
Without pride and boasting, excellence is not perfected,

بغير العلا والفخر لا يحسن الجد

1. Without pride and boasting, excellence is not perfected,
Nor glory attained except through merit.

١. بِغَيرِ العُلا وَالفَخرِ لا يَحسُنُ الجدُّ
وَلَيسَ بِغَيرِ الفَضلِ يُكتسَبُ المجدُ

2. A man's honor comes from his chivalry,
And boasting comes only from reason, taste and wealth.

٢. وَما المَرءُ إِلّا بِالمُروءَةِ فَخرُه
وَما الفَخرُ إِلّا العَقلُ وَالذَوقُ وَالرِّفدُ

3. Before you are the steeds of precedence in the arena of glory,
And before you are the horses of merit, racing to take the lead.

٣. فَدونَكَ قَصْبُ السَّبقِ في حَلبةِ العُلى
وَدونَكَ خَيل الفَضلِ لِلسبقِ إِذ تَعدو

4. Gaze at the stars of honor in their skies,
Stretch your ambition towards honor, it extends.

٤. وَشاهِدْ نُجومَ العِزِّ فَوقَ سَمائِهِ
فَمُدَّ لَها هاماً إِلى العِزِّ تمتدُّ

5. Be an eagle, hunting every virtue,
Be a man, whom even lions fear because of his courage.

٥. وَكُنْ بازِياً يَصطادُ كُلَّ فَضيلَةٍ
وَكُنْ رَجُلاً تَخشاهُ مِن خَوفِها الأُسْدُ

6. Be a master, resolute, with an unbending determination,
With which you can lead stubborn rocks, and they follow.

٦. وَكُن سَيِّداً بِالحَزمِ باتِرُ عَزمِهِ
يقدُّ بِهِ هامَ الصخورِ فَتَنقدُّ

7. Do not fear the vicissitudes and upheavals of time,
For the free man is not cowardly when danger intensifies.

٧. وَلا تَخشَ مِن رَيبِ الزَّمانِ وَصَدْعهِ
فما الحُرُّ ذا جُبنٍ إذِ الرّيْب يشتدُّ

8. I am a man who does not fear the wrath of fate,
And if I did fear it, I am still a man tomorrow.

٨. فَإِنّي اِمرُؤٌ لا يختشي قَهرَ دَهرِهِ
فَإِن كنتُ أَخشاه فإنّي اِمرؤٌ وَغْدُ

9. I rode the lofty ambitions on a setting sun,
And sailed an endless sea of purpose.

٩. رَكِبت إِلى العَليا عَلى غارِبِ السُّها
وَخُضتُ بِحاراً في النّوى ما لها حَدُّ

10. I aspire to catch perfection and gain it,
I am not tempted by worldly comforts and luxury.

١٠. أَميل إِلى صَيدِ الكَمالِ وَكَسبِهِ
وَلَم تَكُ تُشجيني المَعاطِفُ وَالقَدُّ

11. I have no inclination towards beautiful gardens,
I have no delight in roses or flowers.

١١. وَلَستُ بِمَيّالٍ إِلى حُسنِ وَجنَةٍ
وَما لَذّ لي مِنها الوُرودُ وَلا الوردُ

12. I pay no heed to Salma or Abla,
My heart is not possessed by Saad or Daad.

١٢. وما لي اِلتِفاتٌ نَحوَ سَلمى وَعَبلَةٍ
وَما مَلَكت قَلبي سُعادٌ ولا دَعدُ

13. No maiden's passion moved me,
Adorned with a necklace, like her breast.

١٣. وَلا هَزَّني وَجداً مِنَ الغِيدِ غادَةٌ
يَزينها عِقدٌ كَما زانَها نَهدُ

14. For you have excelled the glorious in their glory,
And my glory follows their example, too great to rival.

١٤. فَقَد سُدْتَ أَهلَ المَجدِ مِن قَبلِ مَجدِهم
وَمَجدي عَلى منوالِهِ جَلّ أَن يَسدوا

