1. She assails me with glances that are like arrows,
And her figure wounds me with subtle blame.
١. تُناضِلُني منها اللِّحاظُ بِأَسْهُمٍ
ويَطْعَنُني منْها القَوامُ بلهذَمِ
2. The light of her teeth when she smiles dazzles me,
Her lips seemed to smile at me flirtatiously.
٢. ويُدْهِشُني بَرق سَناهُ مُشَعْشعٌ
لِطرفي بَدا مِنْ ثَغْرِها المُتبَسِّمِ
3. Shall I wake while her eyes are cups of wine
And her smile is a goblet that intoxicates the lovesick?
٣. أَأَصْحو وعَيْناها سُقاةُ مُدامَةٍ
وَمَبْسمُها كاسٌ يَحلُّ لمُغرَمِ
4. The glow of the sun is the light of her forehead,
And her eyebrows shine like twinkling stars.
٤. كَأنَّ ضِياءَ الشّمسِ نُورُ جَبينها
وَجَبهَتها الغَرّا تَلوحُ كَأَنجُمِ
5. Her dimples sparkle like flashes of lightning,
And her sweet smile flows like stringed pearls.
٥. كَأَنَّ ثَناياها تَلامُعُ بارقٍ
وَمَبسِمُها الألْمى كَدرٍّ مُنظَّمِ
6. Her body is delicately shaped, it would sway
With the softest breeze, at the merest breath.
٦. لَها جَسَدٌ بِاللُّطفِ يُنعَتُ حَجمهُ
مِنَ الرّيحِ قَدْ يدمى بِمَحْضِ تَنسُّمِ
7. She has a mole like musk in color and fragrance
And cheeks like roses or red anemones.
٧. وَخالٍ شَبيهِ المِسْكِ لَوناً ونَفحَةً
وَخَدٍّ كَمِثْلِ الوَردِ أَو شِبهِ عَندَمِ
8. The sway of her figure puts the branches to shame
As the flash of her smile outshines the moon.
٨. وَقَد أَخجَلَ الأَغصانَ مَيسُ قَوامِها
كَما أَخجَلَ الأَقمارَ بَرْقُ التبسُّمِ
9. If she unveiled her face one day, she would
Blind the sighted, then give vision to the blind.
٩. وَلَوْ كَشَفَتْ يَوماً لِثاماً لِوَجْهِها
لَأَعْمَتْ بَصيراً ثمَّ أَبْصَرَ منْ عَمي
10. God has given her, of excellent beauty,
Glances by which she surpasses all coquetry.
١٠. لَها اللَّهُ مِن غَيْداءَ ذاتِ مَحاسنٍ
بِأَلْحاظِها صادَتْ نُهى كُلِّ ضَيْغَمِ
11. By God, she came to me one night,
Swaying gently, with a shapely figure.
١١. وَلِلّهِ لَيْلٌ فيه جاءَتْ تَزورُني
تَميلُ بنَشْوان القَوامِ المُنعَّمِ
12. The full moon of company rose after setting
In my garden, while grief filled my longing heart.
١٢. وَأَشرَقَ بَدْرُ الأُنسِ بعدَ أُفولهِ
برَبعي وفي قَلْبي الكئيبِ المُتيّمِ
13. She conversed with me in an unbroken stream
Of strange tales, authentic ones told by Muslim.
١٣. وَقَد سامَرَتْني في حَديثٍ مُسَلسَلٍ
غَريبٍ ويُروى في الصّحيحِ لمُسْلمِ
14. Until the dawn rose from the east
Assailing the wing of night with its arrows.
١٤. إِلى أَن بَدا مِنْ شَرْقِهِ الصُّبْحُ طالِعاً
يُراشِقُ جُنْحَ اللّيلِ منهُ بِأَسْهُمِ
15. The signs of dawn have become illuminated
Rivaling the brilliance of the greatest imam's face.
١٥. وَأَضْحَتْ تَباشيرُ الصّباحِ مُنيرَةً
تُحاكي سَنا وَجهِ الإِمامِ المُعَظَّمِ
16. An imam whose lineage climbs to the highest,
As his own loftiness climbs to glory it claims.
١٦. إِمامٌ لَهُ العَلياءُ تَسْمو بِنِسبَةٍ
كَما لعُلاه العِزُّ كالفَخْرِ يَنتَمي
17. Noble one, from whose palm's open rain
We quenched our thirst with the sweetest water.
