1. Nine traits in men I've counted and reckoned
To nine that perfect them and straighten the crooked:
١. وَتِسعُ خِصالٍ في رِجالٍ أَعدّها
بِتَسع إِلى إِتقانِها مِلْ وعرِّجِ
2. Mischief for the blond, obstinacy for the squint-eyed,
Wit for the short, wisdom for the pockmarked,
٢. لِأَشقَرَ خُبثٌ واللّجاج لِأَحولٍ
وَظُرفُ قَصيرٍ ثمَّ كيسٌ لِكَوسجِ
3. Folly for the fat, ill fate for the one-eyed,
Heedlessness for the tall, pride for the lame,
٣. وَحُمقُ سَمينٍ ثمّ شُؤم لِأَعورٍ
وَغَفلَةُ ذي طولٍ تَكبُّر أَعرجِ
4. Thus, brother of understanding, grasp the shrewdness of the goggle-eyed
Take it from the Torah, in excellence of method.
٤. كَذاكَ أَخا فَهمٍ شَطارَةَ أَحدبٍ
فَخُذها عَنِ التّوراةِ في حُسنِ مَنهَجِ