1. I spread my excuses before the best of creation,
So my burdens fell from me in the presence of Al-Mustafa.
١. بسطت بين يدى خير الورى عذري
فانحط عنى أمام المصطفى وزري
2. He stretched out his right hand and his left, and shook my hand,
So I gained blessing from his kindness and generosity.
٢. ومد يمناه واليسرى وصافحني
ففزت من عطفه باليمن واليسر
3. Meeting the Guide in his mosque,
Was for me greater in worth than Laylat Al-Qadr.
٣. كانت مواجهة الهادى بمسجده
تفوق في القدر عندى ليلة القدر
4. For what night is greater than Laylat Al-Qadr
Except that the Chosen One is more noble than the Throne and the ground, by the text of the verse and the mention.
٤. ما ليلة القدر والمختار أشرف من
عرش وفرش بنص الآي والذكر
5. I stood, by Allah, anxious and trembling
On the day of visiting, because of my sins and burdens.
٥. وقفت والله مرتاعا ومرتعدا
يوم الزيارة من إثمى ومن إصري
6. No, by your Lord, I did not make an excuse
Except that I gained solace of heart and chest.
٦. فلا وربك ما قدمت معذرة
إلا وفزت بشرح القلب والصدر
7. My eye was delighted by what it saw and witnessed,
When the breeze of grace exceeded the fragrance of perfume.
٧. وقرّت العين مما شاهدت ورأت
إذ نفحة الفضل فاقت نفحة العطر
8. How could it not, when the Messenger of Allah held
Salvation and salvation from distress and poverty.
٨. وكيف لا ورسول الله في يده
غيث وغوث من الإملاق والفقر
9. In it is attainment, in it all glory,
In it generosity, in it the banner of victory.
٩. فيها النوال وفيها العز أجمعه
فيها السماح وفيها راية النصر
10. Blessed days that their springs have become good,
So this day equals the rest of life.
١٠. أيام طيبة قد طابت مواردها
فاليوم يعدل فيها سائر العمر
11. The obligatory duties of Al-Mustafa - the virtue of prayer therein
Is like the virtue of the full moon among the shining stars.
١١. فروضه المصطفى فضل الصلاة بها
كالفضل للبدر بين الأنجم الزهر
12. A sea of virtue, but its coast is for
The slaves, for generosity, for benevolence, for purity.
١٢. بحرٌ من الفضل لكن شط ساحله
للرى للجود للإحسان للطهر
13. I purified every limb after being sated,
Until I became in brightness purer than the full moon.
١٣. طهرت بعد ارتوائي كل جارحة
حتى غدت في الضيا أنقى من البدر
14. And I stood with my pilgrim friends altogether
Hoping for intercession on the Day of Resurrection and Gathering.
١٤. وقمت مع رفقتي الزوار قاطبة
نرجو الشفاعة يوم الحشر والنشر
15. And my heart is disturbed by awe of the Chosen One,
While my eyelid flows with tears.
١٥. والقلب من خشية المختار مضطرب
والطرف ساج ولكن دمعه يجري
16. So Allah sent down from the grace of His tranquility,
Upon all, and all gained reward.
١٦. فأنزل الله من فضل سكينته
على الجميع وفاز الكل بالأجر
17. And provided everyone with His blessings and gifts,
Compared to which drops of rain are insignificant.
١٧. وزوّد الكلّ من آلائه منحا
من دونها في المزايا صيب القطر
18. And each set out in the expanse of generosity,
In worldly and religious matters, with what he gained of pride.
١٨. وراح كل ببسط الجود في سعة
دنيا ودينا بما قد نال من فخر
19. And each set out in the expanse of generosity,
In worldly and religious matters, with what he gained of pride.
١٩. وراح كل ببسط الجود في سعة
دنيا ودينا بما قد نال من فخر
20. May the God of the Throne send prayers upon him whenever
The eyes of pilgrims gazed upon the light of the brilliant star,
٢٠. صلى عليه إله العرش ما نظرت
عين الوفود لنور الكوكب الدري
21. And upon his Family, his Companions, and the Helpers altogether,
And those who work according to His prohibitions and commands.
٢١. والآل والصحب والأنصار قاطبة
والعاملين بحكم النهى والأمر