
Suns that I have not seen without eclipse,

أشمس ما رأيت بلا كسوف

1. Suns that I have not seen without eclipse,
Nor the protected full moon without waning,

١. أَشَمسٌ ما رَأَيت بِلا كُسوفِ
أَمِ البدرُ المَصونُ عَنِ الخُسوفِ

2. Nor the threaded pearls in necklaces
With which the slender necks were adorned,

٢. أَمِ الدرُّ المنظّمُ في عُقودٍ
بِها اِزدانَ النحورَ مِنَ الخشوفِ

3. But Ghayda', the virgin daughter of Fikr,
Who shakes her bracelets set with costly gems,

٣. أَجَل غَيداءُ بِكر بِنتُ فكرٍ
تَقَرطَقُ بِالثّمينِ مِن الشنوفِ

4. Like a gazelle marked with musk for gracefulness
With the softness of its slender, elegant turning,

٤. كَخوطَةِ بانَةٍ ماسَت دَلالاً
بِلَيِّن عِطفِها الحَسنِ القضيفِ

5. She uses strange metaphors
And produces novelty and refinement,

٥. تَخدّرُ بِالغَريبِ مِنَ المَعاني
وَتَبرزُ بِالبَديعِ وَبِاللّطيفِ

6. But she was betrothed to one not her equal,
An undistinguished man in the wilderness, no nobleman,

٦. وَلَكِن خُطِّبت مِن غَيرِ كُفؤٍ
وَضيعٍ في البريَّةِ لا شَريفِ

7. She is the beauty who has no frown of disdain
For her no thick veils or light wraps,

٧. هِيَ الحَسناءُ لَيسَ بِحاجِبٍ حس
نِها لِبسُ الغَليظِ وَلا الشّفوفِ

8. Born to the mind that has become the suitor
Eloquent in rhetoric and most trustworthy,

٨. وَليدةُ فِكرِ مَن أَضحى خَطيباً
بَليغاً بِالبَيانِ وَخير موفِ

9. Articulate, expressing meanings
Only in the most excellent style,

٩. فَصيحاً لا يُعبِّرُ عَن مَعانٍ
إِذا ما قالَ إِلّا بِالطّريفِ

10. And he desires in combining themes
Only the most excellent structure with the most excellent style,

١٠. وَلا يَهوى بِتَركيبِ المَباني
سِوى المَبنى البَديعِ مَعَ الطّريفِ

11. A man of great distinction in the world, unique
Counted among the most excellent by thousands,

١١. هُمامٌ في الوَرى فَردٌ وَجيهٌ
يُعَدُّ مِنَ الأفاضِلِ بِالأُلوفِ

12. Before him the people of rank bow their heads
And in his presence the haughtiest are humble,

١٢. تُطَأطِئ رَأسها أَهلُ المَعالي
وَتَخضَعُ عِندَهُ شُمُّ الأُنوفِ

13. Without peer in the sciences, jurist, gnostic of God, Sufi,
He is the all-encompassing ocean while every sea

١٣. إِمامٌ في العُلومِ بِلا نَظيرٍ
فَقيهٌ عارِفٌ بِاللَّهِ صوفي

14. Compared to him is less than paltry,
The renewer of this age, undoubtedly

١٤. هُوَ البحرُ المُحيطُ فكلُّ بَحرٍ
بِنِسبَتِهِ لَهُ دونَ الطّفيفِ

15. He is the rightly-guided one of this fragile time,
He built the way of the chosen (Prophet) Ta Ha (Muhammad)

١٥. مُجدِّد ذا الزّمانِ بِلا اِرتِيابٍ
هوَ المَهدي بِذا الزّمَنِ النّحيفِ

16. As he built the upright religion,
By transmission and reason he dispelled

١٦. وَشَيَّدَ سُنَّةَ المُختارِ طَهَ
كَما قَد شَيَّدَ الدّينَ الحنيفي

17. The darkness of the misguided philosopher,
And from him flourished Al Azhar of Egypt in knowledge

١٧. وَبِالمَنقولِ وَالمَعقولِ أَضحى
يُزيحُ ظَلامَ زَيغِ الفَيلَسوفِ

18. Excelling the earth in glorious splendor,
He brought it alive through teaching, revived it,

١٨. وَأَزهَرَ مِنهُ أَزهَرُ مِصرَ عِلماً
فَفاقَ الأَرضَ بِالفَخرِ المنيفِ

19. Through lecture in the proper methodical way,
Through writing and editing he revived

١٩. وَبالتدريسِ قَد أَحياهُ قَلباً
وَبِالتقريرِ بِالوجهِ الرّصيفِ

20. The features of science of every kind,
May my Lord reward him well for every good

٢٠. وَبِالتصنيفِ وَالتحريرِ أَحيا
رُسومَ العِلمِ مِن كلِّ الصنوفِ

21. And save him from fearful adversity,
And maintain him as a cave for those hoping in him

٢١. جَزاهُ اللَّهُ رَبّي كُلَّ خَيرٍ
وَسَلَّمهُ مِنَ الهَولِ المُخيفِ

22. And a relief for the weak and the impoverished
For many days, however much thousands sing,

٢٢. وَأَبقاهُ لِمَن يَرجوهُ كَهفاً
وَغَوثاً لِلعُفاةِ وَلِلضعيفِ

23. And the branch sways in the whistling wind.

٢٣. مَدى الأَيّامِ ما غَنَّى هَزارٌ
وَمالَ الغصنُ بِالرّيحِ العَصوفِ