1. The universe rejoiced and time's face shone bright,
And mankind expressed in sweetest tongue their delight,
١. تَهلَّلَ الكونُ وَوَجهُ الزّمانْ
وَأَعرَبَ البِشْر بِأَحلى لِسان
2. The birds of joy sang gladly at dawn,
Ashaming the flute with hands that play so light,
٢. وَبلبلُ الأَفراحِ غَنَّى ضُحىً
فَأَخجَلَ النّايَ بِأَيدي القِيان
3. And companionship sang in meadows so blithe,
As fortune arrived in most auspicious time,
٣. وَغَرَّدَ الأُنسُ بِرَوضِ الهَنا
وَأَقبَلَ السّعدُ بِخَيرِ الأَوان
4. For time had brought our souls to highest peak,
Like a maiden fair of most joyous sign,
٤. وَالدّهرُ قَد أَرشَفَ أَرواحَنا
سُلافَةَ البُشرى كَبِنت الدِّنان
5. Good news we saw, a glorious conjunction,
The sun of beauty and excellence intertwine,
٥. بُشرى أَرَتْنا جَهْرةً مُلتقى
شَمسُ البها وَالحسنِ بِالزَبرقان
6. Of glory and nobility then virtue,
And wisdom, generosity of the finest vine,
٦. ذي المَجدِ وَالعَلياءِ ثُمَّ الذّكا
وَالحِلمُ وَالبَذلِ بِطيبِ الجَنان
7. The steadfast hero amidst the fray,
My brother of heart, firm when spears align,
٧. الضّيغَمِ المِقدامِ عِندَ الوَغى
أَخي الفُؤادِ الثّبْتِ عِندَ الطِّعان
8. The stalwart horseman, the truthful guide,
The victor of old in days of line,
٨. الفارِسِ القرمِ السّديدِ الحِجى
الحائِزِ السّبْقِ بِيَومِ الرِّهان
9. And he who when he draws his sword of Indian steel,
Can slay the lord of sword and sculpted shrine,
٩. وَمَنْ إِذا صالَ بِسُمْرِ القَنا
أَماتَ رَبَّ السّيفِ وَالطيلِسان
10. And if lions see him in their fear,
They cower and call "Safety! Safety!" a sign,
١٠. وَإِنْ رَأَتْهُ الأسْدُ مِن خَوفِها
ذَلَّت وَنادَته الأَمانَ الأمان
11. That is Ali of highest fate among all people,
His name with glory and honor combine,
١١. ذاكَ عَليُّ القدرِ بَينَ الوَرى
وَالاِسمُ مَع جاهٍ بِعزٍّ يُزان
12. So rise to him in raiment of delight,
Congratulations! For now is the time!
١٢. فَاِنهَضْ إِليهِ بِثِيابِ الهَنا
مُهنِّئاً فَالسَّعدُ ذا الآنَ آن
13. And the full moon joined the sun of beauty,
Happy are they! And the fires align,
١٣. وَاِقتَرَنت بالبدرِ شَمسُ البها
طُوباهُما وَاِجتَمَع النيِّران
14. Like two jewels joined in delight,
A necklace made of perfect design,
١٤. كَجَوهَرَين اِنتَظَما بِالهَنا
عِقداً لَقَد أَزرى بِعِقد الجُمان
15. A joyous message came as fortune arrived,
Date it with the finest conjunction of sign!
١٥. بِشْرٌ أَتى ما السّعدُ أَتى مُقبِلاً
أَرَّخته إِلّا بِخَيرِ القِران