
Stand by this tomb and offer a prayer,

قف على ذا الضريح ثم ترحم

1. Stand by this tomb and offer a prayer,
And recite some verses from the old lore.

١. قِف عَلى ذا الضّريحِ ثمَّ تَرحَّمِ
وَاِتْلُ شَيئاً مِنَ الكَلامِ القديمِ

2. In it lies a martyr of righteous folk,
Who died from being stabbed, submitting to the divine will.

٢. فيهِ مِن ذَوي الصّلاحِ شهيدٌ
ماتَ طَعناً وَاِنقادَ بِالتّسليمِ

3. Mustafa Al-Ghandur, son of glorious nobility,
They were saturated with the satisfaction of the Merciful.

٣. مُصطَفى الغَندور ابنِ مَجد كرامٍ
أُمطِروا بِالرّضا رِضاءِ الرحيمِ

4. Since the Divine called him to the gardens,
And he walked by this with a wholesome heart.

٤. مُذ دَعاهُ الإِلَهُ نَحوَ جِنانٍ
وَسَرى عِندَ ذا بِقَلبٍ سَليمِ

5. He won in the Abode of Immortality, I have recorded his precedence,
And an abode in Paradise and bliss.

٥. فازَ في دارِ الخُلدِ أرّختُ سَبقاً
وَمَقرّاً في جَنّةٍ وَنَعيمِ