1. Between the drooping eyelids and the sleepy fog,
A sword of cane, intense in slaying lives,
١. ما بَينَ مُنكسرِ الأجفانِ والدّعَجِ
سَيفٌ مِنَ القضبِ ماضي الفَتكِ في المُهَجِ
2. It sheds blood and kills intentionally without fire,
Without wealth or sin or burden.
٢. يُدمي وَيَقتُل عَمداً دونَ ما قَوَدٍ
وَدونَ مالٍ وَلا إِثمٍ ولا حرَجِ
3. Magic is its making, murder is its trait,
Slaying is its habit with kohl and sleepy fog.
٣. السّحرُ صَنعَتُه وَالقتلُ شيمَتُهُ
وَالفتكُ عادَتُه بِالكحلِ والدَّعَجِ
4. How strange is its slaying, and it being narcissus,
As if it rivals souls with pride.
٤. ما أَغربَ الفتكَ مِنهُ وَهوَ نَرجسةٌ
فَهَلْ تَقاوَى عَلى الأرواحِ بِالغنَجِ
5. It ends the emptiness of passion and infatuation,
If it saw that it would be jealous in its love.
٥. يَقضي عَلى الخَلوِ مِن عِشقٍ وَمِن ولهٍ
في حبّهِ لَو رَآهُ أَن يَكونَ شَجي
6. Its wink when it desires nothing but our ruin,
To hunt us in the threads of magic fully rigged.
٦. ما غَمزُهُ حينما يَرنو سِوى شرَكٍ
لِصيدنا مِن خُيوطِ السّحرِ مُنتَسِجِ
7. It serves wine though intoxicated without wine,
And wine is forbidden from wholesomeness and mixture.
٧. يَسقي الطُّلى وَهوَ مَخمورٌ بِغَيرِ طُلىً
وحُرِّمَ الخمرُ من صرفٍ وممتزجِ
8. I sacrifice it - may Allah heal it from illness,
For beauty while sick has splendor.
٨. فَدَيتُه لا شَفاه اللَّه مِن مَرَضٍ
فَالحسنُ وَهوَ مَريضٌ فيه ذو بَلجٍ
9. It infects the heart with the sickness it contains,
Until it melts with the embers of burning love.
٩. يُعدي الفُؤادَ بِما يَحويهِ مِن مَرضٍ
حتَّى يَذوبَ بِجَمرِ العِشقِ ذي الوهَجِ
10. I was not of those who believed contagion,
Nor took to that saying as my path.
١٠. ما كُنت مِمّن يَرى العَدوى يَقولُ بِها
وَلا سَلَكتُ بِذاكَ القَولِ في نهَجِ
11. But since I saw what I have shown, I said it,
For I had clear proof among proofs.
١١. وَمُذْ رَأَيت الّذي أَبدَيت قُلت بِها
إِذْ كانَ لي حِجّةً مِن أَوضَحِ الحججِ