٣١. فَمَن يَرُم أَنّه يَأتي معارضةً
بِمِثلِها فَهوَ لَم يَقدرِ وَلَم يطقِ

32. Whoever claims that he paralleled it, allegedly,
They have judged him with ignorance and foolishness.

٣٢. مَن يَدّعي أَنّه بِالزّعمِ عارَضَها
عَلَيهِ قَد حَكَموا بِالجَهلِ وَالحمقِ

33. And he who made this claim was like Musaylimah
Who was named a liar and fabricator.

٣٣. وَكانَ في هَذِهِ الدّعوى مُسيلمةً
مَن قَد تَسمّى بِكَذّابٍ وَمُختَلِقِ

34. Its eloquence erased the claim of its opponent
And its hands clothed it in a worn-out garment.

٣٤. مَحَت فَصاحَتُها دَعوى مُعارِضها
وَقَد كَسَتها يَداها ثَوبَ مُمتحقِ

35. O the scholar of the time, O sea of knowledge, O
Ink of sciences, of good morals and manners.

٣٥. يا عارِفَ العَصرِ يا بَحرَ المَعارفِ يا
حَبرَ العلومِ بِحُسنِ الخَلق والخُلُقِ

36. And O Imam who is free from who resembles him
And he has gone ahead appearing unmatched.

٣٦. وَيا إِماماً خَلا عَمّن يُماثِلُهُ
وَقَد تَقَدَّم يَبدو غَيرَ مُلتَحَقِ

37. Do you equal in superiority and literature
And you have not left any business for competitors?

٣٧. أَأَنتَ تُلحَقُ في فَضلٍ وَفي أَدَبٍ
وَما تَرَكت بِذا شَأواً لِمُستَبقِ

38. None in the field of betting contained
What you gained from the rods of precedence and priority.

٣٨. فَما سِواكَ بِمِضمارِ الرّهانِ حَوى
ما حُزت مِن قَصَباتِ السَّبْقِ والسَّبَقِ

39. I apologize to you, O brother of benevolence,
And the door of my apology to you is not closed.

٣٩. إِنّي إِلَيكَ أَخا الإِحسانِ مُعتَذِرٌ
وَبابُ عُذري لَدَيكُم غير مُنغَلِقِ

40. Due to my inability to join you,
And disability is a clear excuse, not destroyed.

٤٠. بِالعَجزِ عَن أَنّني لَم أَلتَحِق بِكُمو
وَالعَجزُ عذرٌ جَلِيٌّ غيرُ مُنمَحِقِ

41. And that my ability falls short of your forgiveness
A long, broad, and deep sea.

٤١. وَكَون باعي قَصيراً جَيْرِ عفوكَ لي
بَحرٌ طَويلٌ وَذو عرضٍ وَذو عمقِ

42. And I hope the excuse is met with your acceptance
So it will fend off from it the burden of creation.

٤٢. وَمَأملُ العُذرِ أَن يُكسى قبولَكُمُ
حَتّى يُردّى بِهِ عَن طمرِهِ الخَلِقِ

43. And farewell, my master, a crown for our heads
With the loftiness like the sun on the horizon.

٤٣. وَاِسلَم وَدُم سيّدي تاجاً لأَرؤُسِنا
بِرفعَةِ القدرِ مثل الشّمسِ في الأفقِ

44. In the most comfortable life with well-being,
And long life, bright-eyed, and with thick eyelashes.

٤٤. في أَرغَدِ العَيشِ مَع صَفوٍ بِعافِيَةٍ
وَطولِ عمرٍ قَرير العَينِ وَالحدقِ

45. And attaining a good end, then precedence
Protects you from all evil, my Creator and Guard.

٤٥. مَع نَيلِ حسنِ خِتامٍ ثمّ سابِقَة
يَحميكَ مِن كلِّ سوءٍ خالِقي وَيَقي

46. No bird has flown, nor have its warblers sung,
Nor has the wind played with the branches and the leaves,

٤٦. ما طارَ طَيرٌ وَما غَنَّت صَوادِحُهُ
ما الرّيحُ أَلعبتِ الأَغصانَ بِالوَرقِ