
The Prophet's light shone upon the worlds

نور النبي على العوالم أسفرا

1. The Prophet's light shone upon the worlds
Revealing the ways of guidance and making them apparent

١. نور النبي على العوالم أسفرا
فأبان أسباب الرشاد وأظهرا

2. With his noble and auspicious appearance
The light of prosperity and sovereignty dawned radiantly

٢. وبحسن طلعته الشريفة قد بدا
نور السعادة والسيادة مقمرا

3. The law of Islam, its recitation is pleasant
And disbelief, its army became defeated

٣. وشريعة الإسلام راق رواوّها
والكفر اصبح جيشه متقهقرا

4. When the best of mankind came with his religion
And false beliefs woven by the misguided unraveled

٤. لما أتى خير الأنام بدينه
وانحل ما عقد الغواة من الفرى

5. Together they became enthralled by the Prophet and his religion
And disbelief after awareness became denounced

٥. هاموا جميعا بالنبي ودينه
والكفر بعد العرف صار منكرا

6. They rejoiced at the Chosen One and his light
And all exclaimed: Hallelujah and Allahu Akbar

٦. واستبشروا بالمصطفى وبنوره
والكل صاح مهللا ومكبرا

7. And security after fear became widespread
Its ropes extending between encampments and villages

٧. والأمن بعد الخوف أصبح ضاربا
أطنابه بين المهامه والقرى

8. And prosperity has encompassed the people, so the land's face
Has become blessed, verdant and fresh

٨. والخصب قد عم الأنام فوجه
قد كان ميمون النقيبة أنضرا

9. How many miracles appeared at his birth and how many
Idols of mankind fell prostrate to the chins

٩. كم ىية ظهرت لمولده وكم
خرت إلى الأذقان أصنام الورى

10. Kisra's palace was shaken with tremors
After stability turning it shattered

١٠. وارتج إيوان لكسرى رجّة
جعلته من بعد الثبات مكسرا

11. Their fires were extinguished and their flames vanished
Becoming dispersed dust in fate's judgment

١١. نيرانهم خمدت وزال لهيبها
وغدت هباء في القضاء مبعثرا

12. The kings of earth became fearful of his might
And Kisra dreaded what he saw, as did Caesar

١٢. وغدت ملوك الأرض تخشى بأسهُ
وأخاف كسرى ما رآه وقيصرا

13. The monks were frightened the day of his birth
As their glory after advancement retreated

١٣. وتخوف الرهبان يوم ولاده
إذ عزهم بعد التقدم أدبرا

14. To God belongs the night in which appeared
One who had remained concealed within the cosmos

١٤. لله ليلة مولد فيها بدا
من كان في نفس العوالم مضمرا

15. So the universe did not resist bowing to him happily
And became fragrant with perfume

١٥. فالكون ما ست بالهنا أعطافه
فرحا وأصبح بالعبير معطرا

16. This chosen Prophet from a line
Who made the horizon of glory radiant moons

١٦. هذا النبي المصطفى من معشر
كانوا الأفق المجد بدرا نيرا

17. They surpassed all people so every individual beneath them
Though he reached the highest rank, has deficient virtues

١٧. سادوا الأنام فكل فرد دونهم
في المكرمات ولو رقى أعلى الذرا

18. Glory to Him who took him on a night journey to
A sanctified region in Damascus' land

١٨. سبحان من أسرى به ليلا إلى
حرم بأرض الشام ظل مطهرا

19. He prayed with all the prophets in congregation
As the Greatest led those sent

١٩. صلى بكل الأنبياء جماعة
إن الوفود يقدمون الأكبرا

20. Then he ascended to the heavenly realm's station
Where he saw abundant and everlasting glory

٢٠. ثم ارتقى نحو السماء لمستوى
فيه رأى المجد الأثيل موفرا

