
Oh you rose's noble one, pride of all,

يا شرف الورد ويا فخره

1. Oh you rose's noble one, pride of all,
When they compared in you, cheeks of the fair,

١. يا شَرفَ الوَردِ وَيا فَخرهُ
إِذ شَبَّهوا فيهِ خُدودَ الحِسانْ

2. Made the rose, in its frailty supreme,
Over all blossoms, for all time to wear.

٢. فَصَيَّروا الوَردَ عَلى ضَعفِهِ
لِلزَّهرِ سُلطاناً بِكُلِّ الزّمانْ