
None can match your generosity,

ما على فضلك ذا من مفضل

1. None can match your generosity,
O Abu Al-Yumn, Sa'eed bin Ali.

١. ما عَلَى فَضْلِكَ ذا مِنْ مُفْضِلِ
يا أَبا اليُمْنِ سَعِيدَ بْنَ عَلِي

2. He who is like you in munificence,
Is the epitome when giving is exemplified.

٢. مَنْ يَكُنِ مِثْلَكَ فِي الْجُودِ يَكُنْ
غايَةَ الضّارِبِ عِنْدَ الْمَثَلِ

3. You are the full moon of prosperity, when
Good fortune is mentioned, and the sun of glory.

٣. أَنْتَ بَدْرُ التِّمِّ فِي السَّعْدِ إِذا
ذُكِرَ السَّعْدُ وَشَمْسُ الْحَمَلِ

4. You have always been, since you were titled,
Protected, lofty and sublime.

٤. مِثْلَ ما كُنِّيتَ أَوْ سُمِّيتَ لا
زِلْتَ محْرُوسَ الْعُلى والأَجَلِ

5. So live on and be well, lengthen your life,
Ascend and pride yourself, promise and conquer, seek high status.

٥. فابْقَ وَاسْلَمْ واسْمُ وَاسْعَدْ أَبَداً
واعْلُ وافْخَرْ واعْدُ وَاقهَر وَطُلِ

6. No rain has told me of your righteousness,
Or described to me the pleasure of your friendship.

٦. ما هَمى غَيْثٌ حَكى بِرَّكَ بِي
وَصَفا عَيْشُ حَكى وُدِّكَ لِي