1. O You who answers the supplicants,
And You are the best of helpers,
١. يا مَن يُجيبُ السائلينْ
وَأَنتَ خَيرُ النّاصرينْ
2. Help us, our King,
And be for him a helper.
٢. اِنصُر لَنا مَليكَنا
وَكُن لَهُ أَنتَ المُعينْ
3. To You, our Lord, we humble ourselves,
With humility and devotion,
٣. إِلَيكَ رَبِّ نَخضَعُ
بِذِلَّةٍ وَنَخشعُ
4. And with supplication we raise
Our palms to You, humbly submitting.
٤. وَبِالدّعاءِ نَرفعُ
لَكَ الأكفَّ خاضِعين
5. O You who answers those who supplicate,
And with acceptance we hope,
٥. يا مَنْ يُجيبُ مَن دَعا
وَبِالقَبول طَمعا
6. You are far above after supplication
That we be returned disappointed.
٦. حاشاكَ مِن بعدِ الدّعا
بِأَن نُردَّ خائِبينْ
7. By Your Essence, Attributes,
Books, and Signs,
٧. بِالذّاتِ بِالصفاتِ
وَالكتبِ وَالآياتِ
8. O Hearer of voices,
Help the armies of the Muslims.
٨. يا سامِعَ الأَصواتِ
اِنصُر جُيوشَ المُسلمين
9. O Lord, by the Names,
O Bestower of bounties,
٩. يا رَبِّ بِالأَسماءِ
يا مُوْلِيَ الآلاءِ
10. O Raiser of the heavens,
Support the troops of the believers.
١٠. يا رافِعَ السّماءِ
أَيِّد جنودَ المُؤمنين
11. By al-Mustafa the Chosen One,
By his Pure Household,
١١. بِالمُصطَفى المُختارِ
بِآلِهِ الأَطهارِ
12. By his righteous companions,
Destroy the armies of the disbelievers.
١٢. بِصحبِهِ الأَخيارِ
أَهلِكْ جُيوشَ الكافرين
13. By the prophets and messengers,
The scholars who act,
١٣. بِالأَنبِيا وَالمُرسَلين
وَالعُلَماءِ العامِلينْ
14. The saints and the righteous,
Hasten the victory of the believers.
١٤. وَالأَولِيا وَالصّالحينْ
عَجِّلْ بِنَصرِ المُؤمنين
15. O Lord, by the angels,
The devout and the ascetic,
١٥. يا ربِّ بالملائِكِ
بِالمُتّقي وَالناسكِ
16. With victory, a grace of Your abode,
The armies of the monotheists.
١٦. بِالنّصرِ فَضلاً دارِكِ
عَساكِر المُوحّدين
17. With victory be Generous and Bestow favor,
By al-Mustafa the Glorified,
١٧. بِالنّصرِ جُدْ وأَنعِمِ
بِالمُصطَفى المُعَظّمِ
18. And Your Sacred House,
And help the Leader of the Muslims.
١٨. وَبَيتِكَ المُحرَّمِ
وَاِنصُر إِمامَ المُسلمين
19. Our Sultan Mahmoud,
Our fortunate King,
١٩. سُلطانَنا مَحمودا
مَليكَنا المَسعودا
20. Perpetuate for him good fortune,
And protect him, Lord of the Worlds.
٢٠. أَدِمْ لَهُ السّعودا
وَاِحفَظهُ ربَّ العالمين
21. Caliph of the Majestic Lord,
His shade to us is shady,
٢١. خَليفَة الربِّ الجَليلْ
وَظِلّه لَنا الظّليلْ
22. So You be for him the Guarantor,
Our Lord, at all times.
٢٢. فَكُن لَهُ أَنتَ الكَفيلْ
يا رَبّنا في كلِّ حِين
23. Make right for him his opinions,
Be destroyer of his enemies,
٢٣. سَدِّدْ لَهُ آراءَهُ
كُن مُهلِكاً أَعداءَهُ
24. And granter of his banner
With clear victory and opening.
