1. One who claims kinship to the sea is himself the sea embodied,
So if you doubt, investigate so you may know,
١. وَمُنتَسِبٍ لِلبَحرِ وَالبحرُ عينُهُ
فَإِنْ كُنتَ في شَكٍّ فَحَقّقْهُ كَي تَدري
2. And to them the one who claims kinship is decidedly distinct,
From one with a lineage, after reflection and thought,
٢. وَعِندَهُمُ المَنسوبُ قَطعاً مغايرٌ
لِذي نِسبةٍ بَعدَ التأمُّلِ وَالفِكرِ
3. They have erred in reason, transmission, and insight,
For I have seen the sea has itself become the seafarer.
٣. قَد أَخطَأَوا عَقلاً ونَقلاً وفِطنةً
لِأنّي رَأيتُ البحرَ أَضحى هوَ البَحري