
O you whose knowledge shone like the sun, today it has set

يا صاح شمس العلوم اليوم قد غربت

1. O you whose knowledge shone like the sun, today it has set
The stars grew dim, the hour drew near, the earth shook and trembled

١. يا صاحِ شَمس العُلومِ اليومَ قَد غَربت
وَالأَنجُم اِنكَدَرَت وَالسّاعَةُ اِقتَرَبت

2. People fled it when it quaked and quivered
Minds are lost, visions strain, thoughts have vanished

٢. وَضَجَّتِ الأَرضُ وَاِهتزّت مُزلزَلَةً
فَخالَها النّاسُ لَمّا زُلزلت وَجَبت

3. The universe darkened, birds lost their way
People intoxicated, some had their senses stolen away

٣. وَالنّاسُ قَد ذُهِلَت بِما أَلمّ بِها
وَهاجَها ما دَهاها الآنَ وَاِضطَرَبت

4. Hearts are breaking, souls extinguished
Fires blazing in our livers, burning

٤. وَالعَقلُ قَد تاهَ وَالأَبصارُ شاخِصةٌ
وَالفَهمُ قَد ضاعَ وَالأَفكار قَد ذَهَبَت

5. Eyes pouring down their tears
Like carnelian, like pouring rainclouds weeping

٥. وَأَظلَم الكَون وَالأَطيارُ حائِرةٌ
وَالنّاسُ سَكرى وَمنها لبّها سُلِبَت

6. For the one Muslims were afflicted with
The sun of knowledge that withdrew from them

٦. وَالقَلبُ مُنفَطِرٌ وَالروحُ قَد زهقت
وَشَبَّتِ النّارُ في الأكبادِ وَاِلتَهَبَت

7. The Gnostic, the Qutb, the Saint in whom
Miracles were seen clearly without lies

٧. وَالعَينُ قَد سَفَحت مِنها مَدامِعُها
مِثل العَقيقِ وَمثلَ السّحبِ قَد سكبَت

8. The ascetic, the godfearing pillar of knowledges
Upon him the signs of guidance were erected

٨. تَبكي عَلى مَن أُصيبَ المُسلِمونَ بِهِ
شَمس العُلومِ الّتي عَنهُم قَدِ اِحتَجَبَت

9. The ocean of knowledges, its shores cannot be grasped
From it priceless pearls of mysteries were brought to us

٩. العارِفُ الفردُ وَالقطبُ الوليّ وَمَن
لَهُ الكَراماتُ قَد صحّت وَما كَذبت

10. Were the oceans of gnosis flowing rivers
Compared to his gnosis they would seem small

١٠. الزّاهِدُ المُتّقي طَودُ المَعارفِ من
عَليهِ أَعلامُها لِلهدْيِ قَد نصبَت

11. The determined scholar, our master
The sweet ocean of knowledge

١١. بَحرُ المَعارِفِ لَم تُدرك سَواحِله
مِنهُ لَنا دُررُ الأَسرارِ قَد جلبت

12. The skillful, the expert, the authority
By him the examples of the Imams were set up

١٢. كَأَنّما أَبحُر العِرفانِ لَو عظمت
جَداولُ لَو إِلى عِرفانِهِ نُسبَت

13. All knowledges appear within his thoughts
As if depicted in them or inscribed

١٣. الجَهبَذُ العالِمُ النّحرير سيّدنا
بَحرُ العلومِ الّذي أَلفاظُهُ عذبت

14. The verifier, so meticulous in verification
It appears written on the forehead of research

١٤. البارِعُ المُتقنُ الحَبر الإِمام بِهِ
كلّ الأَئِمّةِ رَوْمَ القدوةِ اِنتَصَبَت

15. The exegete of the times, Baydawi of the epoch
In whom Quranic exegeses were most coveted

١٥. كلُّ العُلومِ تَبَدَّت وَسطَ فِكرَتِهِ
كَأَنّما صوّرت فيها أَوِ اِكتَتَبت

16. The memorizer, the reliable, the truthful
He who was like al-Bukhari in this age, established and verified

١٦. محقِّقٌ دقّة التّدقيقِ مِنهُ غَدَت
تَبدو عَلى جَبهَةِ التّحقيقِ قَد كتبت

17. The jurist of the age, the full moon of jurisprudence, his master
Subki in the Principles, glorified through him and nurtured by him

