
I have been longing for you since you were a garden of beauty

تطفلت مذ كنت للحسن جنة

1. I have been longing for you since you were a garden of beauty
To bestow upon you my gift of silk

١. تَطَفَّلتُ مُذ كنتَ لِلحُسنِ جَنّةً
عَلَيكَ بِإِهدائي إِلَيكَ حريرا

2. And truly if I were to gift you, O sea, everything
I see in this world, it would be paltry

٢. وَإِنّيَ لَو أُهديك يا بَحرُ كُلَّ ما
أَراهُ عَلى الدّنيا لَكانَ حَقيرا