
With my spirit the water of beauty flowed on her face

بروحي ماء الحسن راق بوجهها

1. With my spirit the water of beauty flowed on her face
And from it ran the water of shyness on her cheeks

١. بِروحِيَ ماءُ الحُسنِ راقَ بِوَجهِها
وَمِنها جَرى ماءُ الحَياءِ بِخدَّينِ

2. So on her face are two suns I inhaled when they rose
By day and by night in it I see two moons

٢. فَفي وَجهِها شَمسَين قَد شمت إِن بَدَت
نَهاراً وَإِن لَيلاً أَرى فيهِ بَدرَينِ