15. Even if I were king of the world,
I would be al-Kilabrae's servant for eternity.

١٥. وَإِنّي لَو صِرتُ المَليكَ على الورى
فَإِنّيَ طولَ الدَّهرِ لِلكزبري عبدُ

16. A leader endowed with every praiseworthy trait,
Whose morals are praised and lauded.

١٦. إِمامٌ حَوى مِن كلِّ وَصفٍ حَميدَهُ
فَأَثنى عَلى أَخلاقِهِ المدحُ والحمْدُ

17. A resolute man, who shines debating,
He has no equal in his arena.

١٧. هُمامٌ إِذا ما لاحَ في البَحثِ جايلاً
فَلَيسَ سِواه عِندَ مَيدانِهِ يعدو

18. Wise, solving problems with brilliance,
A mind illuminated by his Creator's light.

١٨. ذَكِيٌّ يَفكُّ المشكلاتِ بِفِطنَةٍ
وذِهنٌ له من نور خالِقِهِ وَقْدُ

19. He is the full moon, the souls' shining light,
He is the sun, always accompanied by good fortune.

١٩. هُوَ البدرُ وَالأَرواح مَشرِقُ نورهِ
هو الشَّمسُ لا زالَت يُلازِمُها السّعدُ

20. He is the hidden pearl, the jewel
Which shines so bright, none can equal.

٢٠. هوَ اللُّؤلُؤُ المَكنونُ وَالدُرّةُ الّتي
تَجِلُّ اِرتِفاعاً أَن يَكونَ لَها نِدُّ

21. He excels in merits as he does in glory, kindness and piety,
Replying to his enemies with kindness and sympathy.

٢١. تَفرَّدَ بِالأَفضالِ وَالفَضلِ مِثلَما
تَفَرَّدَ فيهِ المَجدُ وَاللّطفُ وَالزّهدُ

22. Never rewarding the evildoer for what the evildoer did.
From his soul goodwill towards all is shown,

٢٢. يُقابِلُ مَن عاداهُ بِاللّطفِ وَالنّدى
وَحاشاهُ يَجزي الوَغْدَ ما فعل الوغدُ

23. And from his noble stature, munificence appears.
From his smiling mouth, we gain gems,

٢٣. فَمِن نَفسِهِ لِلنّاسِ تَبدو تِهامَةٌ
وَمِن قَدرِهِ السامي لَقَد ظَهَرَ نجدُ

24. That even the necklaces of nymphs would envy.
Tell him who tries to limit his traits,

٢٤. وَعَن ثَغرِهِ الضحّاكِ نَروي جَواهِراً
تَودُّ نُحورُ الحُورِ لَو أَنّها عِقدُ

25. You have taken on a task that effort cannot perfect.
His attributes are unattainable by your knowledge,

٢٥. فَقُل لِلَّذي قَد رامَ حَصرَ خِصالِهِ
تَكَلَّفتَ أَمراً فيهِ لا يَنفَعُ الجَدُّ

26. Can one grasp something limitless?
You cannot calculate a fraction of their fraction,

٢٦. فَأَوصافُه هَيهاتَ علمُك كُنهَها
أَتُدركُ كُنْهاً لَيسَ يَضبِطُهُ الحدُّ

27. Can you compute that which numbers cannot encompass?
If you wish to gain good fortune, then serve his shoes,

٢٧. فَلَستَ بِمُحْصٍ عُشرَ مِعشارِ عُشرِها
وَهَل أَنتَ مُحصٍ ما اِنتَهى دونَهُ العَدُّ

28. So that highness will serve you and fortune accompany you.
O master whom ambition has gripped,

٢٨. فَإِن رُمتَ نَيلَ السَّعدِ فَاِخدم نِعالَهُ
لِتَخدِمَك العُليا وَيَلزمَكَ السَّعدُ

29. And determination like an unsheathed sword.
God protect you from every hateful thing,

٢٩. فَيا أَيُّها المَولى الَّذي حازَ هِمَّةً
وَعَزماً كَسَيفٍ لَيسَ يُمسِكُهُ غِمدُ

30. Born of a thought, intentionally aimed at you.
Turn a blind eye to its defects when glimpsed,

٣٠. فَهاكَ وَقاكَ اللَّهُ كلَّ كَريهَةٍ
وَليدةَ فِكرٍ هاجَها نَحوَكَ القَصدُ

31. You who look away before and after.
And hope for acceptance, kindness and favor from you,

٣١. تَأَمّلُ غَضَّ الطرفِ عَن لَمحِ عَيبِها
وَأَنتَ غَضيضُ الطّرفِ قَبلُ وَمِن بَعدُ

32. And kissing your hand, which revives the liver.
Stay in God's safety as long as the morning blows,

٣٢. وَتَرجو قَبولاً مِنكَ فَضلاً وَمِنّةً
وَتَقبيلَ راحاتٍ بِهِ يُنعَشُ الكبدُ

33. And the garden's throng on its branch sings.
Where the son of Fathallah finds joy in praising you,

٣٣. وَدُم في أَمانِ اللَّهِ ما هَبَّتِ الصَّبا
وَقامَ هَزارُ الرّوضِ في غُصنِهِ يَشدو

34. And it is no wonder that honey delights him.

٣٤. وَحَيثُ اِبنُ فَتحِ اللَّهِ يَلتَذُّ مدحَكم
وَلَيسَ عَجيباً أَن يَلَذَّ لَهُ الشّهدُ