
With a spirit like an emerald earring,

بالروح قرط رداح من زمردة

1. With a spirit like an emerald earring,
Green in its beauty, the birds of praise chirped loudly.

١. بِالرّوحِ قرطُ رَداحٍ مِن زُمرّدَةٍ
خَضراءَ في حُسنِها طَيرُ المَديحِ صَدَحْ

2. It stood beside her cheek, matching it,
With her neck below it, and light shone from it, radiant.

٢. قَد قامَ جنب مُحيّاها يُقارِنُهُ
وَتَحتهُ جيدُها وَالنورُ مِنهُ وَضَح

3. And a side of it told of the rose and garden,
So it turned red from it, and delighted the onlookers with joy.

٣. وَجانبَ مِنهُ يَحكي وَردَ وَجنَتِها
فَاِحمَرَّ مِنهُ وَسَرَّ الناظِرينَ فَرَح

4. So look, you see next to the rising sun,
The rainbow appeared above the pillar of dawn.

٤. فَاِنظُر تُشاهِدْ بِجَنبِ الشّمسِ طالِعَةً
قَد بانَ فَوقَ عَمودِ الصّبحِ قَوس قُزَح