
Do not entrust your guarded secret to another

ولا تودع السر المصون عن الورى

1. Do not entrust your guarded secret to another
For he who guards it is more worthy than others

١. وَلا تودِعِ السرَّ المَصونَ عَنِ الوَرى
لِغَيرِ شَقيقٍ فَهوَ في كَتمِهِ أَحرى

2. The rose has made the rose its confidant
And entrusted it with its innermost secret like a flower's fragrance

٢. فَقَد جَعلَ الوردُ الشقيقَ شَقيقَه
وَأَودَعهُ كَالزّهرِ مِن عَرفِهِ سرَّا

3. All the flowers of the garden confide in it
Yet the rose reveals not its secret, nor does it betray

٣. فَكلُّ زُهورِ الرّوضِ باحَ بِسِرِّهِ
وَلَم يُفشِهِ عَنهُ الشّقيقُ وَلا أَطرى