1. May my Lord grant you well-being, and I hope Allah will heal you,
From every malady. And in Allah's name I chant protection over you.
١. عافاكَ ربّي وَأَرجو اللَّه يَشفيكا
مِن كلِّ داءٍ وَباِسمِ اللَّه أَرقيكا
2. My Lord has cured you, so you need no one.
And the cure of others does not cease to suffice you.
٢. داواكَ رَبّي وَلَم تحوج إِلى أَحدٍ
وَعن دوا غَيرِه لا زالَ يُغنيكا
3. My Lord has protected you from all harms,
And will continue protecting you as long as time continues.
٣. وَقاكَ ربّي مِنَ الأَسواءِ أَجمعها
وَدامَ مِنها مَدى الأَزمانِ يَحميكا
4. We know of no helper except our Master,
And of no sufficient one except your Master who suffices you.
٤. فَما بِوَاقٍ سِوى مَولايَ نَعلمهُ
وَلا بِكافٍ سِوى مَولاكَ يَكفيكا
5. Entrust yourself to Him, and through Him hope for wellness,
For He is the Healer who truly grants you health.
٥. سَلِّمْ إِلَيهِ وَمنهُ فاِرْجُ عافيةً
فَهوَ المُعافي الّذي حَقّاً يُعافيكا
6. Medicine is by His command, and it is not up to us.
Rather, rely on the Lord who heals you.
٦. وَالطِبُّ فيهِ أُمِرنا وهو ليس مُنَا
فِيَ اِتِّكالٍ على ربٍّ يداويكا
7. O Mustafa, pride and nobility of lineage,
At the pinnacle of honor, your glories abound.
٧. يا مُصطَفى المَجدِ وَالعلياءِ مِن شَرفٍ
في ذَروَةِ العزِّ قَد حَلَّت مَعاليكا
8. O essence of hidden perfection embodied in manners,
What jewel can equal your worth?
٨. يا جَوهَرَ السّؤدد المَكنونِ في أَدَبٍ
أَيُّ الجَواهِرِ في قدرٍ يُساويكا
9. O Kaaba of virtue whose pilgrims are the virtuous,
What ocean can tell your story of excellence?
٩. يا كَعبَةَ الفَضلِ حجّتها أَفاضِلُنا
فَأَيّ بَحرٍ أَخا الإِتقانِ يَحكيكا
10. O raincloud of generosity whose showers do not cease,
What meadows can describe the downpour of your hands?
١٠. يا ديمَةَ الجودِ لَم تمسِك هواطِلُها
فَأَيّ وَبلٍ حَكى هطَّالَ أَيديكا
11. From His love for you, in illness
God has tested you to bring you nearer to Him.
١١. اللَّهُ مِن حبِّه إِيّاكَ في مَرض
قَدِ اِبتَلاكَ لِقربٍ مِنهُ يُدنيكا
12. So you may attain abundant reward through it,
And by it, ascend to high degrees in the Abode of Eternity.
١٢. لِكَي تَنالَ جَزيلَ الأَجرِ فيهِ كَذا
بِهِ بِدارِ البقا تَعلو مَراقِيكا
13. But my hope is that you will be blessed with wellness
For our pleasure and yours, for as long as time continues.
١٣. لَكِن رَجائي بِأَن تُحبى بِعافِيةٍ
مَدى الزَّمانِ لَنا تُرضِي وتُرضيكا
14. I was saddened when I heard of it,
And wished I could redeem you with my soul.
١٤. إِنّي تَكَدَّرت لَمّا أَن سَمِعتُ بهِ
وَقَد تَمنّيتُ لَو بِالرّوحِ أَفديكا
15. But my Lord is Gentle and Generous.
Glorified is He! By His kindness towards you,
١٥. لَكِنَّ ربّي لَطيفٌ وَهوَ ذو كَرَمٍ
قَد مَنَّ سُبحانَهُ مِن لُطفِهِ فيكا
16. He has removed it from you graciously and nobly,
And the Lord of Power has eliminated the harm.
١٦. أَزالَهُ عَنكَ إِحساناً وَتكرمَةً
وَأَذهَبَ البأسَ رَبُّ البأسِ باريكا
17. He has bestowed favor upon us in healing you,
Praise be to Allah, our and your Master.
١٧. وَجادَ فَضلاً عَلَينا في شفاكَ لَنا
وَالحَمدُ للَّهِ مَولانا وَمَولاكا
18. And if any traces remain, fear them not,
For God is your Healer.
١٨. وَإِن يَكُن مِنهُ آثارٌ لَقَد بَقِيَت
لا تَخشَ مِنها فَإِنّ اللَّه شافيكا
19. I congratulate you sincerely on your well-being,
And you deserve my congratulations.
١٩. إِنّي أُهنّيكَ جَذلاناً بعافيةٍ
وَأَنتَ مُستَوجب أَنّي أُهنِّيكا
20. May my Lord grant it to you for all time
And keep providing it for you for the duration of existence.
٢٠. هَنّاكَ ربّي بِها طولَ الزَّمانِ ولا
يَزالُ فيها بِطولِ الدَّهرِ يوفيكا
21. May my Lord give you life and extend your life for us,
A long lifetime, and may Allah sustain you.
٢١. حَيّاكَ ربّي وَأَحياكَ الزّمانَ لنا
طَويل عُمرٍ وَربّي اللَّهُ يُبقيكا
22. Remain in the protection of the God of the Throne, in blessings,
A pleasant life, untouched by any evil that comes near you.
٢٢. وَدُمْ بِحِفظِ إِلَه العَرشِ في نِعَمٍ
رَغيدَ عَيشٍ بِلا سوءٍ يدانيكا
23. You will live a blissful life that has no equal,
And may God destroy any who harbor enmity against you.
٢٣. تَعيشُ عَيشاً هَنيئاً لا نَظيرَ لَهُ
وَأَهلك اللَّهُ مَن أَضحى يُعاديكا
24. May you continue ascending to the zenith, in a sphere
Of loftiness, therein growing your ascent.
٢٤. وَدُمتَ تَرقى بروجَ العِزّ في فَلكٍ
مِنَ العُلى وَبِها ينمو ترقِّيكا
25. The dawn has not shone, nor has a star emerged,
The moon has not risen, nor has morning unveiled the night's veils,
٢٥. ما لاحَ في الأفقِ نجمٌ ما بَدا قَمَرٌ
ما هَتَّك الصّبح سترَ اللّيلِ تَهتيكا
26. Victory has not been proclaimed, calling in hopeful prayer:
May my Lord grant you well-being, and I hope Allah will heal you.
٢٦. ما الفَتحُ أَنشدَ يَدعو وَهوَ مُبتهلٌ
عافاكَ رَبّي وَأَرجو اللَّه يَشفيكا