1. And of my wonders is that swords and spears
Rage in the hands of men when they become
١. وَمِن عَجَبي أَنّ الصّوارمَ وَالقَنا
تَثورُ بِأَيدي القومِ حينَ تَصيرُ
2. Abundant with drinking blood of enemies-
They menstruate in the hands of men though males.
٢. لِإِكثارِها شُربَ الدّماءِ مِنَ العِدا
تَحيضُ بِأَيدي القَومِ وَهيَ ذُكورُ
3. More wondrous than this is that in their palms,
Though the hearts of men may show mercy, they rule rough,
٣. وَأَعجَبُ مِن ذا أَنّها في أَكُفِّهم
وَإِنْ حَنَّ قَلبُ القَوم عطفاً تَجورُ
4. And nothing can quench their wrath, for they
Kindle fire while the palms are oceans.
٤. وَلا شَيءَ يُطفي الغَيظَ مِنها لِأنّها
تَأَجَّجُ ناراً وَالأَكفُّ بُحورُ