1. You are a fortress and refuge for Muslims,
And for those seeking your help, a treasure and hoard.
١. أَنْتَ لِلْمُسْلِمِينَ حِصْنٌ وَحِرزُ
وَلِراجِي نَداكَ ذُخْرٌ وَكَنْزُ
2. You are ever gracious and protective of them,
Defending and fighting for them.
٢. أَبَداً ما تَزالُ عَطْفاً عَلَيْهِمْ
وَدِفاعاً عَنْهُمْ تَحُجُّ وَتَغْزُو
3. This nation has become, through your justice,
One that dwells in the shade of blessings that cannot be surpassed.
٣. أَصْبَحَتْ هذِهِ الرَّعِيَّةُ مِنْ عَدْ
لِكَ فِي ظِلّ نِعْمَةٍ لا تُبَزُّ
4. It has settled into a stronghold of security that cannot
Be shaken or provoked.
٤. سَكَنَتْ مَعْقِلاً مِنَ الأَمْنِ لا تُزْ
عَجُ يَوْماً بِهِ وَلا تُسْتَفَزُّ
5. It has no remover of disasters, nor healer of sorrows,
Except you, when you are called.
٥. ما لَها مِنْ مُزِيلِ خَطْبٍ وَلا كا
شِفِ كَرْبٍ سِواكَ حِينَ تُلَزُّ
6. So after praising God, no sound is heard from it
Except praising you.
٦. فَهْيَ مِنْ بعْدِ حَمْدِها الله لا يُسْ
مَعُ مِنْها بِغَيْرِ حَمْدِكَ رِزُّ
7. When it calls to God, you see no prayer
More right to keep it strong.
٧. لا تَرى إِنْ دَعَتْ إِلى اللهِ أَوْلى
مَنْ دُعاءٍ تَبْقى بِهِ وَتَعِزُّ
8. And with the kindness it has known in you,
In your softness there is firmness and shaking.
٨. وَمَعَ الرَّأْفَةِ الَّتِي أَلِفَتْ مِنْ
كَ فَفِي اللين شدة ومهز
9. You pleased it, not deviating from uprightness,
Though the cultured may frown in disapproval.
٩. رضتها لم تجر مقيماً لميل
ربما صَدَّعَ الْمُثَقَّفَ غَمْزُ
10. How can praise suffice you, when generosity flows
Swiftly, spurred and impelled?
١٠. كَيْفَ يُبْطِي عَنْكَ الثَّناءُ وَقَدْ أَسْ
رَعَ جُودٌ يَحْدُوهُ حَثٌّ وَحَفْزُ
11. It has drowned the supplicants, and generosity is a deep pool,
Protecting the refugees, and resolve a firm mountain.
١١. غَرَّقَ السَّائِلِينَ وَالنّجْدَ غَوْرٌ
وَحَمى العائِذِينَ وَالْوَهْدَ نَشْزُ
12. Not like a generosity that exhausts and lashes out
Into its deep crevasse.
١٢. لا كَجُودٍ يُعْيِي وَيُعْنِفُ إِدْلا
ءٌ إِلى جَفْرِهِ الْعَمِيقِ وَنَهْزُ
13. We have not seen you abandon an objective,
Since we roused you while the swords shook.
١٣. ما رَأَيْْناكَ نابِياً عَنْ مَرامٍ
مُذْ هَزَزْناكَ وَالْحُسامُ يُهَزُّ
14. Nor did these tribulations and trials
Change your noble dispositions.
١٤. لا وَلا غَيَّرَتْكَ عَنْ طِيبِ أَعْرا
قِكَ هذِي الْخُطُوبُ وَالْبَزُّ بَزُّ
15. So who is hoped for passionately by one
With burning anxiety and anguish in his breast?
١٥. فَمَنِ الْمُرْتَجى لِلَهْفَةِ حُرٍّ
باتَ فِي صَدْرِهِ مِنَ الْهَمِّ وَخْزُ
16. He suppresses complaint when distress appears,
And it suffices the noble one to hint and gesture.