١٧. مُفسّرُ الوَقتِ بَيضاوي الزّمانِ وَمَن
فيهِ التّفاسيرُ للإِتقانِ قَد رغبَت

18. The Ash'ari whom the swords of proofs
Were unsheathed against the deviance of the deviants and harvested them

١٨. الحافظُ الثّقةُ الثّبت الصّدوقُ وَمَن
هوَ البخاري بِهَذا العَصرِ صحّ ثبت

19. The excellent poet whose inspiration endured
Flowing, never waning or drying up

١٩. فَقيه ذا العَصرِ بدر الفِقهِ مالِكهُ
سبكي الأُصول بِهِ اِعتزّت وَفيهِ رَبت

20. Muhammad, the sun of Allah's religion our master
By whom examples of guidance were set

٢٠. الأَشعَري الّذي أَسياف حجّته
سُلّت عَلى زيغِ أَهلِ الزّيغِ وَاِقتضبَت

21. He is al-Mashriqi no peers compared to him
Nor did any like him come into existence in this time

٢١. الشّاعِرُ الفذُّ مَن دامَت قَريحَتهُ
نَضّاخة العَين لا قَلَّت ولا نضبَت

22. Noblest in morals, his beautiful traits shine
Raised with kindness, earned with virtue

٢٢. مُحمّدٌ شَمسُ دينِ اللَّه سَيّدنا
وَمَن بِهِ في الهُدى الأَمثال قَد ضُرِبَت

23. Death pounced on him, that traitor
In him, oh what a pity, its claws dug in

٢٣. هُوَ المَسيريُّ مَن قَلَّت نَظائِرهُ
وَلِلوجودِ أَبَت في ذا الزّمانِ أبت

24. Verily death is a vicious lion
Pouncing with no doubt on souls and leaping

٢٤. أَكرِم بِأَخلاقِهِ تَزهو مَحاسنها
بِالحُسنِ قَد نَشأت لِلطف قَد كسبَت

25. That deceitful one who snatches the righteous
Don't you see it has seized him from among us and kidnapped him

٢٥. سَطَت عَلَيه المَنايا وَهيَ غادرة
فَفيهِ يا أَسفي أَظفارها نشبَت

26. It captured all souls in its tight grasp
No soul escaped along with the Lord of the house

٢٦. إِنّ المَنايا لُيوث تِلك ضارِية
عَلى النُّفوسِ بِلا ريب لَقَد وَثَبَت

27. How many towers of life it demolished and razed
By it the towers of lifetimes were ruined

٢٧. غَدّارة تَخطِفُ الأَخيارَ عادِيَة
أَما تَراها لَه مِن بَينِنا اِغتصبَت

28. If only it would accept our souls as his ransom
We would have gifted it our souls

٢٨. كُلّ النّفوسِ غَدَت في أَسرِ قَبضَتِها
لا نَفس مِنها وربِّ البيتِ قَد هَرَبَت

29. We weep blood, the earth donned mourning dress for him
Don't you see the earth dyed by that blood

٢٩. كَم بُرج عُمر لَقَد هَدّت وَقَد هَدمت
أَما بِها أَبرج الأَعمارِ قَد خَرِبَت

30. The flow of souls poured from our veins
Each thought his deepest essence was drawn out

٣٠. لَو أَنّها تَرتَضي الأَرواح فَديتهُ
لَعَنهُ أَرواحنا مِنّا لَها وهبَت

31. His Master called him to Paradise to dwell
And the fair maidens have surely been proposed to him

٣١. نَبكي دَماء عَلَيه الأَرضَ خاضبة
أَما تَرى الأَرضَ مِن تلكَ الدّما اِختَضبت

32. Responding, he marched happily carried
By the mounts of contentment there he went

٣٢. كِدنا نَسيلُ نُفوساً مِن لَواحِظنا
وَالكلّ يَحسب مِن آماقِهِ جذبت

33. If he is gone from us he left behind
A sun of nobility that did not disappear or become veiled

٣٣. دَعاهُ مَولاهُ لِلفردَوسِ يَسكُنها
وَالحور فيها لَهُ لا شَكّ قَد خطبت

34. And if the sun has set, the moon succeeds it
As if it did not disappear or set for us

٣٤. لَبّى مُجيباً يَجدّ السّير تَحمِلُه
لَها مَطايا الرّضا إِذ فيهِ قَد ذهبت

35. He is his son Mustafa the most high in nobility
And of his sublime traits the loftiest were picked

٣٥. إِن غابَ عَنّا فَقَد أَبقى لَنا خلفاً
شَمساً مِنَ الفَضلِ لا زالَت وَلا حجبت

36. The perfect, the courageous, the full moon of knowledge
His lights overcame the darkness of ignorance

٣٦. وَالشّمس إِن غَربت فَالبدرُ يَخلِفُها
كَأَنّها لَم تَغِب عنّا وَلا غربت

37. A branch of perfection from the garden of perfection appeared
How excellent is the branch in the garden of perfection where it grew