٢٤. وَمانِحاً لواءَهُ
بِالنَّصرِ وَالفَتحِ المُبين
25. For the victory of Your upright religion,
Which stood in a sound heart,
٢٥. بِنَصرِ دينِك القَويمْ
قَد قامَ في قَلبٍ سَليمْ
26. Help him, my Gracious Lord,
For the victory of Your strong religion.
٢٦. أَعِنْهُ يا رَبّي الكَريمْ
لِنَصرِ دينِكَ المَتين
27. For Your correct religion, be brave,
With victory, O Lord of mankind,
٢٧. لِدينك الصّحيح غَرْ
بِالنّصرِ يا رَبَّ البشرْ
28. Do not let those who disbelieved
Be victorious over the believers.
٢٨. لا تَجعلنَّ مَنْ كَفَرْ
بِالمُؤمِنينَ ظافِرين
29. A people have wronged us,
And with corruption they crossed the line,
٢٩. قَومٌ عَلَينا قَد بَغَوْا
وَبِالفَسادِ قَد طَغَوْا
30. And to misguidance they inclined,
Assailing us aggressively.
٣٠. وَلِلضّلالِ قَد صَغَوْا
وَحارَبونا مُعتَدينْ
31. They broke their covenants,
And failed their promises,
٣١. قَد نَقَضوا عُهودَهم
وَأَخلَفوا وُعودَهم
32. O Lord, remove their existence,
And make them among the perished.
٣٢. رَبِّ أَزِلْ وُجودَهم
وَاِجعَلهُمُ بِالهالكين
33. Unsheathe against them the sword of vengeance,
For they are vile people,
٣٣. جَرِّد بِهِم سَيفَ اِنتِقامْ
فَإِنّهم قَومٌ لِئامْ
34. They did not keep the protection for us,
They turned against us as aggressors.
٣٤. لَم يَحفَظوا لَنا الذّمامْ
أَضحَوْا عَلَينا خارِجين
35. Invert their flags for us,
Shake their feet,
٣٥. نكِّسْ لَنا أَعلامَهم
زَلزِل بِهم أَقدامَهم
36. With our swords sever their zeal,
And from them sever the forelocks.
٣٦. بِسَيفِنا اِقطَع هامَهم
وَمِنهُمُ اِقطَعِ الوَتين
37. By us make them lose their children,
Destroy by us their men,
٣٧. يَتِّم بِنا أَطفالَهُمْ
أَفنِ بِنا رِجالَهم
38. Shorten by us their lifespans,
By al-Mustafa the Trustworthy.
٣٨. قَصِّر بِنا آجالَهم
بِالمُصطَفى طَه الأَمين
39. O Lord, destroy their homes,
O Lord, extinguish their fire,
٣٩. يا رَبِّ خَرِّبْ دارَهم
يا رَبِّ أَطفِئْ نارَهم
40. And erase their traces by us,
Destroy them altogether.
٤٠. وَاِمحُ بِنا آثارَهُم
دَمِّرْ عَلَيهِم أَجمَعين
41. Scatter by us their opinions,
Make their women captives for us,
٤١. شَتِّتْ بِنا آراءَهُم
رَمِّل لَنا نِساءَهم
42. Hasten by us their demise,
And make them utterly routed.
٤٢. عَجِّل بِنا فَناءَهم
وَاِجعَلهُمُ مُجَندَلين
43. O Lord, disperse their group,
O Lord, hasten their killing,
٤٣. يا رَبِّ بَدِّدْ شَملَهُم
يا رَبِّ عَجِّل قَتلَهُم
44. O Lord, bring near their plunder
As spoils for the Muslims.
٤٤. يا رَبِّ قَرِّب جَعلَهُم
غَنيمَة لِلمُسلِمين
45. O Lord, separate their gathering,
O Lord, debase their suppression,
٤٥. يا رَبِّ فَرِّق جَمعَهُم
يا رَبِّ والِ قَمعَهم
46. O Lord, hasten their cutting off
By the sword of the army of the believers.
