
My beloved has turned away from me to harshness

مال عني إلى الجفاء حبيبي

1. My beloved has turned away from me to harshness
And with his harshness he has deeply wounded me

١. مالَ عنّي إِلى الجَفاءِ حَبيبي
وَنَكاني بِجَفاهُ أَقوى نِكايهْ

2. Since he began turning to harshness with me
I said, his leaning to my harshness is without end

٢. قُلتُ مُذ طالَ ميله لِجَفائي
إِنَّ فيهِ مَيلاً بِدونِ نِهايَه