1. This tomb belongs to Mustafa the Sublime one
Who was prestigious and embraced the radiant face
١. هَذا الضّريحُ لِمُصطَفى العَلياءِ مَنْ
كانَ الوَجيهَ وَقَد حَوى الوَجهَ الأغرْ
2. He responded obediently when his God called him
So He endowed him with tranquility in the abode of settlement
٢. لَبَّى مُجيباً إِذ دَعاه إِلَهُهُ
فَحَباهُ بِالرّضوانِ في دارِ المَقَر
3. In his grave he settled in bounty and indeed he
I inscribed it in the Garden of Paradise settled
٣. في قَبرِهِ سَكنَ النّعيمَ وَإِنّهُ
أَرَّختُه في جنَّةِ الفِردَوسِ قَر