
The sleeplessness of dawn persists as tears flow,

دام سهد الصب والدمع يسح

1. The sleeplessness of dawn persists as tears flow,
Yearning intensifies, intensifying my grief.

١. دامَ سُهدُ الصّبِّ وَالدّمعُ يسحُّ
وَأَلحَّ الشوقُ والشوقُ مُلِحُّ

2. I stay up nights to gaze upon its star,
Whenever a wing passes by me, another one comes.

٢. أَسهرُ اللّيلَ وَأَرعى نَجمَهُ
كلَّما بي مرَّ جنح جاءَ جنحُ

3. I cannot taste sleep, my love is melting away
From the anguish of insomnia and tears wounding my eye.

٣. لا أَذوقُ النّومَ ذابَت مُهجتي
مِن ضَنى السُّهدِ وَمسَّ العينَ قرحُ

4. Does the eye experience, O the torment of passion?!
While its eyelids, it was as if slaughtered by it.

٤. هل تَذوقُ العينُ يا وَيحي الكَرى
وَبِجَفنَيها لَهُ قَد كانَ ذبحُ

5. My body is sick and my illness lingers,
In my heart, no remedy has brought me relief.

٥. مَرضَ الجسمُ وَطالَت عِلّتي
ما بِقَلبي لِدواء كانَ نُجحُ

6. I lost my soul since I tasted passion,
A merchant in love, exhausted by its toil.

٦. قَد خَسِرتُ الرّوحَ مُذ ذُقتُ الهَوى
تاجِراً في العِشقِ قَد أَعياه كَدحُ

7. If I lost my soul yet found in passion,
It is a gain no gain has ever recounted.

٧. إِن خَسرتُ الرّوحَ وَجدي في الهَوى
هُوَ رِبح لَم يَكُن يَحكيهِ رِبحُ

8. Love opened its door to my heart,
Never has this door opened for another.

٨. فَتَحَ العِشقُ لِقَلبي بابَهُ
ما لِذا البابِ لِغَيري كانَ فَتحُ

9. I drank the wine from the chalice of passion,
And from it the chalice overflowed then dripped.

٩. قَد شَرِبتُ الخَمرَ مِن كوبِ الهَوى
وَبِها لِلكوبِ فيضٌ ثمَّ رَشحُ

10. The wine of love brings sobriety with it,
Nothing else could ever bring sobriety for passion.

١٠. خَمرَةُ العِشقِ بِها الصبّ صَحا
لِلهَوى ما لِسواهُ كانَ يَصحو

11. I am like the leaves, both of us grieving,
Sorrow fills the universe wherever it turns.

١١. أَنا كالوُرْقِ كِلانا نائِحٌ
يَملأُ الكَونَ نُواحاً حَيثُ يَنحو

12. My lamenting is pure sorrow and crying,
Not like the rustling of leaves, the rustling of leaves echoes.

١٢. إِنّ نَوحي هُوَ نَوحٌ وبكا
لَيسَ بِالصّدحِ وَنوحُ الوُرقِ صَدحُ

13. O my people, my mind is lost in passion,
My madness in it is a spring that never dries up.

١٣. يا لقَومي ضاعَ عَقلي بِالهَوى
فَجُنوني فيهِ نَبعٌ لا يَشحُّ

14. Who will help me with that which grows passion in me?
With it, fervor persists, insistence persists.

١٤. مَنْ مُعيني بِالّذي ينمي الهَوى
فيَّ تِهياماً بِهِ الوجدُ يلحُّ

15. The text of dawn, passion has confused it,
And my chest continues to expand with passion.

١٥. إِنّ مَتنَ الصبّ أَوهاهُ الهَوى
وَلِصَدري بِالهَوى ما زالَ شَرحُ

16. My life has only been the life of passion,
O you who blame me, how delicious is this life!

١٦. لَم يَكُن عَيشي سِوى عَيشِ الهَوى
يا عَذولي كَم لِهَذا العَيشِ مِلحُ

17. O you who blame me, do not blame me for passion,
Blaming me for passion, by God, is despicable.

١٧. يا عَذولي لا تَلُمني في الهَوى
إِنّ لَومي في الهَوى وَاللَّه قُبحُ

18. You who blame me, if you blame me, do not understand,
What understanding is there for what cannot be fathomed?

١٨. عاذِلي إِنْ لُمتَني لَم أَفُتهم
أَيُّ فَهمٍ لِمُعنّىً لَيسَ يَصحو

19. Do you see any advice in blaming passion?
Abandon it, there is no advice in blame.

١٩. أَترى في اللَّومِ نُصحاً في الهوى
عَنهُ فَاِرجِع لَم يَكُن في اللَّوم نُصحُ

20. What is my excuse in the passion for the sun of daybreak?
Its beauty, how much beauty it has erased and continues to erase!

