1. Love complained of some of its teeth
And that orphan of the gem
١. شَكا الحِبُّ مِن بَعضِ أَسنانِه
وَتِلك اليتيمُ مِنَ الجَوهَرِ
2. So a dislodger came to its castle
So it shed the juice of sweet dates
٢. فَجاءَ إِلى قَلعِهِ قالعٌ
فَسالَ سُلاف اللّمى السُّكري
3. So I hastened to sip as one who sips
I got drunk, and before that I was not drunk
٣. فَبَادَرتُ لِلرّشفِ مُرتشفاً
سَكِرتُ وَمن قبلُ لم أسكرِ
4. So O dislodger, be gentle with my love and I
And as for the orphan, do not subdue it
٤. فَيا قالِعُ اِرفقْ بحِبّي وبي
فَأَمّا اليتيمَ فَلا تَقهرِ