1. Indeed, thusly should praise and reward be gained,
And the beauty of mention embraced by those who seek mention.
١. أَلا هكَذا فَلْيُحْرِزِ الْحَمْدَ وَالأَجْرا
وَيَحْوِ جَميلَ الذِّكْرِ مَنْ طَلَبَ الذِّكْرا
2. Indeed, God has honored the son of time darkened by night,
And ennobled, O crown of kings, through you the age.
٢. لَقَدْ كَرَّمَ اللهُ ابْنَ دَهْرٍ تَسُودُهُ
وَشَرَّفَ يا تاجَ الْمُلُوكِ بِكَ الدَّهْرا
3. And He has favoured this time and its people,
With the most wondrous - time cannot disobey any command of his.
٣. وَمَنَّ عَلَى هذا الزَّمانِ وَأَهْلِهِ
بِأَرْوَعَ لا يَعْصِي الزَّمانُ لَهُ أَمْرا
4. Sword of the Commander of the Faithful, and for anyone who has
A sword for him, let it kill fear and poverty.
٤. حُسامُ أَمِيرِ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ وَمَنْ تَكنْ
حُساماً لَهُ فَلْيَقْتُلِ الْخَوْفَ وَالْفَقْرا
5. We have shaken you gently and drawn you sharply -
So you severed heads and penetrated coats of mail.
٥. هَزَزْناكَ لَدْناً وانْتَضَيْناكَ صارِماً
فَطُلْتَ الْقَنا صُمَّاً وَغُلْتَ الظُّبى بُتْرا
6. A sword whose blade we see clemency and blessing,
And in its edge, triumph and victory.
٦. حُساماً نَرى ِي صَفْحِهِ الصَّفْحَ وَالنَّدى
وَفِي حَدِّهِ الْجَدَّ الْمُظَفَّرَ والنَّصْرا
7. And in its proximity, nearness; and in its attainment, loftiness;
And in its dominion, eternity; and in its shade, ease.
٧. وَفِي قُرْبِهِ الزُّلْفى وَفِي نَيْلِهِ الْعُلى
وَفِي حُكْمِهِ الْبُقْيا وَفِي ظِلِّهِ الْيُسْرا
8. A young man who sees nothing but praise as booty,
And earns nothing but eulogy as provision for him.
٨. فَتىً لا يَرى إِلاّ الْمَحامِدَ مَغْنَماً
وَلا يَقْتَنِي إِلاّ الثَّناءَ لَهُ ذُخْرا
9. And a bridle-cloth of finely woven linen, a headstall, straps,
A silk saddlecloth, white, and a crimson housing.
٩. وَمُقْرَبَةً جُرْداً وَزُغْفاً سَوابِغاً
وَهِنْدِيَّةً بِيضاً وَخَطِّيَّةً سُمْرا
10. When he fought fiercely he severed white and brown,
And when he was generous with benevolence, he stinted flowing blood.
١٠. إِذا صالَ بَأْساً قَطَّعَ الْبِيضَ وَالْقَنا
وَإِنْ فاضَ جُوداً بخَّلَ الدَّيَمَ الْغُزْرا
11. By your life, if your fingers extend in generosity,
Indeed your features have extended the wine.
١١. لَعَمْرِ لَئِنْ أَعْدَتْ أَنامِلُكَ الْحَيا
سَماحاً لَقَدْ أَعْدَتْ شَمائِلُكَ الْخَمْرا
12. However much you have granted respite from your noble character
And gained it thereby your sweet scattering of scent.
١٢. وَكائِنْ مَنَحْتَ الرّاحَ مِنْ خُلْقِكَ الصَّفا
وَأَكْسَبْتَها مِنْ نَشْرِكَ الطَّيِّبِ النَّشْرا
13. And imbued it thereby from the edge of your might an enclosure,
And taught it thereby from your redolence intoxication.
١٣. وَأَوْدَعْتَها مِنْ حَدِّ بَأْسِكَ سَورَةً
وَعَلَّمْتَها مِنْ أَرْيَحِيَّتِكَ السُّكْرا
14. As though planets swallow the moon whenever
You clink it in the goblet, virginal though aged.
