
She has a guard at every time, guarding her

لها خفر في كل وقت خفيرها

1. She has a guard at every time, guarding her
And how can the lion of the den protect her?

١. لها خفرٌ في كلِّ وَقتٍ خَفيرُها
وكيفَ ومِن أسَدِ العرين يُجيرها

2. She's accustomed to generosity even if it harms her
But she was stingy with what does not harm her

٢. وَمَألوفُها جودٌ وَلَو فيه ضَرُّها
وَلَكِنَّها ضَنَّت بِما لا يضيرُها

3. Her habit is not to heal her sick
And not to see her prisoner freed one day

٣. وَعادَتُها أَن لا يُداوَى عَليلُها
وَأَن لا يَرى الإِطلاقَ يَوماً أسيرُها

4. Her ways are not to visit the aggrieved
And the brother of passions does not visit her

٤. وَسيرَتُها أَن لا تَزورَ مُتيَّماً
وَأنَّ أَخا الأَشواقِ لَيسَ يَزورها

5. A gazelle of beauty with no blemish in her beauty
Except that she finds fault with the sun over her

٥. خَريدَةُ حُسنٍ لا مَعيبَ بِحُسنِها
سِوى أَنّها لِلشَّمسِ مِنها تُعيرها

6. I'm inclined to the full moon of the sky because it
Is equal in its present brilliant beauty to her

٦. أَميلُ إِلى بَدرِ السّماءِ لأنَّهُ
عَلى حُسنِهِ الحالي البَديعِ نَظيرُها

7. I loved the stars of the night because they
On their foreheads for glory build their castles

٧. وَدِدْتُ نُجومَ اللَّيلِ مِن أَجلِ أَنّها
عَلى هامِها لِلعِزِّ تَبني قصورَها

8. And because they placed love's necklaces on their chests
On their necks appearing like pearls in a row

٨. وَمِن أَجل أَن ودَّت على الحبِّ أَنّها
على جِيدها تبدو عُقوداً بدورُها

9. I don't know if she's the full moon or became
A sun where its light appeared in beauty

٩. وَما لِيَ عِلمٌ أَنّها البدرُ أَم غَدَت
عَلى الحُسنِ شَمساً حَيثُ قَد لاحَ نورُها