٢٠. من عَذيري في هَوى شَمسِ الضّحى
حُسنهُ كَم قَد مَحا حُسناً وَيَمحو

21. The full moon that outshines every sun,
Can it be compared? It cannot be described by the sun.

٢١. بَدرُ تِمٍّ كلّ شَمس كاسِف
هَل يُضاهى وَهوَ لا تَحكيهِ ضِحُّ

22. Ruby lipped, wine colored, so sweet,
Musk exudes from it.

٢٢. جَوهَرِيُّ الثَّغرِ خَمريُّ اللّمى
وَهوَ عَذبٌ وَبِهِ لِلمِسكِ نَفحُ

23. His Indian glance splits my heart,
My heart cannot compute his calculations of it.

٢٣. لَحظُهُ الهِندي قَلبي جارِحٌ
مِنهُ قَلبي في حِسابي لا يَصِحُّ

24. It divided the heart and destroyed its entirety,
Wherever it struck from it and subtracted.

٢٤. قَسَمَ القَلبَ وَأَفنى جَمعَهُ
حَيثُ مِنهُ نالَه ضَربٌ وَطَرحُ

25. His eyelash is anger, and in his eyelids,
For me are arrows, and for my wound, spears.

٢٥. طَرفُه عَضبٌ وَفي أَجفانِهِ
لِيَ نَبل وَلِطَعني القدُّ رمحُ

26. It left no place in my body or senses,
Except in it were wounds from him.

٢٦. لَم يَدَع في الجِسمِ منِّي وَالحَشا
مَوضِعاً إِلّا وَفيهِ منهُ جرحُ

27. It bent the branches with its leaning,
As it leaned, a bending appeared from it.

٢٧. أَخجَلَ الأَغصانَ مَيلاً قَدُّهُ
بِالتَّثنّي إِذ تَثنّى مِنهُ كَشحُ

28. It wanted my killing and my union, but my heart refused,
O my heart, it never acquiesced to what it desired.

٢٨. وَدَّ قَتلي وَوِصالي قَد أَبى
يا فُؤادي لِرِضا ما ودّ فَاِنحُ

29. O you watered by glory, O tower of loftiness,
A rain cloud of honor hovering over you through time.

٢٩. يا سَقاكَ العِزّ يا بُرجَ العُلى
غَيث مَجدٍ فَوقَك الدّهرَ يَسِحُّ

30. You shall never cease, O tower of loftiness,
To have within you a sun, then the dawn.

٣٠. لا تَزالُ الدّهرَ يا بُرجَ العُلى
لِلمِعالي فيكَ شَمسٌ ثمَّ صبحُ

31. In the land of glory and honor that
In its atoms, the ringing of happiness echoes.

٣١. في دِيارِ العزِّ عِكّار الّتي
في ذُراها لِهزارِ السّعدِ صَدحُ

32. This tower ascended from the summit of highness,
An eminent full moon, its light is dream and clemency.

٣٢. حَلَّ هَذا البرجَ مِن أَوجِ السّهى
بَدرٌ جاهٍ نورهُ حلم وَصفحُ

33. The sun of glory, its home is of nobility,
Its ceiling is the stars, and the highest is its roof.

٣٣. شَمسُ مَجدٍ بيتها مِن شَرَفٍ
سَقفُهُ السّؤدد وَالعَلياءُ سَطحُ

34. A master most generous, courageous with glory,
In the atoms of glory, a palace was built for him.

٣٤. سَيّدٌ أَفخمُ شَهمٌ ماجِدٌ
في ذُرى المجدِ لهُ قَد شِيد صَرحُ

35. And Ali is a name, his father is Asaad,
Frightening the lion, even if there were no battle.

٣٥. وَعَليُّ اِسمٌ أَبوهُ أَسعَدٌ
مُرعب الأُسدِ وَلَو لَم يَكُن كَفحُ

36. Keen of ambition, gentle in generosity,
A palm that was never described as being generous.

٣٦. آصِف الهِمّةِ مَعن في السّخا
سَمح كَفٍّ لَم يَكُن يَحكيهِ سَمحُ

37. He could cross the sea if he headed towards it,
And he has generosity like the sea, never stingy.

٣٧. يَستَقِلُّ البحر لَو جادَ بِهِ
وَلَديهِ بَذلُ مثل البحرِ شُحُّ

38. The knight of dusty (battle) shows wonder,
What battlefield for horses has a meadow?

٣٨. فارِسُ الغَبراءِ يبدي عَجباً
أَي مَيدان بِهِ لِلخَيلِ ضبحُ

39. Vanquisher of knights, he clothes trembling in them,
