1. O Suleiman, you built a fountain in your time
With sincerity to God the Majestic
١. سُلَيمانَ الزَّمان بَنَيتَ حَوضاً
مَعَ الإِخلاصِ للَّه الجليلِ
2. You constructed it with excellent placement
Seeking abundant generous reward
٢. أَجَدتَ بِناءَهُ في حُسنِ وَضْعٍ
تُريدُ مضاعَفَ الأجرِ الجزيلِ
3. You quenched people with its fresh water
With it the thirsty ailing one is healed
٣. سَقَيتَ النَّاسَ مِنهُ عَذبَ ماءٍ
بِهِ يُشفى الغليلُ مِنَ العَليلِ
4. May God, my Lord, quench you on the day of resurrection
From the Prophet's fountain, for which you have gained merit
٤. سَقاكَ اللَّهُ رَبِّي يَومَ حَشرٍ
وَقَد أَرّخت مِن حَوضِ الرّسولِ