10. Proof she's the sun is her brilliance
Proof she's the full moon is her pride

١٠. عَلى كَونِها شَمساً دَليلي ضِياؤُها
عَلى كَونِها بَدراً دَليلي غُرورها

11. And her rising by day and night while I hope
For her appearance made me confused

١١. وَأَوقَعَني في الوهمِ فيها طُلوعُها
نَهاراً وَلَيلاً راجِياً وَظهورُها

12. So if I liken her to the full moon, she's the full moon's mistress
And if I liken her to the sun, she illuminates it

١٢. فإنْ قِسْتُها بالبدر فالبدر عبدُها
وإن قِسْتُها بالشمس فهي تنيرها

13. A gazelle of a herd accustomed to estrangement and aloofness
Above the wild deer's skittishness appears her coyness

١٣. غَزالةُ سِربٍ تَألَفُ الهَجرَ وَالجَفا
وَفوقَ نفورِ الظبيِ يَبدو نُفورها

14. And all the tormenting beauties' cruelties, if she
Inflicts them on me, then distance from me is her ease

١٤. وَكلُّ صِعابِ المُؤلِماتِ إِذا قَضَت
عَلَيَّ بِها فَالبعدُ عِندي عَسيرُها

15. Though for me killing her with a sword when she's
Near me is a favor, her approach makes simple

١٥. عَلى أَنّ عِندي القتل مِنها بِصارِمٍ
لَدى قُربِها مِنّي اِمتِناناً يَسيرُها

16. Slender waist - not from frail emaciation
Nor is it among waists the shortest

١٦. رَقيقَةُ خَصرٍ لا لِضَعفِ نحولِهِ
وما هو مِن بَينِ الخُصور قَصيرُها

17. And a belt at her waist, a waistband over
Her hips, tight, and on it she turns

١٧. وَخاتَم لِلخصرِ مِنطقة على
خَناصِرِها ضاقَت وَفيه تُديرُها

18. She let down over cheeks flowing tresses -
Would that my reward were Paradise and its maidens!

١٨. لَقَد أَسبَلَت فَوقَ الخُدودِ سَوالِفاً
وَلَيتَ جَزائي جنّة وَحريرُها

19. If she asks me about the sciences of passion
I'll prove to her that I'm its expert

١٩. إِذا سَألتني في الهَوى عَن عُلومِهِ
أَقَمتُ لَها البُرهانَ أَنّي خَبيرُها

20. And that I'm an ocean with no rest in its depth
Vast, expansive - from it oceans drew their waters

٢٠. وَأَنّي بَحرٌ لا قَرارَ لِعُمقِهِ
طَويلٌ عَريضٌ مِنهُ مَدَّت بُحورُها

21. And that I'm the prophet of love who calls to passion
And I have miracles whose curtains were pulled back

٢١. وَأَنّي نَبيءُ الحبِّ أَدعو إِلى الهَوى
وَلي مُعجِزاتٌ زيحَ عَنها سُتورُها

22. Among them is the full moon splitting - it appeared
On her cheek, and this is the greatest

٢٢. فَمِنها اِنشِقاقُ البدرِ مِن سالِفٍ بَدا
عَلى خَدِّها القاني وَهَذا كَبيرُها

23. So whoever follows me and emulates my saying
The light of love elevates him

٢٣. فَمَن يَتّبِعني يَقتَدي بِمَقالَتي
فَيَعلوهُ مِن شَمسِ المَحبَّةِ نورُها

24. And lovers in every retinue of love and ecstasy knew
That I'm its prince

٢٤. وَقَد عَلِمَ العُشّاقُ في كلِّ مَوكِبٍ
مِنَ الحبِّ وَالأَشجانِ أَنّي أَميرُها

25. But I'm a slave to a glorious beloved
At the horizon's rise her appearance shows

٢٥. وَلَكِنّني عَبدُ لَذّاتٍ مُمجَّدٍ
عَلى مَطلَعِ العَلياءِ يَبدو ظُهورُها

26. She surpassed people of merit as a child in her merit
And how many nobles her few years outshone

٢٦. لَقَد فاقَ أَهلَ الفَضلِ طِفلاً بِفَضلهِ
وَكَم سادَ في الأَشرافِ فَضلاً صَغيرُها

27. She ruled groups who preceded her
If she were the last of this age

٢٧. وَساد جَماعاتٍ عَليهِ تَقدَّموا
وَلَو أَنَّهُ في ذا الزَّمانِ أَخيرُها

28. She adorned herself with etiquette, forbearance and dew
So through her the ages appeared delighted

٢٨. تَجَمَّلَ بِالآدابِ وَالحِلمِ وَالنّدى
فَظلَّت بِهِ الأَكوانُ يَبدو سُرورُها

29. She has every praiseworthy trait
And I all my life, by my life, am grateful to her

٢٩. لَهُ مِن صِفاتِ الحُسنِ كُلُّ حَميدةٍ
وَإِنّي مَدى عمري لَعَمْري شَكورُها

30. Among the kings of merit she has the highest rank
Above the sun of glory her throne appears

٣٠. لَهُ في مُلوكِ الفَضلِ أَرفَعُ رتبةٍ
عَلى رَأسِ شَمسِ المَجدِ يَبدو سَريرُها

31. If the people of superiority and sublimity were mentioned
In the way of preference, she's their best

٣١. وَلَو ذُكِرَت أَهلُ المَفاخِرِ وَالعُلى
عَلى مَنهَجِ التّفضيلِ فَهوَ خَطيرُها

