1. O the most eminent of messengers and prophets
And master of masters and intercessors
١. ألَا يا أَجلَّ الرُّسلِ وَالأنبياءِ
وَيا سَيِّد الساداتِ وَالشّفعاءِ
2. And cream of the Great Allah, His Majesty
And bounty of the August Sublime Bestower
٢. وَيا صَفوَة اللَّهِ العظيمِ جلالُه
وَيا نِعمَةَ المَولى الجليل العطاءِ
3. And mercy of the Compassionate to all creation
Their intercessor truly on the Day of Requital
٣. وَيا رَحمَة الرّحمنِ لِلخلقِ كلِّهم
وَشافِعَهم حَقّاً بِيومِ الجَزاءِ
4. And you are the Light from which were created
The eyes of existence and people without contention
٤. وَيا مَن هوَ النّور الّذي مِنهُ كُوِّنَت
عُيون الوّرى وَالخلق دونَ اِمتراءِ
5. And you were a prophet before Adam came to be
With Adam between clay and water
٥. وَكانَ نَبِيّاً قبلَ يوجَد آدمٌ
وَآدم فيما بَين طينٍ وماءِ
6. And your Master sent you to all creation
As bearer of good tidings and warner, seal of prophets
٦. وَأَرسَلَهُ مَولاهُ لِلخَلقِ كلّهم
بَشيراً نَذيراً خاتم الأَنبياءِ
7. And supported you with miracles as evidence
Of your mission truly without any pretense
٧. وَأَيّده بِالمُعجزات أدلّةً
عَلى بَعثِهِ حقّاً بِدونِ اِفتِراءِ
8. Among them Allah's Book and it is the greatest
Ancient speech, miracle of eloquence
٨. وَمِنها كتاب اللَّه وَهوَ أَجلُّها
كَلام قَديم مُعجِز البلغاءِ
9. So they were unable to bring the like of it
And they were then among the most eloquent speakers
٩. فَقَد عَجزوا عَن أَن يَجيئوا بِمِثلهِ
وَهُمْ حينَئذ مِن أَفصَحِ الفُصَحاءِ
10. And you carried out Allah's command, calling to His path
And made this religion manifest after being hidden
١٠. وَقامَ بِأَمرِ اللَّهِ يَدعو لِدينهِ
وَأَظهَر هَذا الدّين بَعدَ الخفاءِ
11. And O you with whom the God ascended in one night
To Al-Aqsa Mosque yes and the heaven
١١. وَيا مَن بِهِ أَسرى الإِلَه بليلةٍ
إِلى المَسجِدِ الأَقصى نعم وَالسّماءِ
12. To Al-Raf'raf Most High, to Al-Mustawa thus
To the Throne of the Lord of Might and Majesty
١٢. إِلى الرّفرفِ الأَسمى إِلى المُستوى كَذا
إِلى عَرشِ ربِّ العزِّ وَالكبرياءِ
13. To the Presence of the Compassionate, His Holiness
So you were like the blink of an eye without contention
١٣. إِلى حَضرةِ الرّحمنِ حَضرةِ قُدسِهِ
فَكانَ كَقابَ القَوسِ دونَ مراءِ
14. And addressed your Sublime Master His Perfection
And praised your Master with the highest praise
١٤. وَخاطب مَولاه العظيمَ كمالهُ
وَأَثنى عَلى مَولاه أَسمى ثناءِ
15. And witnessed your Master having prostrated
And your Master called you the most sublime call
١٥. وَشاهَد مَولاه وَقَد خَرَّ ساجِداً
وَناداهُ مَولاهُ أَجلّ نداءِ
16. And said to you: Ask and you will be given and intercede O Muhammad
You intercede and I will accept your wish
١٦. وَقالَ لَهُ سَلْ تُعطَ وَاِشفع محمّدٌ
تُشفّع وَأولاه قَبول الرّجاءِ
17. And granted you the Seven Oft Repeated out of favor
And granted you elevation of mention without contention
١٧. وَأَولاهُ بِالسّبعِ المَثاني تَفَضّلاً
وَأَولاهُ رَفع الذّكرِ دونَ اِمتراءِ
18. And favored you with the Flag so Adam
And whoever below him are under that Flag
١٨. وَمَنَّ عَليهِ بِاللّواءِ فَآدمٌ
وَمَن دونَه مِن تَحتِ ذاكَ اللّواءِ
19. And you returned with veneration, honor and bliss
And your Master adorned you with the crown of splendor
١٩. وَقَد عادَ بِالإِجلالِ وَالعزِّ وَالهَنا
