
Your blessings are an ocean of dew, an ocean in which I drowned

نعماك بحر الندى بحر غرقت به

1. Your blessings are an ocean of dew, an ocean in which I drowned
And I came to be called the drowned of favors and bounties

١. نُعماكَ بَحرَ النّدى بَحرٌ غَرِقتُ بِهِ
وَصِرت أُدعى غَريقَ المنِّ والنِّعمِ

2. Yet I'm incapable of thanking even its smallest
My tongue and mouth failed, exhausted

٢. وَإِنّني عاجِزٌ عَن شُكرِ أَصغَرِها
وَكَلَّ عنهُ لِساني طائِلاً وَفَمي

3. Did you forget Hatim and the son of Zaida
Who became examples of generosity and nobility

٣. أَنسَيتَني حاتماً ثمّ اِبنَ زائدةٍ
وَمَنْ غَدا مثَلاً في الجودِ وَالكَرمِ

4. You keep giving while no one gives you
Except the noble, guarantor of provision for nations

٤. لا زِلتَ تُعطي وَلا يُعطيكَ مِن أَحَدٍ
إِلّا الكريمُ كَفيلُ الرّزقِ لِلأُمَمِ

5. Your sublime hand never ceased
Reviving the generous and the house of poverty and nonexistence

٥. وَلَم تَزَل يَدُك العُليا ولا بَرِحَت
تُحيي الكِرامَ وَبيتَ الفَقر وَالعَدَمِ