1. How many a fool assumed wealth made him
Superior to the content though lacking its pile
١. كَم جاهِلٍ ظَنَّ أَنَّ المالَ فَضَّلَه
عَلى كَثيرٍ مِنَ العافينَ تَفضيلا
2. If with wealth came virtue in plenty obtained
The debtor would suffer disgrace though his means were but frail
٢. لَو كانَ في المالِ تَفضيلٌ لِجامِعِهِ
لَكانَ ذو الدَّينِ عِندَ الفَقر مفضولا
3. Yet the wealthy one, O wise soul, would he
Though an infidel blinded, excel and prevail
٣. وَكان ذو المالِ يا ذا اللُّبِّ يفضلُهُ
وَلَو غَدا كافِراً بِالكفرِ مَبهولا
4. Many an infidel gathered a fortune, indeed it is rife
While believers oft wanting and hardships assail
٤. كَم كافِرٍ حازَ أَموالاً لَقَد كَثُرت
وَمُؤمِنٍ باتَ بِالفاقاتِ مَشمولا