
On the cheek's page the gray hair's line is its warning

في صفحة الخد خط الشيب إنذاره

1. On the cheek's page the gray hair's line is its warning,
And the garment of my body, weakness has untied its buttons.

١. في صفحة الخد خط الشيب إنذاره
وثوب جسمى حل الضعف أزراره

2. And the armies of determination have become submissive,
After graying, and they were before its pulling.

٢. وقد تولت جيوش العزم خاضعة
بعد المشيب وكانت قبل جرّاره

3. And I have not been on guard from the world and its ornaments,
Although it is with the smile of the mouth that allures.

٣. وما ارعويت عن الدنيا وزخرفها
مع أنها بابتسام الثغر غرّاره

4. And it is like a mirage you see in its affection,
And it is enough that it is a traitor in betrayal.

٤. وكالسراب تراها في موّدتها
وحسبها أنها بالختل غداره

5. So how my eyes have winked many times at the tempting one,
Until I carried from negligence its burdens.

٥. فكم لعيني بعين الغي قد غمزت
حتى احتملت من التفريط أوزاره

6. And the self flew with passions lost,
As if temptation is its air and it is its bird.

٦. وطارت النفس بالأهواء هائمة
كأنما الغيّ جو وهي طياره

7. And I do not acquit myself from its temptations,
For my self commands to evil.

٧. وما أبرّىء نفسي من غوايتها
فإن نفسي بفعل السوء أماره

8. O self repent, for the best righteousness is to hasten it,
And enough, from abundant pardon its rains have poured.

٨. يا نفس توبى فخير البر عاجله
واستو كفى من غزير العفو أمطاره

9. And cleanse the heart from tempting and from other than,
Purify it with the tears of repentance its filths.

٩. ونظفي القلب من غي ومن غير
ظطهري بدموع التوب أقذاره

10. And extract from the heart what used to busy it,
Then wash it with the hand of sincerity its odors.

١٠. واستخصلى القلب مما كان يشغله
ثم اغسلى بيد الإخلاص أوضاره

11. And present the good preceded by an excuse,
For God accepts from its hopeful one excuses.

١١. وقدمي الخير مشفوعا بمعذرة
فالله يقبل من راجيه أعذار

12. And I am shy from my sins when I remember them,
From it the tears flow like the clouds pouring.

١٢. واخجلتي من ذنوبي حين أذكرها
منها الدموع كسح السحب مدراره

13. How can I face the honorable scribes writing them,
For they are like the night's stars scattering.

١٣. أنى لأيدي الكرام الكاتبين بها
لأنها كنجوم الليل دراره

14. And time has passed in vanity and in play,
And the whiteness of hair has faded its flowers.

١٤. وقد مضى العمر في لهو وفي لعب
وغض منه بياض الشعر أزهاره

15. And I have not drawn near to the last with righteousness,
Nor have I comprehended the Day of Resurrection its extent.

١٥. وما ازدلفت إلى الأخرى بصالحة
ولا عرفت ليوم الحشر مقداره

16. And I have not found a friend who went guiding me,
Other than graying, and I have denied its harm.

١٦. ولا وجدت خليلا راح يرشدني
غير المشيب وقد أنكرت إبداره

17. And knowledge is of no benefit without action,
No matter how much I read or memorized its pages.

١٧. وليس للعلم من نفع بلاعمل
مهما قرأت أو استظهرت أسفاره

18. Knowledge without action is a garden without fruit,
The garden does not benefit if it does not yield its fruits.

١٨. علم بلا عمل روض بلا ثمر
لا ينفع الروض إن لم تجن أثماره

19. But my certainty, my certainty is every tightness,
With victory and success if the enemies attack.

١٩. لكن يقيني يقيني كل ضائقة
بالنصر والفوز إن شن العدا غاره

20. And how can that not be when the Messenger of God is my protector,
The best of Prophets whom I witnessed his lights.

٢٠. وكيف لا ورسول الله معتصمى
خير النبيين من شاهدت أنواره

21. The secret of existence, the light of the universe from eternity,
A sound heart cannot deny it.

٢١. سر الوجود نور الكون من أزل
لا يستطيع سليم القلب إنكاره

22. He gave life to the hearts while they were before dead,
For in him the Merciful has deposited his secrets.

٢٢. أحيا القلوب وكانت قبل ميتة
إذ فيه قد أودع الرحمن أسراره

23. And they called him the Trustworthy before his mission,
For what they inferred by good manners his conditions.

٢٣. وقد دعوه أمينا قبل مبعثه
لما استشفوا بحسن الخلق أطواره

24. And they arbitrated him, so he pleased them by his wisdom,
And they admired from the Trustworthy of God his thoughts.