٣٧. هوَ اِبنهُ مُصطفى العَلياء في شَرَفٍ
وَمِن مَعاليهِ مِن أَسنى العُلى اِنتخبت

38. Refinement flows through his frame
As if it drank from the waters of grace

٣٨. الكامِلُ الشّهمُ بَدرُ العلمِ كَوكبه
أَنوارهُ لِظلامِ الجَهلِ قَد غَلَبَت

39. You who know eloquence, speak of his eloquence
For it has not been granted except to him now

٣٩. غُصنُ الكَمالِ وَمِن رَوضِ الكَمالِ بَدا
مَا أَحسَن الغُصن في رَوضِ الكَمال نَبَت

40. Those who know eloquence, when hearing his eloquence
Were amazed by its blossoming beauty

٤٠. تَسري اللّطافة في أَجزاءِ قامَتِهِ
كَأَنّها مِن مِياهِ اللّطفِ قَد شربت

41. When he speaks, the soul rejoices
The eye calms, the ear is enraptured

٤١. خِدن البَلاغَةِ حدِّثْ عَن بَلاغَتهِ
فَإِنّها لِسواه الآنَ ما وهبت

42. So much precious pearl we seized from his mouth
Pearls our ears plundered from his prose

٤٢. أَهل البَلاغَةِ لَم تسمَع بَلاغَته
إِلّا وَمِن حُسنِها الزّاهي لَقَد عجبت

43. May his Master keep him alive, and may the age revive him for us
And may Allah stifle his enemies and restrain them

٤٣. ما إِن تَكلّم إِلا الرّوح قَد فَرِحَت
وَالعَينُ قرّت وَإِلّا الأُذن قَد طربَت

44. And may he remain for us to smell through him
The fragrance of his father and so a liver is healed which festered

٤٤. فَكَم نَهَبنا ثَمينَ الدُّرِّ مِن فَمِهِ
مِن نَثرهِ درّه آذاننا نهبَت

45. O courageous one, submit to fate for none remains
Except The Ancient, nothing endures but Him

٤٥. حَيّاهُ مَولاهُ وَأَحياهُ الزّمانُ لَنا
وَأَكمَد اللَّهُ أَضداداً لَه وَكبت

46. And O dutiful brother, show patience for what befell you
For what disaster was there from which the noble prophets were safe

٤٦. وَدامَ يبقى لَنا حتّى نَشِمّ بِهِ
شَذى أَبيهِ فَتشفى أَكبدٌ وصبَت

47. Whoever shows patience will have abundant reward
As well as the Gardens of Eternity which are guaranteed for him

٤٧. يا أَيّها الشّهمُ سَلّم لِلقضاءِ فَما
غَير القَديمِ لَه غير الفَناءِ ثَبَت

48. Death is destined and all people taste it
Did not the Messengers drink the cup of doom?

٤٨. وَيا أَخا اللبّ صَبراً إِذ أَصَبت بِهِ
مَنِ المَصائبُ عَنه يا نَبيه نَبَت

49. For this we were created, for this people find
So the structures of lifespans crumble

٤٩. مَن يَصطَبِر فَلَهُ الأجرُ الجَزيلُ كَما
لَهُ عَليهِ جنانُ الخلدِ قَد وجبت

50. And in tribulation is consolation for the afflicted one
From all the catastrophes that befell the world

٥٠. وَالمَوتُ حَتمٌ وَكلُّ النّاسِ تطعمه
أَلَم تَكُ الرّسل كَأس الحَتفِ قَد شَرِبَت

51. Allah seats him in the Highest Paradise an abode
Drawn near to Him the Almighty, brought close indeed

٥١. لِذا خُلقنا لِهذا النّاسُ قَد وجدت
كَذا بِهِ بنية الآجالِ قَد خربت

52. And submit to the safety of Allah whatever pours
Of the clouds of the horizon spilled for decay

٥٢. وَفي المُصيبَةِ بِالمختالِ تَسلية
عَن كلِّ ما نَكبة فيها الورى نكبت

53. Will you recite for me in his elegy
O you whose knowledge shone like the sun, today it has set

٥٣. وَاللَّه يَحبوهُ في الفِردَوسِ مَنزلة
مِنهُ تَعالى دَنت مِنهُ لَقَد قربت

٥٤. وَاِسلَم وَدُم في أَمانِ اللَّهِ ما هَطَلت
سَحائِبُ الأفقِ ما لِلوَبلِ قَد سكبت

٥٥. ما الفَتحُ في رثيهِ إِيّاه أَنشَدكم
يا صاحِ شَمس العُلوم اليومَ قَد غَرُبَت