32. In her gatherings among the noble sittings
To sit with others, breasts refuse

٣٢. تَحلَّت بِهِ بَينَ الكرامِ مَجالِسٌ
عَلى غَيرِهِ تَأبى الجُلوسَ صُدورُها

33. If the stars of the virtuous revolved around her
Like the sun revolving with its orbits around it

٣٣. حَوالَيه لَو دارَت نُجومُ أَفاضِلٍ
فَكالشّمسِ لَو دارَت لَديها بُدورُها

34. She was imbued with the perfume of beauty and musk
And in it the fragrances of perfume are heated by her scent

٣٤. تَضمَّخَ في طيبِ الجَمالِ وَمِسكِهِ
وَفيهِ غَوالي الطيبِ يَذكو عَبيرُها

35. She's the ocean in every knowledge and freshness
Oh how many oceans drew their waters from it

٣٥. هوَ البحرُ في كلّ المَعارِفِ والنّدى
فَيا طالَما مِنهُ اِستَمدَّت بُحورُها

36. A leader the leaders all follow
As she among people is famous

٣٦. إِمامٌ بِهِ كلُّ الأئمّةِ تَقتَدي
بِما أَنَّهُ بَينَ الأنام شَهيرُها

37. An orator whose eloquence shows rhetoric
Beside it the eloquent fall short

٣٧. خَطيبٌ مِن التبيانِ يبدي بَلاغَةً
تَقاصَرَ عنها قِسُّها وَجريرُها

38. She makes eloquence into jewels
That the world's paltry goods in my eyes are small

٣٨. يَصوغ أَساليبَ البَيانِ جَواهِراً
يُقوَّم بِالدّنيا لَديّ صغيرُها

39. A zealous one seeking the truth, an elegant calling
By which the garden of proof was illuminated by its light

٣٩. هُمامٌ عَلى التَّحقيقِ نَدْبٌ مهذَّبٌ
بِهِ رَوضَةُ التحريرِ قَد طابَ نورُها

40. And a garden of merit, magnanimity and freshness
And gentleness, etiquette, perfection are its flowers

٤٠. وَرَوضَةُ فَضلٍ وَالمَكارِمُ وَالنَّدى
وَلُطفٌ وظرْفٌ وَالكَمال زُهورُها

41. Not hidden from him are the secrets of sciences
Like their apparent which he makes clear

٤١. وَما عَنهُ أَسرارُ العلومِ خَفيّةٌ
كَظاهِرِها يُجلى عَلَيهِ ضَميرُها

42. Adornment of the people of glory in every procession
At the highest nobility their appearance climbs

٤٢. وَزينَةُ أَهلِ المَجدِ في كلِّ مَوكبٍ
عَلى الشَّرَفِ الأَعلى تَسامَى ظهورُها

43. A stronghold of might and dignity are its fruits
The lions' roar is hidden from it

٤٣. وَدَوحَة عِزٍّ وَالوقارُ ثِمارُها
لَدَيها مِنَ الآسادِ يَخفَى زَئيرُها

44. So O noble one whose reputation is pure
And I among the generous through you take pride

٤٤. فَيا أَيُّها الشَّهمُ الَّذي طابَ صيتُهُ
وَإِنّي بِهِ بَينَ الكِرام فخورُها

45. You supported Muhammad's religion with the sword of truth
You, brother of knights, you are its supporter

٤٥. نَصَرتَ بِسَيفِ الحقِّ مِلَّةَ أَحمَدٍ
وَأَنتَ أَخا الفُرسانِ أَنتَ نَصيرُها

46. And the causes of truth in you took refuge
And you between mankind are its wall

٤٦. وَإِنَّ قَضايا الحقِّ فيكَ تَحَصَّنَت
وَأَنتَ لَها بَينَ البريَّةِ سورُها

47. I have an idea to praise none but you
Praiseworthy, its poetry and feelings are you

٤٧. وَلي فِكرَةٌ عَن مَدحِ غَيرِكَ قَد سَهَت
وَفيكَ حَميدٌ شِعرُها وَشعورُها

48. And I have an idea - if praising you were in the sky
Its falcon and sparrow hawk would fly to it

٤٨. وَتي فِكرةٌ لَو كانَ مَدحُكَ في السّما
لَطارَ إِلَيهِ بازُها وَصفورُها

49. The scrolls of praise you adorn with treasure
Written in coral on them its lines

٤٩. تُزَخرِفُ صحْفُ المَدحِ فيكَ بِجَوهَرٍ
وتُكتَبُ بِالمَرجانِ فيها سُطورُها

50. To you poetry's boughs brought a gift
A bride beyond compare her rooms excel

٥٠. إِلَيك لَقَد أَهدَت مِنَ النّظمِ غادَةً
عَروساً عَلى تِسعٍ تَزيدُ خدورُها

51. She leans on hearts, captures minds
And the maidens of Paradise fall in love with her

٥١. تَميلُ عَلى الأَلبابِ تَسْتَلِبُ الحِجى
وَتَعشَقُها مِن جَنَّةِ الخلدِ حورُها

52. She adorned herself with the necklace of your praise
O excellent is that necklace contained in necks

٥٢. تَحَلَّت بِعِقد المَدحِ فيكَ نُحورُها
وَيا حُسنَه عِقداً حَوتهُ نُحورُها

53. So take her without objection in consent
And live in happiness and joy

٥٣. فَخُذها بِلا أَمرٍ عَلى مَنهَجِ الرِّضا
فَفيكَ بِلا رَيبٍ يَدومُ حُبورُها

54. Through you years and months are delighted
And last - Ibn Fathallah guides you, ceaselessly

٥٤. وَدُم بِصَفاءِ العَيشِ بِالسَّعدِ وَالهَنا
تُسَرُّ بِكَ الأعوامُ ثمَّ شُهورُها

55. For her a guard at every time, guarding her

٥٥. وَدامَ اِبنُ فَتحِ اللَّهِ يهديكَ كاعِباً
لَها خَفَرٌ في كلِّ وَقتٍ خفيرُها