٢٤. وحكموه فأرضاهم بحكمته
واستحسنوا من أمين الله أفكاره

25. A spirit supported by the Spirit from youth,
The full moon only appears around it its orbit.

٢٥. روح مؤيدّة بالروح من صغر
لا يظهر البدر إلا حوله داره

26. The most chaste of creations and purest of them,
And God has ennobled him with revelation and chose him.

٢٦. أزكى الخلائق أعرافا وأطهرم
والله شرفة بالوحى واختاره

27. So he purified the universe from filth and from impurity,
And tied in front of him polytheism its burdens.

٢٧. فطهر الكون من رجس ومن دنس
وشد بين يديه الشرك أكواره

28. And rescued everyone from misguidance and from blindness,
And relieved this universe’s back its saddlebags.

٢٨. وأنقذ الكل من غي ومن عمه
وحط عن ظهر هذا الكون آصاره

29. And every religion with the religion of Al Mustafa is abrogated,
Its verses and the guidance became its scholars.

٢٩. وكل دين بدين المصطفى نسخت
آياته واستحال الرشد أحباره

30. So some submitted after hatred convinced,
And none tightened after it his belt.

٣٠. فأسلم البعض بعد البغض معترفا
ولم يشد بخصر بعد زناره

31. While some bit on blasphemy their molars,
And did not abandon equipment ever insistency.

٣١. والبعض عضت على كفر نواجذه
ولم يفارق عتادا قط إصراره

32. So he was struck with disgrace in the world and last,
And in him the Chosen put his strategy to work.

٣٢. فباء بالخزى في الدنيا وآخرة
وفيه قد أعمل المختار بتاره

33. And cleansed the house from impurity and from idol,
And uprooted polytheism until his lute’s strings are cut.

٣٣. ونظّف البيت من جبت ومن صنم
واسأصل الشرك حتى بت أوتاره

34. This is the Prophet for him the pebbles have spoken,
And the palm trees lowered for the best of creations their fruits.

٣٤. هذا النبي له الأحجار قد نطقت
والنخل أدنى لخير الخلق أثماره

35. And the trunk inclined for him and the young camel as its mother,
And the ewe flowed and it was not by its habit a milker.

