
No sun has risen from the west

ما طلعت شمس من المغرب

1. No sun has risen from the west
Before you, on any horizon or procession.

١. ما طَلَعَتْ شَمْسٌ مِنَ الْمَغْرِبِ
قَبْلَكَ فِي أُفْقٍ وَلا مَوْكِبِ

2. Nor has any man of ambition aimed
Until he reached the pinnacle of the stars.

٢. وَلا سَمَتْ هِمَّةُ ذِي هِمَّةٍ
حَتّى اسْتَوَتْ فِي ذِرْوَةِ الْكَوْكَبِ

3. He who was mighty has been humbled, and you attained
What you sought to grasp of your noble goal.

٣. هانَ الَّذِي عَزَّ وَنِلْتَ الَّذِي
حاوَلْتَهُ مِنْ دَرَكِ الْمَطْلَبِ

4. So be joyous and receive the good news of glory,
Whenever its rein you choose to mount.

٤. فاسْعَدْ وَبُشْراكَ بِها عِزَّةً
مَتى تَرُمْ صَهْوَتَها تَرْكَبِ

5. Filled with honor, sublimely high,
Congratulations on the nearer conquest.

٥. مُمَلأً بِالْعِزِّ سامِي الْعُلى
مُهَنَّأً بِالظَّفَرِ الأَقْرَبِ

6. No pride is the pride of kingship but that
I have bound myself in good conduct and office.

٦. ما الْفَخْرُ فَخْرَ الْمُلْكِ إِلاّ الَّذِي
شِدْتُ بِطِيبِ الْفِعْلِ وَالْمَنْصِبِ

7. Today I have attained my wish, prevailing,
And none but the lion is the most prevailing.

٧. فاليوم أدركت المنى غالباً
وليس غير الليث بالأغلب

8. So all victory is the victory of your sword,
Your firmness, or your keenest judgment.

٨. فَالنَّصْرُ كُلُّ النَّصْرِ فِي سَيْفِكَ الْ
باتِكِ أَوْ فِي عَزْمِكَ الْمِقْضَبِ

9. In your proudest determination, your noblest ambition,
Or your soundest thought.

٩. فِي عِزِّكَ الأَقْعَسِ أَوْ هَمِّكَ الْ
أَشْرَفِ أَوْ فِي رَأْيكَ الأَنْجَبِ

10. O you who reveal tribulations, O you who quench
From the fresh spout of the sublime lips.

١٠. يا كاشِفاً لِلخَطْبِ يا راشِفاً
لِلْعَذْبِ مِنْ ثَغْرِ الْعُلى الأَشْنَبِ