
I saw afflictions had been tied to one who speaks

رأيت البلايا قد أنيطت بمنطق

1. I saw afflictions had been tied to one who speaks
So if you wish safety, be the best silent one

١. رَأَيتُ البَلايا قَد أُنيطَت بِمَنطِقٍ
فإنْ رُمتَ أن تنجو فكن خيرَ صامتِ

2. For how many were ruled for murder due to the speech of a speaker
Yet they ascribed no ruling in law for the silent one

٢. فَكَم حَكَموا بِالقتلِ في نُطقِ ناطِقٍ
وما نَسَبوا في الشّرعِ حُكماً لِساكتِ