
My soul is ransom for a full moon that rose smiling,

روحي الفداء لبدر لاح مبتسما

1. My soul is ransom for a full moon that rose smiling,
In his sweet mouth is wine and honey.

١. رُوحي الفِداءُ لبَدْرٍ لاحَ مُبْتَسِماً
في ثَغرِهِ الحاليانِ الخَمْرُ والعَسَلُ

2. He appears and wounds me at times and kills me,
With his deadly whiteness and smoothness.

٢. يَبدو فَيَجرَحُني طَوراً وَيَقتُلُني
مِن ذاتِهِ الفاتِكان البيضُ والأسَلُ

3. And he bends, staggering, confused, so he pierces me,
With his soft, supple neck and inclination.

٣. وَيَنْثَني مايِساً تيهاً فيَطْعَنُني
مِن قَدِّهِ الليّنان العَطفُ وَالميلُ

4. I stayed up all night, restless, worrying,
From his painful estrangement, my thoughts and hopes.

٤. أَبيتُ سَهرانَ طولَ اللّيلِ يُقلِقُني
مِنْ هَجرِهِ المضنِيانِ الفِكرُ والأمَلُ

5. And my body melted away from me by his aloofness,
From his melting waist and shoulders.

٥. وَأَنْحَلَ الجِسمَ مِنّي عِندَ جَفوَتِهِ
مِن ذاتِه المُنْحلانِ الخَصرُ والكفَلُ

6. He had no mercy on me when I cried from his abandonment,
With his harsh, stony heart and mountainous ego.

٦. وَلانَ لي حينَ أَبكي في مَحَبَّتهِ
مِنَ الجَفا القاسِيانِ الصخْرُ والجَبَلُ

7. And for me, love and passion played with me,
In his deadly blame and reproach.

٧. وَطابَ لي بِالهَوى وَالحبُّ يَلعَبُ بي
في عِشقِهِ القاتِلانِ اللَّومُ والعذلُ

8. And prose adorned with rhyme shined through my writings,
In his most sweet praise and amorous verse.

٨. وَقَدْ حَلا بِنِظامي الدُّرُّ مُنسَبِكاً
في حُسْنهِ الأعْذَبانِ المَدحُ والغزَلُ

9. By his eyes I swear, I love no other but him, even if
I'm struck by the two troubles, blindness and boredom.

٩. فَلا وعَينَيْهِ لا أهْوى سِواهُ ولَوْ
أصابَني المُتعِبان العِيُّ والمَلَلُ