٣٥. والجذع حن له والضب كأمه
والشاة درت وما كانت بدراره

36. And the cloud shaded him from the heat of Hijrah,
As the branches tilted towards him the trees.

٣٦. والغيم ظلله من حر هاجرة
كما أمال إليه الدوح أشجاره

37. And the spider with Al Warqa have weaved,
In the cave, a home and nest protecting his cave.

٣٧. والعنكبوت مع الورقاء قد نسجا
بالغار بيتا وعشا حصنا غاره

38. The overburdened camel complained to him of fatigue,
And of toil, so he relieved its harms.

٣٨. له شكا الجمل المنهوك من سغب
ومن عناء فعنه كف أضراره

39. And how many by him became honored who were bitten by adversity,
So God replaced by ease his difficulty.

٣٩. وكم به اعتز من عضته متربة
فبدل الله بالإعسار إياره

40. So look at Anas facing his service,
You find him gaining by good companionship his ranks.

٤٠. فانظر إلى أنس تلقاء خدمته
تجده نال بحسن الح أوطاره

41. By him ascended the peak of glory his nation,
And they became after supporting the truth its supporters.

٤١. به ارتقت ذروة العلياء أمته
فاصبحوا بعد يغض الحق أنصاره

42. Until it became widespread in the universe a gift ,
And its achievements, honor and lands have embraced.

٤٢. حتى غدا هدية في الكون منتشرا
وعم أنجاده عزا وأغواره

43. We became by him in the wilderness a moderate nation,
Like the seven orbiting planets in the orbits revolving.

٤٣. صرنا به في البرايا أمة وسطا
كالسبعة الشهب في الأفلاك سياره

44. And God supported his call with the Quran,
And God fortified its walls by the inimitability.

٤٤. وأيد الله بالقرآن دعوته
وحصن الله بالإعجاز أسواره

45. So it rendered them speechless and made them astonished by its eloquence,
Who can resist its inimitability a tide?!

٤٥. فأعجزتهم وهالتهم بلاغته
من ذا يقاوم في الإعجاز أسواره

46. A fresh Euphrates, pleasant in taste its drink,
That heals the heart and the self refuses to push it away.

٤٦. فأعجزتهم وهالتهم بلاغته
من ذا يقاوم في الإعجاز تياره

47. An ancient mention and its whole meaning is wisdom,
The mind cannot grasp it no matter what are its secrets.

٤٧. عذب فرات لذيذ الطعم مورده
يشفى الفؤاد ةوتأبى النفس إصداره

48. To the Prophet the universe’s delegations have flocked,
Until they proved truthful their purpose by their news.

٤٨. ذكر قديم ومعنى كله حكم
لا يدرك العقل مهما كان أسراره

49. This Prophet who was its shining with perfection,
And the signs of guidance were its features.

٤٩. إلى النبي وفود الكون قد هرعت
حتى استبانوا بصدق القصد أخباره

50. So what bliss is for who saw him with the eye!
In this house or visiting higher than it his house.

٥٠. هذا النبي الذي كانت بشاشته
على الكمال وآيات الهدى شاره

51. When will I smell the aromatic scent of his aromatic,
And delight the heart to what I aspire visiting his place?

٥١. فيا سعادة من بالعين شاهده
في هذه الدار أوفى داره زاره

52. And kiss the sand from the thresholds of his garden,
Borrowing with the beauty of kindness its sights.

٥٢. متى أشم الشذا ن طيب طيبته
وأمتع القلب لما أجتلى داره

53. I do not lie, my longing to his aromatic,
I cannot for days hide it.

٥٣. وألثم الترب من أعتاب روضته
مستلفتا بجميل العطف أنظاره

54. And how can I not when the Messenger of God has ennobled it,
For in protecting it God illuminated its moons.

٥٤. لا أكذب الله شوقى نحو طيبته
لا أستطيع مدى الأيام إضماره

55. So I sought its heights every elevated,
And every advance whose racecourse I crossed in it.

٥٥. وكيف لا ورسول الله شرّفها
في حماها أضاء الله أقماره

56. And it bloomed with the Messenger of God its ultimate,
So every drop to it has extended its lands.

٥٦. فطاولت في علاها كل مرتفع
وكل سبق تخطت فيه مضماره

57. Its springs have flowed pure in the universe ,
Until it supplied with plenty of virtue its rivers.

٥٧. وأخرزت برسول الله غايتها
فكل قطر إليها مدّ أقطاره

58. And its spring is the Abundance Fountain its source ,
Deep blue, gushing with water overflowing.

٥٨. جرت ينابيعها في الكون صافية
حتى أمدّت بفيض الفضل أنهاره

59. That cures fatal diseases, its soil,
And its land from the scent of the Chosen perfumed.

٥٩. وعينها كوثر الفردوس منبعها
زرقاء نضاخة بالماء فواره

60. You imagined it at first of matters barren,
But it were with crops flourishing ruins.

٦٠. تربانها العضال الداء شافية
وأرضها من شذا المختار معطاره

61. This Prophet, God has granted him his influence ,
As He also granted his companions might and supporters.

٦١. تخالها في ابتداء الأمر يابسة
لكنها بازدهرا الزرع خواره

62. And household and wives were by him ennobled,
And God let him enjoy the virtuous his in-laws.

٦٢. هذا النبي حباه الله منعته
كما حبا صحبه عزا وأنصاره

63. O best one whose banner was raised by victory,
And whom for him the Merciful completed his lights!

٦٣. وآل بيت وأزواج به شرفوا
ومتّع الله بالعلياء أصهاره

64. To you with glory my hopes I present,
Maybe with my eyes I see it, not with spectacles.

٦٤. يا خير من رفعت بالنصر رايته
ومن أتم له الرحمن أنواره

65. Pour with praising you busy never relenting,
For plenty from you beautiful praise its poetry.

٦٥. إليك بالعز آمالي أقدمها
عسى بعيني أراها لا بنظاره

66. Who do I have beside you and my heart has professed with what
It reached? So accept with pure favor professing.

٦٦. صب بمدحك لا ينفك مشتغلا
فزان منك جميل المدح أشعاره

67. And look at me, for sufficient for me is to have
A connection with your Pure Household, no pretentiousness and no shame.

٦٧. من لي سواك وقلبي قد أقر بما
بلغت فاقبل بمحض الفضل إقراره

68. So time is my servant whenever you glance at me,
And I steal with your affection the free.

٦٨. وانظر إليّ فحسبي أن لي صلة
بآلك الطهر لا دعوى ولا عاره

69. And I do not fear my time in its alternation,
Nor do I fear in good thoughts poverty.

٦٩. فالدهر عبدي إذا مادمت تلحظني
وأسترق بعطف منك أحراره

70. For you are supreme in glory and status,
And who to you pledged allegiance, his regards are raised.

٧٠. ولست أخشى زماني في تقلبه
ولا أخاف بحسن الظن إعساره

71. O Lord send your prayers on the Chosen One from Mudar,
And make my station with the Gardens of Refuge his neighbor!

٧١. فأنت أعلى الورى جاها ومنزلة
ومن إليك انتمى أعليت أقداره

72. And the Household and the Companions whenever I recited them opening,
On the cheek's page the gray hair's line is its warning.

٧٢. يا رب صل على المختار من مضر
واجعل مقامى بجنات العلا جاره

٧٣. والآل والصحب ما أنشدت مفتتحا
في صفحة الخد خط الشيب إنذاره