21. So his Master granted him the greatest blessing
And extended generosity to him with all sustenance

٢١. فحباه مولاه بأكبر نعمة
وأمده كرما بأنواع القرى

22. And saw His Beauty and Majesty
While no one else was answered when asked: Do you see?

٢٢. ورأى الإله جماله وجلاله
أما سواه فقد أجيب بلن ترى

23. Upon him prayer was made obligatory and after that
He returned to his bedding as if he never journeyed

٢٣. وعليه قد فرض الصلاة وبعد ذا
آوى الفراش كأنه ما قد سرى

24. This was the greatest sign for the Best of Mankind
It was his greatest and clearest miracle

٢٤. قد كان هذا السر أكبر آية
كانت لخير الخلق أكبر مظهرا

25. How many miracles silenced his enemies!
But to count and enumerate them is impossible

٢٥. كم معجزات أفحمت أعداءه
حاشى علاها أن يعد ويحصرا

26. In the cave, spiders wove veils over him
Leaves nested and enemies were confused

٢٦. في الغار قد نسجت عليه عناكبٌ
والورق عشّش والعدوّ تحيرا

27. A cloud shaded him during his emigration
And hearts grieved when he left, saddened

٢٧. قد ظللته في الهجير سحابة
والجزع حن لبعده وتأثرا

28. The wolf was submissive, the camel complained
Of exhaustion and bodily pain, so it knelt

٢٨. والضب سلم والبعير قد اشتكى
تعبا وجوعا منهما الجسم انبرى

29. In the wilderness, a doe sought refuge through him
So he granted it refuge from what transpired

٢٩. وبه استجارت في الفلاة غزالة
فأجاره وأجارها مما جرى

30. He gestured to the trees, and they came prostrating
While the lame approached him yearning and fruitful

٣٠. وأشار للأشجار جاءت سجدا
ودنا له العرجون شوقا مثمرا

31. And water gushed pure from his palm
Quenching the hundreds, nay thousands and more

٣١. والماء فاض زلاله من كفه
فسقى المئين بل الألوف فأكثرا

32. The full moon split in the sky, astonishing
People in East and West with its dazzling light

٣٢. وانشق بدر في السماء وقدرا
الناس في شرق وغرب نيرا

33. His greatest miracle is the Quran, which
Remained unchanged through ages, never altering

٣٣. وأجلّ معجزة هي القرآن إذ
بقيت مدى الأزمان لن تتغيرا

34. They fell to their chins, prostrating humbly
When they saw it, amazed and baffled

٣٤. خرّوا إلى الأذقان طرا سجدا
لما رأوه معجزا ومحيرا

35. This Prophet, pride is his, his religion
Came confirming the virtues and morals

٣٥. هذا النبي له الفخار فدينه
لمكارم الأخلاق جاء مقررا

36. Abrogating previous laws, so they entirely
Succumbed to the law of Islam, demolished

٣٦. نسخ الشرائع قبله فجميعها
بشريعة الإسلام صار مدهورا

37. O Master of the honored Messengers and best of those who
Rode Al-Buraq and best who tread upon the earth

٣٧. يا سيد الرسل الكرام وخير من
ركب البراق وخير من وطىء الثرى

38. Bless us with your intercession tomorrow
And grant us enduring honor and prominence

٣٨. امنن علينا بالشفاعة في غد
واجعل لنا عزّا يدوم ومظهرا

39. O Lord, let us delight in seeing his light
And be kind to us in all matters ordained

٣٩. يا ربّ ممتنا برؤية نوره
والطف بنا في كل أمر قدّرا

40. And make the end for all Muslims altogether
Musk, diffusing its fragrance and ambergris

٤٠. واجعل ختام المسلمين جميعهم
مسكا يفوح شذا شذاه وعنبرا

41. And continue your prayers and peace upon the one
Who concluded the Message, warning and giving glad tidings

٤١. وأدم صلاتك والسلام على الذي
ختم الرسالة منذرا ومبشرا