٤٦. يا رَبِّ عَجِّل قَطعَهم
بِسَيفِ جَيشِ المُؤمِنين
47. O Lord, by lightning bolts,
And overwhelming torment,
٤٧. يا رَبِّ بِالصّواعِقِ
وَبِالعَذابِ الساحِقِ
48. And destroying affliction,
Seize them, my God, altogether.
٤٨. وَبِالبَلاءِ الماحِقِ
خُذهم إِلَهي أَجمَعين
49. Upon them the whip of punishment,
Pour and continue the punishment,
٤٩. عَلَيهِمُ سَوطَ العَذابْ
صُبَّ وَواصِلِ العِقابْ
50. And make them on the day of battle
Fleeing from us in fear and confusion.
٥٠. وَاِجعَلهُمُ يَوم الحِرابْ
مِنّا مَخافاً حائِرين
51. Be severe, O Lord, in burning them,
Likewise in drowning them,
٥١. جُدْ رَبِّ في إِحراقِهم
كَذاكَ في إِغراقِهم
52. O Lord, around their necks
Empower the swords of the Muslims.
٥٢. يا رَبِّ في أَعناقِهم
مَكِّنْ سُيوفَ المُسلِمين
53. And make their scheming
Result in their destruction,
٥٣. وَاِجعَل لَهُم تَدبيرَهم
مُستعقباً تَدميرَهم
54. Make their fate
To perdition, they are heading.
٥٤. صَيِّر بِهِ مَصيرَهم
إِلى الهَلاكِ صائِرين
55. Our Lord, Lord of mankind,
Purify the lands from them,
٥٥. يا رَبّنا رَبّ العِبادْ
مِنهُم فَطَهِّرِ البِلادْ
56. Seize them as You seized ‘Aad
From generations past.
٥٦. خُذهُم كَما أَخَذْتَ عادْ
مِنَ القرونِ السّالِفين
57. Our God, our God,
Bestow upon us victory,
٥٧. إِلَهَنا إِلَهَنا
أَنعِمْ عَلَينا بِالهَنا
58. What we wish for has come,
And that is the victory of the believers.
٥٨. بِما لَنا هوَ المنى
وَذاكَ نَصرُ المُؤمِنين
59. And help those of faith
Against the tyrannical,
٥٩. وَاِنصُر ذَوي الإِيمانِ
عَلى أُولي الطّغيانِ
60. The disbelievers, the aggressors,
The atheists, the losers.
٦٠. وَالكفرِ وَالعدوانِ
المُلحِدينَ الخَاسرين
61. Our Lord, You are Peace,
Be generous with prayers and peace
٦١. يا رَبَّنا أَنتَ السّلامْ
جُد بِالصّلاةِ وَالسّلامْ
62. Upon the one who was the Seal
Of prophets and messengers.
٦٢. عَلى الّذي كانَ الخِتامْ
لِلأَنبِيا وَالمُرسَلين
63. Muhammad, best of mankind,
And his noble and generous Household,
٦٣. مُحمّد خَير الأَنامْ
وَآلهِ الغُرِّ الكِرامْ
64. And his great companions
Who ennobled the successors.
٦٤. وَصَحبِهِ الصحبِ العِظام
مَن شرَّفوا لِلتابِعين
65. And forgive us our sins,
And conceal for us our faults,
٦٥. وَاِغفِر لَنا ذُنوبَنا
وَاِستُر لَنا عُيوبَنا
66. Relieve for us our sorrows,
For You are best of those who show mercy.
٦٦. فَرِّجْ لَنا كُروبَنا
فَأَنتَ خَير الرَّاحِمين
67. Perfect for us Your ending,
And save us the Day of Crowding,
٦٧. أَحسِن لَنا مِنكَ الخِتامْ
وَنَجِّنا يَومَ الزِّحام
68. By the noblest of messengers
And the noble writers.
٦٨. بِأَشرَفِ الرُّسلِ الكِرامْ
وَبِالكِرامِ الكَاتِبين