1. We donned passion as armor and abandon,
And discarded chastity therein publicly.
١. وَلَبِسنا الهوَى دُروعاً وَلاما
وَخَلَعنا العِذارَ فيهِ اِفتِضاحا
2. A figure of yours that since it wounded me
Has made me spurn to touch the spears.
٢. قامَةٌ مِنكَ وَهيَ مُذْ طَعَنتَني
زَهَّدَتني في أَن أَمسَّ الرِّماحا
3. And wine flows from your lips' cup
Intoxicating me, and how often do I become sober by it.
٣. وَمُدامٌ بِكَأسِ ثَغرِكَ تَجري
أَسكَرتني وَكَم بِها أَتصاحى
4. My murder was unlawful to other than you,
And for your eyelids, it has intended lawful.
٤. كَانَ قَتلي عَلى سِواكَ حَراماً
وَلِجفنَيكَ قَد نَواهُ مُباحا
5. When your breasts revealed pomegranates,
The garden of your cheeks produced apples.
٥. حينَ أَبدى الرُّمّانَ مِنكَ نُهودٌ
رَوضُ خَدَّيك أَثمَرَ التفّاحا
6. And when your cheeks opened roses,
Your sweet lips made clear pearls.
٦. وَإِذا فَتَّحت خُدودُك وَرداً
ثَغرُكَ العَذبُ قَد أَبانَ الأَقاحا
7. And when roses were planted in gardens,
I smelled in your cheeks their opening.
٧. وَإِذا بِالرّياضِ زَرّر وَردٌ
شِمْتُ في وَجنتَيك مِنهُ اِنفِتاحا
8. By my father, beauty that adorns you
Embroidered the sun with splendor and purity.
٨. بِأَبي مِنكَ غُرَّةٌ ذاتُ حُسنٍ
حَكَتِ الشَّمسَ بَهجَةً وَاِتَّضاحا
9. And when your languishing eyelids blinked slowly
They left us correct visions from it.
٩. وَالجُفونُ المِراضُ حينَ تَقاوَت
تَركَتنا مِنهُ العَوافي صِحاحا
10. And to a tender, repeated glance
It melted souls with its sorcery.
١٠. وَلِحاظٍ ضَعيفةٍ مضعّفاتٍ
قَد أَذابَت بِسحرِها الأَرواحا
11. And a forehead that is as if it were the dawn, luminous
Since it shone, I have not seen a morn like it.
١١. وَجَبينٍ كَأَنَّهُ الصُّبحُ نوراً
مُذْ تَناءَى فما رأيتُ صَباحا
12. And a mole over your stature rising
Like the sun at noon rising over spears.
١٢. وَمُحيّاً عَلى قَوامِك يَعلو
مِثلُ شَمسِ النَّهارِ تَعلو رِماحا
13. And cheeks through which the water of beauty flowed
Concealed, if not for modesty, it would have gushed.
١٣. وَخُدودٍ سَرى بِها ماءُ حُسْنٍ
مُستسرّاً لَولا الحَياءُ لَباحا
14. And a chastity that is as if it were ants, but
At your cheeks' morning, it shone like the night.
١٤. وَعِذارٍ كَأَنَّهُ النّملُ لَكِن
بِضُحى وَجنَتَيكَ كَاللَّيلِ لاحا
15. And a smile that is like lightning on the horizon
That wore adornment from its radiance.
١٥. وَاِبتِسامٍ كَأَنَّه بَرقُ أُفقٍ
لَبِسَ الكونُ مِن سَناهُ وِشاحا
16. And saliva in your mouth tells of wine
Through which worries departed me and went away.
١٦. وَرُضابٍ بِفيكَ يَحكي مُداماً
رَحَلَ الهمُّ فيهِ عنّي وَراحا
17. And speech that is like the lute composing melodies
Or jest at dawn loudly resounding.
١٧. وَكَلامٍ كَأَنَّهُ العودُ شَدواً
أَو هزارٌ عَلَيهِ في الصُّبحِ صَاحا
18. And a figure that is like a tender branch
To my heart for its uprightness like gentle breezes.
١٨. وَقَوامٍ كَأَنَّهُ الغُصنُ خِلْنا
بِفُؤادي لِعَدلِهِ أَرياحا
19. So by a sword that appeared in your glances,
When it bloodied hearts from us, wounds.
١٩. فَبِسَيفٍ بِمُقلَتَيْكَ تَبَدَّى
حينَ أَدمى القُلوبَ مِنّا جِراحا
20. And lips by which wine glasses gleam
Let me forget the wine and cups.
٢٠. وَشِفاهٍ بِها يَلوحُ سُلافٌ
أَنسَياني المُدامَ والأَقداحا
21. ComeVisit a melancholic with union and frequenting
Making worries become joys for him.
٢١. جُدْ بِوَصلٍ وَزَوْرةٍ لِكَئيبٍ
تَجعَلُ الغَمَّ عِندَهُ أَفراحا
22. And congratulate beauty among the maidens
The dove in the bushes of the valley has not moaned.
٢٢. وَتَهنّا الجَمالَ دونَ البَرايا
ما حَمامُ الغُصونِ في الدّوحِ ناحا