١٤. كَأَنَّ الثُّرَيّا تَلْثِمُ الْبَدْرَ كُلَّما
تَمَطَّقْتَها فِي الْكَأْسِ عانِسَةً بِكْرا
15. O father of stars, the first flowers - if the sky
Were adorned with them, it would not heed the stars' blossoms.
١٥. أَبا الأَْنجُمِ الزُّهْر الأُولى لَوْ تَحَلَّتِ السَّ
ماءُ بِهِمْ لَمْ تَحْفِلِ الأَنْجُمَ الزُّهْرا
16. Whenever one of them is revealed by an imagination,
You see in its clusters the starry host shooting.
١٦. إِذا واحدٌ مِنْهُمْ جَلَتْهُ مَخِيلَةٌ
تَبَيَّنْتَ فِي أَعْطافِهِ الْعَسْكَرَ الْمَجْرا
17. And how many absent lions were once young cubs,
And enemies of springs have now become fresh branches!
١٧. وَكَمْ لَيْثِ غابٍ كانَ شِبلاً مُرَيَّناً
وَعادِيِّ نَبْعِ قَدْ غَدا غُصُناً نَضْرا
18. I hoped for you an ocean, outstripping the ocean in attainment,
And visited you, a moon, too majestic to resemble the moon.
١٨. رَجَوْتُكَ بَحْراً يُخْجِلُ الْبَحْرَ نائِلاً
وَزُرْتُكَ بَدْراً جَلَّ أَنْ يُشْبِهَ الْبَدْرا
19. The angels sought my praise, but I protected it
For the most generous of them in reward, and noblest in worth.
١٩. وَقَدْ خَطَبَ الأَمْلاكُ مَدْحِي فَصُنْتُهُ
لأكْرَمِهِمْ نَجْراً وَأَشْرَفهِمْ قَدْرا
20. It was not for me to refuse to deliver my brides to you
When you have made their bride-price beyond the others.
٢٠. وَما كانَ لِي أَنْ لا أَزُفَّ عَرائِسِي
إِلَيْكَ وَقَدْ أَغْلَيْتَها دُونَهُمْ مَهْرا
21. I have made for them from your splendid eulogy adornments;
From your bounty, bliss; and from your shade, cover.
٢١. جَعَلْتُ لَها مِنْ مَدْحِكَ الْفاخِرِ الْحُلى
وَمِنْ جُودِكَ النُّعْمى وَمِنْ ظِلِّكَ الْخِدْرا
22. And if a life is long, wonders will not diminish
That time finds hard to make its nights outlast in life.
٢٢. وَإِنْ طالَ عُمْرٌ لَمْ تُقَصِّرْ غَرائِبٌ
يَعُزُّ اللَّيالِي أَنْ تُطاوِلَها عُمْرا
23. The marvels - when Baghdad became enamoured of it,
Egypt swooned for it before and Syria languished.
٢٣. بَدائِعُ إِنْ بَغْدادُ هامَتْ بِحُبِّها
فَفَدْ تَيَّمَتْ مِنْ قَبْلِها وَشَجَتْ مِصْرا
24. By God, I do not neglect gratitude and deem it
Due to your praise, O worthy of gratitude.
٢٤. وَوَاللهِ لا أَغْبَبْتُ شُكْراً وَسَمْتُهُ
بِمَدْحِكَ ذا ما اسْتَوجَبَ الْمُحْسِنُ الشُّكْرا
25. So the neck of glory dons thereby
Necklaces of pearl disdaining thereby pearls.
٢٥. لِيَلْبَسَ جِيدُ الْمَجْدَ مِنْ حَلْيِ مَنْطِقِي
قَلائِدَ دُرٍّ تَزْدَرِي عِنْدَهُ الدُّرّا
26. Whenever I say in the crown of kingship a poem,
Of poetry, they say you have eulogized poetry thereby.
٢٦. إِذا قُلْتُ فِي تاجِ الْمُلُكِ قَصِيدَةً
مِنَ الشِّعْرِ قالُوا قَدْ مَدَحْتَ بِهِ الشِّعْرا