
You interceded for the best of creation among my children

وسطت خير الورى في مدى أولادى

1. You interceded for the best of creation among my children
And after the Messenger of Allah, there is no other guide

١. وسطت خير الورى في مدى أولادى
وليس بعد رسول الله من هاد

2. O Mustafa, after Allah you are their refuge
So grant them support with the best assistance

٢. يا مصطفى أنت بعد الله ملجؤهم
فامنحهم مددا من خير أمداد

3. None but you, Messenger of Allah, watch over them
As they are the progeny of your grandson

٣. حاشا سواك رسول الله يلحظهم
وهم لسبطك من أفراد أحفاد

4. And all lead back to Fatima al-Zahra
No doubt the branch ascends with forefathers

٤. والكل ينمى إلى الزهراء فاطمة
والفرع لاشك قد يعلو بأجداد

5. Benevolence and goodness are gathered in your right side
And your sea is sweetly hoped for its visitors

٥. الجود والخير في يمناك مجتمعٌ
وعذب بحرك مرجو لوراد

6. So look after them and facilitate their good purpose
And confer upon them guidance and direction

٦. فانظر إليهم ونجح حسن مقصدهم
وامنن عليهم بتسديد وإرشاد

7. If the days of time do not assist them
Then a glance from you will water the thirsty

٧. إن لم تساعدهم الأيام من زمن
فنظرة منك تروى غلّة الصادى

8. My Lord, I have no one but the Chosen as intercessor
I hope in him for me and them to attain bliss

٨. يا ربّ مالى سوى المختار وساطة
أرجوه لي ولهم في نيل إسعاد

9. So relieve, my God, my chest because of them without delay
And make my life with them days of celebration

٩. فاشرح إلهى بهم صدرى بلا مهل
واجعل حياتي بهم أيام أعياد

10. And grant them honor and give them success
In what is near, and do not judge with separation

١٠. وارزقهم العز وامنحهم إجازتهم
عما قريب ولا تحكم بإبعاد

11. And return the absent ones with triumph and utmost rank
For remoteness has made me hate sleep and food

١١. ورد بالفوز والعلياء غائبهم
فالبعد زهدني في النوم والزاد

12. If it were not for my hope that Allah protects him
I would have cut my liver with the hands of yearning

١٢. لولا رجائي بأن الله يحفظه
لقطّعت بيد الأشواق أكبادي

13. My Master, My Master, let no one gloat over us
And return in their throats the cunning of enviers

١٣. مولاي مولاي لا تشمت بنا أحدا
ورد في النحر منهم كيد حساد

14. Show kindness, pardoning, wellbeing
And elevate my status and worth among my peers

١٤. وجد بعفو وإحسان وعافية
وارفع مقامي وقدري بين أندادي

15. By the right of the best of creation, the guiding leader and his family
The arcs of salvation for the frightened and seeker

١٥. بجاه خير الورى الهادي وعترته
سفن النجاة لمرتاع ومرتاد