١٧. كَريمٌ رَوَيْنا البحرَ عنْ فَيضِ كفّهِ
عَذيبَ الجَنى يَحلو لِكُلِّ مُيمِّمِ
18. Eloquent one, who when he stands to preach
Seems as if the Arabs hear only a mute.
١٨. فَصيحٌ إِذا ما قامَ يَخطُبُ واعِظاً
تَرى يَعرُباً يَبدو لَدَيهِ كَأَبْكَمِ
19. He is the unique flag that rose over the world
So all humanity sought shelter in its shade.
١٩. هوَ العَلَمُ الفَرْدُ الَّذي لاحَ لِلوَرى
فَأَضْحَتْ بِهِ كُلُّ البَريَّةِ تَحتَمي
20. He is the shining moon whose light outshone the sun,
The brave lion on every battlefield.
٢٠. هوَ القمَرُ الزّاهي على الشّمسِ نورُهُ
هوَ الأَسدُ المِقدامُ في كلِّ مَقدَمِ
21. The beasts of the forest flee from him in fear
Mistaking him for a vast and teeming army.
٢١. تَفِرُّ أُسودُ الغابِ مِنهُ مَخافةً
وتَحسَبهُ فَرداً كَجَيشٍ عَرَمرَمِ
22. God has given him, from a noble honored master
Indeed he has gained glory above the glory of all tribes.
٢٢. لَهُ اللَّهُ مِنْ مَوْلى شَريفٍ مُكرَّمٍ
لَقَد حازَ فَخراً دونَهُ فَخرُ جُرهُمِ
23. With him the flag of loftiness was raised after its fall
Circling the clouds' pavilions that rise high.
٢٣. بِهِ رُفِعَتْ هامُ العُلى بَعْدَ خَفْضِها
فَطافَتْ بِأَكْنافِ السحابِ المخيِّمِ
24. The pillar of glory was rebuilt after its collapse
To become solid and flourishing, never to crumble.
٢٤. وَشيدَ رُكْنُ المَجدِ بَعدَ اِنهِدامِهِ
فَأَضْحى مَتيناً عامِراً لم يُهدَّمِ
25. He has ambition higher than the heavens' ceiling
With a true eminent rising destination.
٢٥. لَهُ هِمَّةٌ فَوقَ السِّماكِ مَحلُّها
لها آصفٌ حقّاً مُضافٌ ومُنتَمي
26. So O shrine of virtue, around which we circumambulate
As we circle the ancient inviolable house.
٢٦. فَيا كَعبَةَ الفضلِ الّتي قَد نَطوفُها
كَما طيفَ بِالبَيتِ العَتيقِ المحرَّمِ
27. O most praised of character, whose actions tomorrow
Will be thanked and rewarded with utmost nobility.
٢٧. وَيا أَحْمَدَ الأوصافِ مَنْ فِعلُهُ غَدا
مِنَ الحَمدِ مَحْموداً بكلِّ تكرُّمِ
28. Harmful thought, smiling subtly.
With it the successor is given life and the listener joyous,
٢٨. فَهاكَ حَماكَ اللَّهُ مِن كُلِّ آفةٍ
مُخَدَّرةٍ بِالفِكْرِ ذاتِ تَبسُّمِ
29. It delights the reciter and elucidates the non-Arab.
It has come to you to gain acceptance and pleasure
٢٩. بِها ينعشُ التالي ويطْربُ سامعٌ
وَيبْهجُ رائِيها وَيعْربُ أَعجَمي
30. And to kiss your hands, the greatest inauguration.
So show it favor by your kindness, like rainfall
٣٠. أتَتْكَ لِتَحْظى بِالقَبولِ وَبِالرِّضى
وَتلثُمَ مِنْ كفَّيْك أعظمَ ملثَمِ
31. Comforting it, seek to accomplish its wishes.
Do not let anything but acceptance be its concerns
٣١. فَمدَّ بِإِقبالٍ عَلَيها تَفضُّلاً
لَها راحةً بالجودِ كالغَيثِ تَهتَمي
32. That through it, it may obtain the greatest profits.
Stay in God's safety for as long as the breeze blows
٣٢. وَلا تَجعَلَنْ غيرَ القَبولِ وشاحَها
لَعَلَّ بِهِ تَحظى بِأَعظَمِ مَغنَمِ
33. And for as long as the moonlight sings beautifully.
٣٣. ودُمْ بأمانِ اللَّهِ ما هَبَّتِ الصَّبا
وما غرّدَ القُمْريْ بحُسنِ ترنُّمِ