١٦. يَتَحامى الشَّكْوى إِذا أَعْلَنَ النَّجْ
وى وَحَسْبُ الْكَرِيمِ لَمْحٌ وَلَمْزُ
17. Hardships have carved my bones, so in them
Between my skin and flesh are gashes and wounds.
١٧. قَدْ نَحَتْ عَظْمِيَ الْخُطُوبُ فَفِيهِ
بَيْنَ جِلْدِي وَالنَّحْضِ حَزٌّ وَجَزُّ
18. How can one be patient with misfortunes, while he is
Wounded, torn, and bitten by their claws?
١٨. كَيْفَ يُغْضِي عَلَى النَّوائِبِ مُغْضٍ
وَلأَنْيابِهِنَّ نَهْشٌ وَنَكْزُ
19. In an age whose outstanding ruler of the state, the peerless,
The most glorious and mighty one,
١٩. فِي زَمانٍ بِهِ الرَّئِيسُ وَجِيهُ ال
دَّوْلَةِ الأَوْحَدُ الأَجَلُّ الأَعَزُّ
20. Keeps us always safe from nights [of terror]
With his protection and hindrance.
٢٠. الّذِي بَيْنَنا وَبَيْنَ اللَّيالِي
أَبَداً مِنْ نَداهُ حَسْمٌ وَحَجْزُ
21. O you of towering resolve, no blemish has ever touched you!
O you of clouded force, no shame has ever spotted you!
٢١. يا هُماماً ما شانَهُ قَطُّ لُؤْمٌ
يا غَماماً ما شابَهُ قَطَّ رِجْزُ
22. You quenched my thirst though it was craving,
And fulfilled my request though it was scarce.
٢٢. أَنْتَ أَحْمَيْتَ مَشْرَبِي وَهْوَ مَطْرُو
قٌ وَأَغْزَرْتَ مَطْلَبِي وَهْوَ نَزُّ
23. You supported me when calamity rent me,
And no kicking or pushing therein availed.
٢٣. أَنْتَ أَهْضْتَنِي وَقَدْ خَرِقَ الْخَطْ
بُ فَلَمْ يُغْنِ فِيهِ رَكْلٌ وَهَمْزُ
24. You clothed me in the raiment of bounty,
Though coarse to others, the finest and smoothest.
٢٤. أَنْتَ أَلْبَسْتَنِي مَلابِسَ نُعْمى
خَشِنٌ عِنْدَهُنَّ خَزُّ وَقَزُّ
25. I have spurned the world for your sake, and I do not
Wrong, praising none but you with praise that shakes.
٢٥. قَدْ هَجَرْتُ الْوَرى إِلَيْكَ وَلمْ أَظ
لِمْ وَمَدْحِي سِواكَ لِلْمَدْحِ وَهْزُ
26. Neither my riding beasts nor my feet
Grow tired except in journeying to you.
٢٦. لا تُقِلُّ الرِّكابُ رَحْلِي وَلا يَحْ
مِلُ رِجْلِي إِلاّ لِقَصْدِكَ غَرْزُ
27. Walking to them is backwards, but if you someday
Summon, the walk is a leap and a plunge.
٢٧. مَشْيُها الْقَهْقَرى إِلَيْهِمْ وَإِنْ أَمَّ
تْكَ يَوْماً فَالمَشْيُ وَثْبٌ وَجَمْزُ
28. And if the sea roils against me, bursting forth,
Then sitting back from its clamor is inability.
٢٨. وَإِذا الْبَحْرُ عَنَّ لِي وَهْوَ طامٍ
فَقُعُودِي مَعَ الصَّدى عَنْهُ عَجْزُ
29. Your brilliant days are adornments for the days,
Like jewelry that beautifies and stitches.
٢٩. لَيْسَ أَيّامُكَ الْمُنِيرَةُ لِلأَيّ
امِ إِلاّ حُلىً تَزِينُ وَطَرْزُ
30. You are higher than all the ancestries people attribute
To themselves out of pride.
٣٠. أَنْتَ أَعْلى مِنْ كُلِّ ما ينْسِبُ النّا
سِبُ مِنْ سُؤْدُدٍ وَيَعْزُو