1. Serenity, but does serenity last?
Delight, but delight does not remain.
١. أَصَفاءٌ وَهَل يَدومُ صَفاءُ
وَهَناءٌ وَلَيسَ يَبقى هناءُ
2. And joy, yet for sorrows we were created.
What day can we be joyous? We are not everlasting.
٢. وَسُرورٌ وَلِلهُمومِ وُجدنا
أَيّ يَومٍ نُسَرُّ لَسنا نُساءُ
3. Existence, yet for annihilation we were created.
How can we exist when annihilation afflicts us?
٣. وَبَقاءٌ وَلِلفَناءِ خُلِقنا
كَيفَ نَبقى وَيَعتَرينا الفناءُ
4. Immortality, yet for death we were born.
Construction, yet for ruin, construction.
٤. وَخُلودٌ وَلِلمَماتِ وُلِدنا
وَبِناءٌ وَلِلخَرابِ البِناءُ
5. Life, yet no permanence for the finite.
Does not eternity belong to the Eternal?
٥. وَحَياةٌ وَلا بَقاءَ لِفانٍ
أَلِغَيرِ القَديمِ حُقّ البقاءُ
6. How deluded is the world with the home of deception!
It is a home wherein lies misery and ordeal.
٦. ما اِغتِرارُ الوَرى بِدارِ غرورٍ
وَهيَ دارٌ فيها الرّدى وَالبَلاءُ
7. And tribulations within us, tribulations in succession.
Oh my restless heart, will tribulations ever cease?
٧. وَالرّزايا فينا بِها تَتَوالى
لَهف قَلبي ما لِلرزايا اِنتِهاءُ
8. God suffices us, we have been tested.
With a flame, perfect is its ascent.
٨. حَسبُنا اللّهُ إِنّنا قَد رُزِئنا
بِشِهابٍ لَهُ الكَمالُ سَماءُ
Its light is knowledge and wisdom radiant.
٩. نُورهُ العِلمُ وَالمَعارِفُ يَزهو
مَلأ الكَون مِن هُداهُ الضّياءُ
10. Its guidance filled the universe with illumination.
A sun of knowledge rose disdainfully.
١٠. شَمسُ عِلمٍ قَد أَشرَقَت بِاِزدِهاء
وَلِشَمسِ العُلومِ يَسمو اِزدِهاءُ
11. To the sun of sciences ascends disdain.
A master with whom every master.
١١. وَإِمام بِهِ لِكُلِّ إِمام
جَلّ قَد كانَ قُدوة وَاِقتِداءُ
12. Exalted, was an exemplar and model.
A refined, eminent, valiant scholar.
١٢. عالِمٌ نِحريرٌ وَشَهمٌ شَهير
قَدَّمتْهُ لِفَضله العلماءُ
13. Presented by virtue, the scholars.
An ocean of knowledge, surging in every art.
١٣. بَحرُ عِلمٍ يَموجُ في كلِّ فنٍّ
وَبِكُلٍّ لَهُ اِعتِنا وَاِعتِلاءُ
14. And in each, ascending and transcending.
A singular scholar, none can equal.
١٤. عَلَمٌ مُفردٌ فَلَيس يُضاهى
وَلَهُ الآنَ قَلَّتِ النّظراءُ
15. And now, few are his peers.
Ahmad Bazri, the unique star of Sidon,
١٥. أَحمدُ البزري الفردُ كَوكَبُ صَيدا
مَن بِهِ فيها قَد سَما الإفتاءُ
16. Through whom its religious decree ascended.
He upon whom sciences and people praised,
١٦. مَنْ عَلَيهِ العُلومُ وَالنّاسُ أَثنَت
وَعَلَيهِ قَد طابَ مِنها الثّناءُ
17. And upon him pure praise settled.
His God called him to meet Him,
١٧. قَد دَعاهُ إِلَههُ لِلقاهُ
وَجِنان بِها الهَنا وَالرضاءُ
18. And gardens wherein is bliss and pleasure.
He journeyed quickly, responsively,
١٨. فَسَرى سُرعَةً وَلَبّى مُجيباً
وَلَدَيهِ لِلَّه طابَ اللّقاءُ
19. And for God, the meeting was pleasant.
God refreshed his soul, and his shrine,
١٩. رَوَّحَ اللّهُ روحَه وَضَريحاً
حَلَّهُ فَهوَ رَوضةٌ فَيحاءُ
20. He made it a fragrant garden.
From the gardens of Paradise wherein He granted him,
٢٠. مِن رِياضِ الجِنانِ فيها حَباهُ
وَلَها بِالنّعيمِ مِنهُ اِمتِلاءُ
21. And with bliss through him it was filled.
And inspiration envelops his grave,
٢١. وَهَمى فَوقَه يعمُّ ثَراهُ
وَسَقاهُ مِنَ الرّضاء الحياءُ
22. Watering him from pleasure and life.
When he passed away, our hearts took flight,
٢٢. حينَ أَودى كِدنا نَطيرُ عُيوناً
تُمطِرُ الدّمعَ إِذ عَلانا البكاءُ
23. Raining tears as weeping afflicted us.
And for him our hearts melted,
٢٣. وَعَلَيهِ كِدنا نَذوبُ قُلوباً
مَزَّقَتها لِحُزنِها البأساءُ
24. Ripped by sorrow and adversity.
God emptied within them patience until,
٢٤. أَفرَغَ اللّهُ وَسطها الصّبر حتّى
تَحمل الآنَ رزءه الأحشاءُ
25. They now withstand the affliction of their grief.
And endowed them awareness without confusion,
٢٥. وَحَباها الشّعورَ دونَ ذهولٍ
أَنْ لَهُ دامَ في الأَنامِ الثناءُ
26. That through people his memory lasts.
So he lives, he did not die, as long as
٢٦. فَهوَ حَيّ فَلم يَمُت حَيثُ فينا
عاشَ ذِكراً لَهُ الزّمانَ بقاءُ
27. His remembrance in our time endures.
Wherever he was the sun, he left within us
٢٧. حَيثُما وَهوَ الشّمس خَلَّف فينا
وَلَدَيهِ ربَّتهما العلياءُ
28. His two brilliant, most high moons.
They both reposed, knowledge in the sky of perfection,
٢٨. فَرقدا العِلمِ في سَماءِ كَمالٍ
فيهِما المَجدُ قَد زَها وَالعَلاءُ
29. Through them glory and sublimity shone.
My Lord, so open for them the best opening,
٢٩. رَبِّ فَاِفتَح عَليهما خَيرَ فَتحٍ
فيهِ يَعلو فهماهما وَالذّكاءُ
30. Through which their understanding and intellect rise.
And make truth their habit so that,
٣٠. وَاِجعَلِ الحقَّ عادَة لَهُما كَي
يَبعد الزيغُ عَنهما والخطاءُ
31. Deviation and mistake remain distant.
And prolong, my Lord, their age,
٣١. وَأَطِلْ بِالتّوفيقِ ربّيَ عمراً
لَهُما ما تَغَنّتِ الورقاءُ
32. As long as the leaves rustled.
No star appeared nor lightning flashed,
٣٢. ما بَدا كَوكَبٌ وَما لاحَ بَرقٌ
ما بِرَوضٍ هزَّ الغصونَ الهواءُ
33. No meadow breeze shook the branches.
No son of Fathallah aspired goodness of end,
٣٣. ما اِبنُ فَتحِ اللَّهِ اِرتَجى حُسنَ خَتم
نالَهُ فيمَن قَبلَهُ السُّعداءُ