1. O You who sees the innermost thoughts
And knows the secrets within
١. يا مَن يَرى الضّمائِرا
وَيَعلمُ السّرائِرا
2. Our Sultan, my Lord, aid him
And be his guardian and helper
٢. سُلطاننا رَبِّ لهُ
كُن حافِظاً وَناصِرا
3. Aid him, my Lord, and support him
And save him from misguidance
٣. رَبِّ لهُ فأيِّدا
وَنجِّهِ مِنَ الرّدى
4. Cut off his enemies with his sword
And make him victorious over them
٤. وَاِقطَع بِسيفِهِ العِدى
وَاِجعَلهُ فيهِم ظافِرا
5. Give him Your comforting shade
And help him, O Glorious Lord
٥. أَدِمهُ ظِلَّكَ الظّليلْ
وَاِنصُرهُ يا ربِّ الجَليلْ
6. For the sake of al-Mustafa and al-Khalil
And watch over him, my God
٦. بِالمُصطَفى وَبِالخَليلْ
وَكُن إِلَهي ناظِرا
7. And for the sake of Kalim Musa
And the Messiah Isa
٧. وَبِالكَليمِ موسى
وَبِالمَسيحِ عِيسى
8. And the Prophet Idris
Subdue his enemies, O Lord
٨. وَبِالنبي إِدريسا
كُن لِعِداهُ قاهِرا
9. O Lord, by all Your messengers
And by Your prophets all
٩. ربِّ بكلِّ الرُّسْلِ
وَالأَنبِياءِ الكلِّ
10. Grant him, O Most Generous
Victory over his enemies
١٠. اِجعَلهُ يا ذا الفَضلِ
عَلى عِداهُ ظاهِرا
11. By Your Greatest Name
And the inhabitants of the heavens
١١. بِأَعظَمِ الأَسماءِ
وَساكِني السّماءِ
12. Bestow on him from Your bounty
Mighty and shining victory
١٢. هَبْهُ مِنَ العَطاءِ
نَصراً عَزيزاً باهِرا
13. For he is the Imam of Muslims
And the Commander of the Faithful
١٣. فَهوَ إِمامُ المُسلِمينْ
وَهوَ أَميرُ المُؤمِنينْ
14. O Lord, give him outright conquest
And abundant fortune
١٤. رَبِّ مِنَ الفَتحِ المُبينْ
أَنِلْهُ حظّاً وافرا
15. King Mahmoud
Whose name is Mahmoud
١٥. المَلكُ المَحمودُ
مَنِ اِسمُه مَحمودُ
16. Gird him, O Worshipped One
With a sharp, piercing sword for victory
١٦. قَلِّدهُ يا مَعبودُ
لِلنّصرِ سَيفاً باتِرا
17. Prolong his life, my God
And elevate his worth, my God
١٧. أَطِلْ إِلَهي عُمرَهُ
وَاِرفَع إلَهي قدرَهُ
18. Make his victory last, my God
And keep supporting him
١٨. أَدِمْ إِلَهي نصرَهُ
وَدُم إِلَهي ناصِرا
19. And aid the armies of Muslims
Against the disbelieving enemies
١٩. وَاِنصُر جُيوشَ المُسلِمينْ
عَلى العداةِ الكَافِرين
20. Seize them altogether, my God
Leave no disbeliever among them
٢٠. خُذهُم إِلَهي أَجمَعينْ
لا تُبقِ مِنهُم كافِرا
21. The obstinate Romans
Misguided and corrupt
٢١. الرّومُ أَصحابُ العِنادْ
أُولو الضّلالِ وَالفَسادْ
22. Destroy them as You destroyed `Aad
And cut them off entirely
٢٢. خُذهُم بِما دَمَّرتَ عادْ
وَمِنهُمُ اِقطَع دابرا
23. Obliterate them, do not delay
Their destruction, do not postpone
٢٣. دَمِّرهُمُ وَعَجِّلا
هَلاكَهُم لا تُمهِلا
24. Make their rejection a lesson
Known among all people
٢٤. وَاِجعَل رَداهُم مثلا
بَينَ الأَنامِ سائِرا
25. O Lord, disperse their unity
O Lord, destroy their children
٢٥. يا رَبِّ بَدِّدْ شَملَهُم
يا رَبِّ يَتِّم طِفلَهُم
26. And destroy them all
The first and the last of them
٢٦. وَأَهْلِكَنْهُمْ كلَّهم
أَوّلَهم وَالآخِرا
27. A people who attacked the rightly guided
Seeking destruction and misguidance
٢٧. قَومٌ لِأَصحابِ الهُدى
راموا الهَلاكَ وَالرّدى
28. Repel, O Lord, repel their harm
O our Lord, again and again
٢٨. أَدِرْ أَدِرْ عَلى العِدى
يا رَبَّنا الدّوائرا
29. Send blessings and peace, O Lord
Upon the Best of Creation
٢٩. والِ الصّلاةَ وَالسّلامْ
رَبِّ عَلى خَيرِ الأَنامْ
30. And his Family and Companions
Who guide those who come later
٣٠. وَالآلِ وَالصّحبِ الفخامْ
مَن أَرشَدوا الأَواخِرا