1. Do you hope for love from an ascetic?
Where is the destitute from the wealthy?
١. أَتَطْمَعُ فِي الْوُدِّ مِنْ زاهِدِ
وَأَيْنَ الْخَلِيُّ مِنَ الْواجِدِ
2. How much has the settled troubled you
Staying up while you sleep?
٢. وَكَمْ قَلَقْ لَكَ مِنْ ساكِنٍ
عَلَى سَهَرٍ لَكَ مِنْ راقِدِ
3. My passion has let me go crazy with love for wine
Yearning for that which returns.
٣. عَنانِي الْغَرامُ بِحُبِّ السَّقا
مِ شَوْقاً إِلى ذلِكَ الْعائِدِ
4. I used to have firm principles
If it were not for love being my guide.
٤. وَقَدْ كُنْتُ جَلْداً أَبِيَّ الْقِيا
دِ لَوْ أَنَّ غَيْرَ الْهَوى قائِدِي
5. In this life, I have no praiser
If I do not seek refuge in the Most Praised.
٥. وَمالِيَ فِي الدَّهْرِ مِنْ حامِدٍ
إِذا لَمْ أَعُذْ بِعُلى حامِدِ
6. He is the full moon shining for the enlightened one.
He is the sea swarming for the visitor.
٦. هُوَ الْبَدْرُ يُشْرِقُ لِلْمُسْتَنِيرِ
هُوَ الْبَحْرُ يَزْخَرُ لِلوارِدِ
7. In him is gathered the essence of nobility.
Excellence may be gathered in one.
٧. تَجَمَّعَ فِيهِ خِلالُ الْكِرامِ
وَقَد يُجْمَعُ الْفَضْلُ فِي واحِدِ
8. A young man who hides his merit from its seekers
Yet does not hide his gift from one who comes to him.
٨. فَتىً يحْجُبُ الْفَضْلَ عَنْ طالِبِيهِ
وَلا يَحْجُبُ الرِّفْدَ عَنْ قاصَدِ
9. His cheerfulness points to his generosity.
And an orchard is known by its guide.
٩. يَدُلُّ عَلَى جُودِهِ بِشْرُهُ
وَقَدْ يُعْرَفُ الرَّوْضُ بِالرّائِدِ
10. His sword speaks of his might
With a fierce demon in its slash.
١٠. وَيَنْطِقُ عَنْ بَأْسِهِ سَيْفُهُ
بِشَيْطانِ فَتْكٍ لَهُ مارِدِ
11. And whoever has this glorious one as his master
Is above every glorious man.
١١. وَمَنْ يَكُ مَوْلاهُ هذا الْمَجِيدُ
يَكُنْ فَوْقَ كُلِّ فَتىً ماجِدِ