
Separation clad me in the garments of emaciation, then estrangement,

مشوق كساه البين ثم التباعد

1. Separation clad me in the garments of emaciation, then estrangement,
The clothes of distress in which affection is no more.

١. مَشوقٌ كَساهُ البَينُ ثمّ التباعُدُ
ثِيابَ نحولٍ ماتَ فيها التّجالُدُ

2. And the distance of loved ones surrendered me to sorrow -
I die in it, while longing lives on and presence is renewed.

٢. وَأَسلَمَهُ بُعدُ الأَحبَّةِ لِلضّنى
يَموتُ بِهِ وَجداً وَيَحيا التّواجُدُ

3. Is there a comforter whose warmth quells the fire of passion,
Alas! Alas! Where is the aider?

٣. وَهَل مُسعِفٌ تُطفى بِهِ جَمرَةُ النّوى
وَهَيهات هَيهات أَينَ المُساعِدُ

4. Though intellects quell it, my heart transforms distance into nil -
Without our meeting, how can I behold you?

٤. عَلى أَنّها تطفى العقولُ تحيلُهُ
بِدونِ تَلاقينا وَأَنّى أُشاهِدُ

5. Had what I suffer from remoteness and passion
Been placed on a mountain of solid rock,

٥. وَلَو أَنّ ما أَلقى مِنَ البُعدِ وَالنّوى
عَلى جَبلٍ مِنهُ الصّخورُ الجَلامِدُ

6. It would melt, leaving no trace or pact,
And become smooth with no landmarks upon it.

٦. لَذابَ وَلَم يُبقِ النَّوى أَثَراً لَهُ
وَأَصبَحَ لا رَسمٌ لَهُ وَمَعاهِدُ

7. Loves of my heart, you departed from my eyes,
Yet each of you dwells still and is seated in my entrails.

٧. أَحِبّةَ قَلبي عَن عُيوني نَأيتُمُ
وَكُلٌّ بِأَحشائي مُقيمٌ وَقاعِدُ

8. Loves of my heart, my passion for you grows
And lives on in you enduring and immortal.

٨. أَحِبّةَ قَلبي إِنَّ وَجدي بِحبّكُم
يَزيدُ وَيَحيا فيكُم وَهوَ خالِدُ

9. In me continues longing, and enmity thrives,
A foe gloats over my state, envious and malignant.

٩. وَفِيَّ تَمادى الشّوقُ وَاِستَحكَمَ الضّنا
وَرَقَّ لأَحوالي عَدوٌّ وَحاسِدُ

10. If an enemy denies my words, your hearts
Are evidence and witness to the truth of our invocation.

١٠. فَإِنْ جاحِدٌ يَجحَدْ كَلامي فَقلبُكم
عَلى صِدْقِ دَعوانا دَليلٌ وَشاهِدُ

11. God watered moments passed in your company,
And I laud Him for them through all time.

١١. سَقَى اللَّهُ أَوقاتاً تَقَضَّتْ بِقُربِكُم
وَإِنّي عَلَيها الدّهرَ مُثْنٍ وَحامِدُ

12. I drank therein the wine of impassioned revelry
From cups of purity whose drafts are quaffed from fountains.

١٢. شَرِبتُ بِها خَمرَ السّمارِ لَذيذَةً
بِكَأسِ الصّفا تَلتَذّ مِنها المَوارِدُ

13. So the Merciful did not make your gatherings desolate -
My place would have been honored had you graced its seats.

١٣. فَلا أَوحشَ الرّحمنُ مِنكُم مَجالِساً
تَشرَّف مِنها لَو حَلَلتُم مَقاعِدُ

14. You made it shine with light and sweet-smelling scents
And adorned it with the pearls embedded in you.

١٤. أَضاءَت بِكُم نوراً وَطابَت رَوائِحاً
وَزَيَّنها مِن دُرِّ فيكم فَرائِدُ

15. And He restored for us, by your company,
A union assisted by the best of aiders.

١٥. وَرَدَّ لَنا فيها اِجتِماعاً بِأُنسكُم
وَساعَد فيهِ فَهوَ نِعمَ المُساعِدُ