وَأَلبسهُ مَولاهُ تاجَ البهاءِ
20. And O most noble of the honorable messengers and best of them
And most virtuous, O master of the chosen ones
٢٠. وَيا أَشرَفَ الرّسلِ الكرامِ وَخَيرهم
وَأَفضلهم يا سيّد الأَصفياءِ
21. And you are Allah's Messenger, most honorable messenger
And you are Allah's Beloved, Lord of the heavens
٢١. وَأَنتَ رَسولُ اللّهِ أَكرمُ مُرسلٍ
وَأَنتَ حَبيب اللَّه رَبِّ السماءِ
22. And you are Allah's Messenger, who cured our hearts
And you are for it my Master the best remedy
٢٢. وَأَنتَ رَسول اللَّهِ طبَّ قُلوبنا
وَأَنتَ لَها مَولاي خَير دواءِ
23. And well-being of bodies from every malady
And you are by Allah the finest healing
٢٣. وَعافية الأَجسادِ مِن كلِّ عِلّةٍ
وَأَنتَ لَها واللَّه أَسنى شفاءِ
24. And you are for us by Allah a pillar and refuge
When hardship intensifies for us, sorrow comes uninvited
٢٤. وَأَنت لَنا وَاللَّه رُكنٌ وَمَفزع
إِذا اِشتَدّ فينا الكربُ غبّ فجاءِ
25. Our calamities overwhelmed us altogether
And sudden afflictions assailed us from them
٢٥. دَهَتنا الخُطوب المُدلَهِمّاتُ جُملةً
وَفاجَأَنا مِنها هُجوم البلاءِ
26. And you are for us succor, fortress and sanctuary
To you is our retreat, by Allah the best refuge
٢٦. وَأَنتَ لَنا غَوثٌ وَحِصنٌ وَملجأ
إِلَيكَ لَنا وَاللَّه حسن اِلتجاءِ
27. Besides you through whom intercession is sought today or tomorrow
And you are the most honored of intercessors
٢٧. سِواكَ بِهِ يُستشفعُ اليومَ أَو غدا
وَأَنتَ شَفيع أَكرمُ الشّفعاءِ
28. You are truly an endless ocean of intercession
Boundless indeed without end
٢٨. وَإِنّك بَحرٌ لِلشّفاعَةِ واسعٌ
بَعيد المَدى حقّاً بِدونِ اِنتِهاءِ
29. And after you my Master in it are streams
On the Day of Requital and Gathering like the saints
٢٩. وَبَعْدَكَ يا مَولايَ فيها جَداول
بِيومِ الجَزا وَالحشرِ كَالأولياءِ
30. And who would want the vast ocean in a bucket
And return, God forbid, without quenching thirst
٣٠. وَمَن يردِ البحرَ العَظيمَ عَلى ظَما
ويَرجع يا حاشا بِدونِ اِرتِواءِ
Intercede O Messenger of Allah for us for we
٣١. تَشفّع رَسولَ اللَّه فينا فَإِنّنا
كَسَتنا يَدُ العِصيانِ ثَوبَ العياءِ
32. Have been clothed by disobedience in the garb of destitution
And burdened by the load of sins like pack animals
٣٢. وَأَثقَلَنا حَملُ الذّنوبِ كَواهلا
وَصِرنا بِها أَسرى بِقيدِ العناءِ
33. And became by them prisoners in shackles of distress
And at your sublime door we pitched our tents
٣٣. وفي بابِكَ العالي حَطَطنا رِحالَنا
نُقدّم يا مَولايَ حسنَ الرّجاءِ
34. To present my Master good wishes
And it will not be rejected for you my Master
٣٤. وَلَيسَ بِمَردود وَإِنّك سيّدي
لَفي الخلقِ طرّاً أَكرم الكُرَماءِ
35. Are indeed the most generous of generous ones
Upon you Allah's prayers then His peace
٣٥. عَلَيكَ صَلاةُ اللَّه ثمَّ سَلامهُ
بِكلِّ صَباحٍ بَل وكلِّ مساءِ
36. Every morn and eve
As long as the sun of day has risen
٣٦. مَدى الدّهرِ ما شَمسُ النّهارِ لَقَد بَدَت
وَأَلبَست الآفاقَ ثَوبَ الضياءِ
37. And clothed the horizons in the dress of light
And Al-Fath my Master will never cease praising you
٣٧. وما الفَتحُ يا مَولايَ أَبدى بِمَدحِهِ
عَلَيكَ أَجَلَّ الرّسلِ حسن الثّناءِ
38. O greatest of messengers with excellent praise
And calling you at all times saying
٣٨. وَناداكَ في كلِّ الأَحايين قائلاً
أَلا يا أَجلَّ الرّسلِ وَالأَنبياءِ