For eternity, exposing them.

٣٩. هازِمُ الفُرسانِ يَكسو رَعشة
لَهُمُ فيها بِطولِ الدّهرِ فضحُ

40. The lion of the forest and the roaring of war,
In his war, the lion had no gain.

٤٠. أَسدُ الغابِ وَضِرغام الوَغى
لَم يَكُن في حَربِهِ لِلأسدِ رِبحُ

41. Rather, their aim in fearing him is that,
As long as peace and reconciliation from him remain.

٤١. بَل لَهُم مِن خَوفِهم قَصدٌ بِأَن
دامَ مِنهُ لَهمُ سِلمٌ وَصلحُ

42. How can the lion fear if it roared,
And its roar is the bark of lions!

٤٢. كَيفَ يَخشى الأسدَ لَو قَد زَأَرت
وَلَديهِ فَزئيرُ الأُسْدِ نبحُ

43. His Indian sword wherever he unsheathed it,
Had the effect of sweeping the markets and necks.

٤٣. سَيفُهُ الهِنديّ حَيثُ اِستَلَّهُ
فيهِ لِلسُّوق وَالأَعناقِ مَسحُ

44. And if he shook his spear, its (tip) would melt
The summers of people, so no spear remains.

٤٤. رُمحُهُ لَو هَزَّهُ ذابَت بِهِ
سُمُرُ القَومِ فَلا يَسلَمُ رمحُ

45. He quenched his sword with the blood of lions,
Wherever it attained it, spilling and pouring.

٤٥. مِن دِماءِ الأسدِ رَوَّى سَيفَهُ
حَيثُ مِنهُ نالَها سفكٌ وَسَفحُ

46. He fed his spear with the hearts of lions,
Wherever it attained them, piercing and wounding.

٤٦. مِن قُلوبِ الأسدِ غَذّى رُمحَهُ
حَيثُ مِنهُ نالَها طَعنٌ وَجرحُ

47. The foremost chief, head of matters,
Other than this one, it is delusion that cannot be correct.

٤٧. الأَميرُ الصّدرُ رَأسُ الأُمرا
غَير هَذا فَهوَ وَهْمٌ لا يَصِحُّ

48. Keen of opinion, precise in what he envisions,
No fault can be seen in what he sees throughout time.

٤٨. صائِبُ الرّأيِ سَديدٌ ما يرى
لا يُرى فيما يراهُ الدّهرَ قَدحُ

49. If he says something, precision hits his words,
Thus his words are the most proper words.

٤٩. إِن يَقُلْ شَيئاً يُصبْ في قَولِهِ
فَلِهذا قَوله القَولُ الأَصَحُّ

50. O Crown of the eminent sons,
The one through whom time ascended in praise and eulogy!

٥٠. أَيّها التاجُ لِأَبناءِ العُلى
مَن بهِ الدّهرَ سَما حَمدٌ وَمدحُ

51. The one whose banner wherever it went,
Constant victory from God and openings were upon it!

٥١. مَن عَلى رايَتهِ حيثُ سَرَت
دائِماً نَصرٌ مِنَ اللَّهِ وَفتحُ

52. Her beauty erases the beauty of the daughters of poetry.
So accept her from you, with approval and consent,

٥٢. هاكَ بِكراً بِنت فِكرٍ غادَةً
حُسنُها حسنَ بَناتِ النّظمِ يَمحو

53. For it is a bestowal the like of which has not been bestowed.
And of chivalry, protect her from time,

٥٣. فَاِحبُها مِنكَ قَبولاً وَرِضاً
فَهوَ مَنح مثلهُ لَم يَكُ منحُ

54. When it comes across her as if to throw her down.
And let the time be in enjoyable livelihood,

٥٤. وَمِنَ الفَضلِ فَصُنها الدّهرَ أنْ
يَتَلقّاها إِذا وافَتكَ طرحُ

55. Neither has the full moon appeared, nor has dawn emerged.
Neither has the foliage in slopes rustled,

٥٥. وَاِسلَمِ الدّهرَ بِراضي عيشَةٍ
ما بَدا بَدرٌ وَما قَد لاحَ صُبحُ

56. Nor has its freshness sounded while atop the branch.
As long as the sleeplessness of dawn persists, and tears flow!

٥٦. ما تَغَنَّت في الرُّبى الورقاءُ ما
طابَ مِنها وَهيَ فَوقَ الغصنِ صدحُ

٥٧. ما مِنَ العِشقِ غَراماً وَجَوى
دامَ سُهدُ الصبِّ وَالدَّمعُ يَسِحُّ